DnD Greek Lullaby Guide

Adam Yasukawa
50 min readMar 4, 2022


The Seven Shenanigans and their special abilities:

Harbeck Broadshield — Dwarven Cleric

Avatar of Thor — Once a day, at the cost of your highest available spell slot, create a surge of electric power. This surge does 1D20 (per character level) electrical damage to all targets within a 10ft radius for levels 1–5, 20ft radius for levels 6–15, 30ft radius for levels 16–20 from the attack’s point of origin (for levels in Cleric only). The attack location is anywhere within 100ft from the avatar. Then roll a d6 and if the result is 1, roll a constitution saving throw. If saved take half the rolled damage and if failed take full damage.

Bobby Underhill — Human Fighter

(Bobby’s left eye) Demonic Truth — gives the eye an amped up True Sight which cuts through magical energy to see the truth of the world.

Colin Battlehammer — Dwarven Druid

Control Redirection — When someone or something attempts to control you, gain control of them and their control network.

Mushu — Goliath Barbarian

OathbladeAn impossibly durable greatsword that can instantly attune to Mushu.

Flury of Blows: While in a rage, during an attack action, attack again at the cost of 5 HP.

Berserk Insta-Kill: Before an attack, declare if Instant Kill would come into effect. If the attack is successful the enemy’s HP goes to 0, then roll a D6 if the result is odd (Mushu is also allowed to call odd or even, and on unsuccessful calls…), your HP goes to 0.

Kin Conversion: If Mushu’s blood lands on Oathblade, it converts to Vendetta Blade and changes Mushu into a high elf for a D10 amount of minutes.

Vendetta Blade — A shortsword (1d6 Piercing) with a menacing red tinge to the blade.

Psychic Puppet: Concentration ability, create a psychic projection of Mushu within a N x 10 distance (where N is the current intelligence modifier). The projection utilizes intelligence instead of strength in attack rolls and causes double psychic damage than would be given normally.

Seize Control: Before an attack, declare if Seize Control would come into effect on targeted bloody creature. If the attack is successful, gain control of the creature. After two turns make intelligence ability checks to see if you can keep up with the mental strain. If the attack is unsuccessful, roll a D6. If the result is a 1 the creature gains control of you for 2 turns, after which you must make an intelligence saving throw to regain your senses.

Courtship Blade — A rapier (1d6 Piercing) and attunement item with a simple heart stamped onto the hilt with an inscription that no one has been able to read.

Pure Love: Made instead of any attack with this item on any “living” being, and can only be used once during an attack action (with advantage if you’ve touched the target in your lifetime). Heal the target for 2D8 + both constitution and charisma modifiers.

Perfume dance: All creatures in a 20 ft radius roll a constitution saving throw. If failed, the creatures are pacified and can not attack for 30 seconds.

Marital blade — 2D12 slashing + Charisma (on top of strength and proficiency). When Courtship blade and Oathblade Combine. Charges with successful hits on enemies. A buster sword with beautiful lattice etchings along the back edge of the blade with a fine silk ridge along the hilt. It also has one glowing charge counter along the blade.

Tribal rage: Only accessible during a rage. The sword grows. This titanic swing attack hits all who miss a dexterity saving throw within a 30 ft radius. Enemies take 3D12 + Charisma and Strength modifiers (slashing). Allies get advantage on their dexterity saving throws with the bonus of adding their charisma modifiers to the save.

Mourner’s Blade — 2D10 Slashing + Intelligence and Charisma Modifiers. When Courtship Blade and Vendetta Blade Combine. Charges with kills. A black longsword with an eerie presence with a single charge counter along the blade.

Mental Impact: Drive the sword into the ground below causing a 30 ft radius shockwave for 2D12 + Charisma and Intelligence modifiers of half thunder half psychic damage. Allies within this space are immune to the damage and are blessed+ (1d4 + Morner’s Blade user’s intelligence modifier).

Yyargita (the Clever) — Half-Orc Ranger

Halfling Pipe — Summon a ghostly apparition of a fallen halfling companion. Roll a D4 to choose which halfling to summon. The results would be between Lyle Thorngage (Fighter). Jillian Thorngage (Rouge), Rosco Goodbarrel (Cleric), or Bree Tealeaf (Sorcerer).

Kon — Tiefling Bard

Vampiric Pheromones — Guaranteed 100% success in a persuasion skill check against a target being touched, which can only be used once a day.

Valenae — Eladrin/Drow Wizard

Critical Defense — Once a day, when Valenae goes below half her HP, she can project a glyph surrounded by a magic circle out of her, consuming her highest level available spell slot. This glyph is then empowered by a random spell from that level spell slot and independently shoots at an “enemy” with the lowest HP. The glyph can move 25 feet but can not move further than 30 ft away from Valenae. It lasts as many rounds as Valenae’s spell casting modifier, casting the empowered spell at a higher level each round.

Special Items:

Necklace of Constitution: Attunement item. Makes the wear’s constitution 19.

Ring of Smite: Attunement item. Once a day, after a hit is declared, but before rolling damage decide if the attack will be a critical hit.

Misty Boots: Attunement item. The wearer can cast Misty Step at will however many times the wearer’s spell casting modifier. After that they can continue to cast Misty Step if they succeed in an arcana check but if they fail they’ll lose their attunement to the boots.

Deck of Illusions: Draw a card at random and throw anywhere 30 ft from you, the card’s illusion will appear there and will act as you command for up to 10 minutes.

Deck of Many Things: Declare how many cards you will draw at random, and for each of these cards drawn its wondrous/disastrous power will take effect, so keep them in the order drawn. Any cards drawn after this will not activate until the next time someone declares a number of cards they’ll draw.

Spirit Card Set: Draw a card at random, and roll a persuasion check to request the spirit to do whatever it is you like. Depending on how well you persuade them, they will do various things for you, up to a minute.

During your turn with a spirit activated, you can choose to give your action to the spirit for a much more powerful effect, give them your bonus action for a boosted effect, or let their passive ability happen.

Primordial Dice Bag: As an action, either randomly draw and throw/activate the die or randomly draw and ascertain the properties of the drawn die and hold its activation. If you do the latter, you can use a bonus action on this or a subsequent turn to throw/activate the die.

Leather Journal: Spend 15 minute increments (up to an hour), writing in the journal.

15 minutes — Add 2 to your next intelligence based skill check or saving throw.

30 minutes — Add 1D4 +1 to your next intelligence based skill check or saving throw.

45 minutes — Gives you advantage on your next constitution saving throw for maintaining a concentration based spell or ability.

1 hour — Gives advantage on all intelligence skill checks, saving throws, and spells/ability for 1 minute. This minute will start at the whim of the player.

Bite Stinger: Longsword, 2D10 slashing damage. Bloodrage: While in a rage can heal oneself with half the damage they dish out with this sword. But while in this rage, the wielder of Bite Stinger must attack the closest target, friend or foe.

Mysterious Journal: Book found with what appear to be dated entries so was assumed to be a journal. Language unknown as of yet.

Mysterious Workbooks: Three workbooks with intriguing diagrams and written in an unknown language.

Mysterious Texts: Five books taken from the secret library in the Opal Oasis Temple. All written in an unknown language.

Mysterious Magnifying Glass: An item that radiates magical energy but its purpose is still unknown.

Mysterious Sniffing Potions: Three potions found in the secret compartment of a chest in the Secret Library. They appear to be meant to sniff.

Mysterious Wooden Box with Metal Accents: Mysterious box found in the chest in the Secret Library in the Opal Oasis Temple. While being handled the gold swirling metal designs straightened out.

Birthday Items:

Alpaca Coin: Toss the coin and summon a Holy Phantasm Alpaca.

Movement 60

Lasts either 3 turns or 1D6 turns.

Incrementally increases healing per turn.

Targeted Healing Aura: 1st turn 1D12 + wisdom modifier

For every subsequent turn after the first, it will do the same amount of healing as the previous turn but with an additional +5.

If it gets hit while healing, it turns back into a coin and can not be used again until after a long rest.

Explosive ability: 1D20 + Wisdom Modifier, once used the coin is gone

Whaleshark Coin: Once a day/once after every long rest, choose a target. Target gets swallowed by a giant whale shark and leaves the battlefield. Choose how many rounds the target will be out of battle (up to five). The target returns to the field after that many rounds, in the spot they were swallowed, and heal for xd20, where x is the amount of rounds they were out of the battle.

Triple Critical Arrow: Inconspicuous arrows with three bands of paint near it’s point. The original of which has one gold band nearest to the point with two other red ones, whereas the copies have only 3 red ones along the shaft.

Sure hit (never misses), but still roll 3D20, if the arrow hits critically, the dice is not doubled, but tripled instead. The arrow breaks after a critical hit. Periodically the original Triple Critical Arrow will make two nearly identical arrows with the same critical ability, but without the ability to make more arrows. Quantity: 10

Automated Demon Spurs: A stone facing on Bobby’s armor, given to him from George Glass for his birthday.

A rare stone from the celestial realm, that seems to irritate infernals and their kin, giving Bobby attacks with advantage on them. If Bobby is within melee range of an infernal for 3 rounds or more, they get rashes on their skin.

Dire Wolf Coin: A gold coin with a dire wolf on one side and a dwarf on the other. Once a day, can use a specific ability at the roll of the die. Roll a D4. The user can choose the effect if they offer up 25 gold.

1: Little Tyke: Summons a puppy dire wolf that bounds around aimlessly licking targets for a few turns. Will go up to a subject and give them 1D6 amount of licks, healing the target for XY. X being the amount of licks and Y being the user’s wisdom modifier.

2: Adorable Pup: Nuzzles a chosen target within range (45 feet). Must save against the user’s wisdom spell DC, if not becomes charmed.

3: Intimidating Howl: An adolescent dire wolf appears and howls. Choose up to five targets within visual range. Targets must make Wisdom saving throws against this howl, those who don’t save must roll a D6 and subtract this from their total for attack and ability checks for up to a minute.

The dire wolf stays on the field until the spell ends. If attacked and hit, AC of 16, the spell ends and the dire wolf turns back into a coin. The User can choose to take the attack damage instead to keep the spell active.

4: Dire Wolf Companion: At the cost of your second highest available spell slot, summons a giant dire wolf as your companion on the field for up to 6 rounds. They have a psychic link with the user and follow their commands.

HP: X(D10+wisdom modifier) where X is the user’s druid level.

Attacks: +8

Bite — 2D10 +users wisdom modifier, piercing damage. If successful can grapple the opponent. If the opponent is grappled at the start of the dire wolf’s turn, another bite attack sinks further into the opponent, the attack doesn’t miss and the wolf has advantage on the damage dice.

Claw — 1D12 +users wisdom modifier slashing damage. This attack is used twice in a turn.

Pounce — 1D10 bludgeoning damage. The opponent is pinned down and prone, and must succeed a strength check of 27 to get up and away from the dire wolf.

Glimmer Coin:

You can flip it up high in the air and roll a performance check, if successful, you can mentally call the flip 100% of the time.

You can also flip the coin high in the air and use the chosen command word. Once spoken the coin will glow with an otherworldly light causing anyone that can see it to roll a wisdom saving throw or get mesmerized by the coin. The effect lasts for a minute and can only be used once a day.

The Dream World:

A liminal world meant to be in a constant state of flux to shape the dreams of those that traveled within from the multiverse of physical reality. A place that no longer serves this function as Orpheus has somehow made this ephemeral plane of existence, yet another reality. Due to this refugees or exiled peoples from other realities started flooding in, filling up a place that was already full of ancient Greek gods who used this place as a sanctuary for those slowly losing their divinity.

Gods and Goddesses:

Lachesis: One of the Moirai (or Fates) and is responsible for measuring the thread of fate. She sized up and chose the adventurers to best help with the troubles of the Dream World to which many of the gods (and some other lesser beings) have taken refuge. She mentioned that if they call her name, she will come.

Hestia (also Coxlinsa Maxlelf): Goddess of the hearth who has taken a liking to Mushu. Although she claims to be retired, she helpfully guides the adventurers, other gods, and even the Alchemist Village.

After coming to rely on Hestia residing at the Alchemist Village, she appears to be missing.

Ares: God of War who tends to be overly precious about his weapons. Once Mushu tried to touch one of his great axes in his private sanctuary and the party was banished. With Zeus missing he is presently trying to gain followers and allies to take over.

Mushu gave him a golden apple at the Gentleman Competition.

Poseidon: Proud God of the oceans who favors the generous bounty of sacrifices his followers regularly undertake. Provided a cooking service for the adventurers on his private beach. Gave a conch to summon him in exchange for a Growler of Hestia’s homebrew.

The conch was used in the fight with Orpheus’s Pride, dealing the last 2 damage, this abominable creation was destroyed. He rewarded the adventurers by providing a cooking service yet again, offering them also a chance in joining an orgy with him and his wife, always happy to give his wife even more pleasure, and offering a hand to his fellow man.

Poseidon seemed unfazed by Mushu’s vague message from Trix. He tried to keep her a secret as he’s not supposed to have other children with anyone besides his wife. Not trying to take his brother’s place, he doesn’t bother the adventurers with the gods squabbling.

Urania: One of the nine Muses, the Muse of Astronomy. Corrupted by her nephew Orpheus, she spirited away the children of the Alchemist village, to collect potential existence for Orpheus, the reason is presently unknown.

Terpsichore: One of the nine Muses, the Muse of Dance. Corrupted by her nephew, she attempted to take the remaining power of the goddess Athena and the Puzzle Heart to give more power of existence to Orpheus, the reason for which is presently unknown.

Athena: Goddess of Wisdom (and righteous war, with a few other accolades). Kidnapped by Terpsichore as she was fighting off a gang of horny satyrs, she misplaced her helmet and was susceptible to Terpsichore’s corruption. Like Ares, she thinks she would make the best successor of her father, Zeus. She uses the myth of her birth, a prophecy about her potential birth, that if she had been born a man, she would succeed Zeus. As a means to legitamize her claim, she regularly said, “sex and gender should have never been a decriptive factor in that tale.”

Hermes: Herald of the Gods (and god of many miscellaneous fields). He delivered a consumable spell to Mushu from Hestia, as reward for purifying (although others have speculated it was more of a beating) another of her nieces, the muse Terpsichore. Also possible lawyer for the nymph Deciduous, for claims of child custody and spousal and child support against Kon.

Lucky Cricket gave him a golden apple at the Gentleman Competition.

Thalia: One of the nine muses, the muse of comedy. The only muse to escape Orpheus’s corruption, she hid inside a magical Skull Wizard Manual for more protection as well as playing her sometimes inane jokes on people. She loves seeing smiles on peoples faces no matter how they’re truly feeling.

Euterpe: One of the nine muses, the muse of melody and elegiac poetry. Considered the low energy muse, she likes to take long walks thinking about her emotions and most particularly about death. When she was corrupted by Orpheus she tried to take the energy of people’s memories of the dead. Using her power of melody she created the Elegiac Shades to gather this needed energy. The side effects of this energy siphoning range from trances, night/day terrors, and confused and often violent behavior.

Curious about a draining feeling of imbalance in this plane of existence, Euterpe teleports to the disturbance only to find the heroes attacking a crystal. She helps them go to the real source of the problem and defeat the corrupted aura of Erato.

Persephone: Goddess of spring and the queen of the underworld. After hearing the commotion of the heroes fighting the corrupted version of Eutrepe, Persephone was curious and came up from the underworld through the Mourner’s Well. She came offering some advice and pomegranate seeds home grown in the underworld, of which Mushu happily ate a big handful.

Apollo: God of many realms, primarily of the sun, music, and order. In the dreamworld he likes to spend his time competing with his twin sister Artemis in trivial contests. He is confident that he will be the one to take Zeus’s place. Asked Mushu and Kon to distract his sister so he could win their little competition.

Harbeck gave him a golden apple at the Gentleman Competition.

Artemis: Goddess of the hunt and the moon. She takes no higher pleasure than beating her brother, Apollo, at any competition. Unlike her brother she tends to follow her instincts and passions without the obligation of social pressure.

Kon used his ability, Vampiric Pheromones, to try and seduce Artemis, to distract her, poking her on the cheek. Artemis would have normally elbowed his face until he was dead, but she was surprised to find she wanted to chat with him a bit more. Kon tried to distract her in the least terrible way, so he just offered her beer, so that her aim might fail her. But only having the few beers that the tavern offered both Mushu and Kon on their arrival, she quickly drank it all, and found some new rhythm to her shots. Artemis began to enjoy the presence of her new ale slave.

Polyhymnia: One of the muses, and the goddess of hymns. This devout goddess loved to write hymns to commemorate the many deeds of her kinsman and the many heroes that fought in their name. She was prone to exaggeration and over dramatic expressions which tended to wear down the patience of her more serious siblings.

Although she was corrupted like her sisters, her faith was able to expel it to her shadow. It still influenced her, taking her inside one of her many hymns where it fully integrated itself with the aspect of Orpheus, Orpheus’s Greed.

Hephaestus: God of the forge and dedicated worker, always looking to make better and grander weapons, but his true passion is in the making of art. His passions were put aside as his list of requested items by the other gods, and legendary heroes, never ends.

Hephaestus hardly noticed the heroes as they entered his smithy, too focused on a new bow requested by his sister. He almost missed the sex eyes that Colin was sending his way as Colin walked back and forth around him like some cat ready to pounce.

Mushu asks Hephaestus if he could have a look at her great sword as it seemed to have been acting up. Hephaestus notices the craftsmanship of one of his peers, Arges, the great cyclops of brightness. He mentions that he lost touch with Arges after he wanted to settle down and have children, later learning he adopted an elf and goliath. He says he will take Mushu’s greatsword Oathblade and tinker with it to bring out it’s true powers, giving Mushu Cerberous a three pronged greatsword to hold onto temporarily. He also mentioned that he could make hunter weapons, with parts of the desired prey, the weapons would do better damage against desired the creature or creatures.

The night after the heroes opened the sealed door to Hephaestus’s workshop, Colin lingered behind in the Werehuman commune for a chance at seeing his crush. Hephaestus and Colin have a bit of an awkward start, but their chemistry was apparent and they had a sleepless night together.

Revealed to be in contact with someone through the Mourner’s Well, a direct link to the afterlife.

Selene: Goddess of the moon. A gentle goddess who, like her sister Eos, fell in love with a mortal. She learned from her sister that immortality by itself was not enough, and with Endymion’s permission, she put him under an enchanted sleep to give him eternal youth, allowing them to forever be together in his dreams.

Erato: One of the muses and goddess of lyrical poetry. Erato was always a fairly easy going goddess, believing in love at first sight and destiny. She was used as a puppet by her corrupted aura, she began sucking the energy out of the sealing crystal that surrounded the heart of Atlantis, using her song as a means of converting the crystal into pure energy.

After meeting the King of Atlantis, Erato complains of a headache, and seems to have lost her memories. After a few tests by the Atlantean magicians, they prove that her lost memory was not due to her corruption, but something more akin to substitution, token, or aspect magic.

Demeter: She is the mother of Persephone and goddess of the seasons, earth, and harvest. She goes to the Shuffling Woods out of curiosity as something grows there she has never seen before. Kon and Deciduous’s progeny is nothing like anything she has seen before, and offers to ensure their safety so long as they continue to stay in the larval “plant” stage.

Atropos: One of the Moirai or Fates and goddess of fate’s judgment, the cut. She showed up in front of the heroes and said, “As a favor to my sister I wanted to warn you that you’re probably going to die down there,” pointing to the Atlantean temple.

She later returned at roughly the same time, after the time skip. “How did you escape fate?” she asked. The group could not give her a good answer so she just faded away.

Hera: Queen of the gods. Hera appeared before the heroes, upset that Atropos would dare warn and thus help people who would protect a civilization that she had ordered to fall. Not wanting to deal with the riff raff of mortals she quickly disappeared as the heroes tried to talk to her.

Clio: One of the Muses and goddess of History. She was corrupted in a way unlike the rest of her siblings as the corruption became a tether to another aspect of Orpheus, Greed. Greed acted more like a fetal child and entered the muse, using her to gather as much knowledge he could, and converted what Orpheus did not wish to know into energy.

As a reward Clio agreed to appear before them if they called her by name, to explain the significance of whatever they needed.

Dionysis: God of celebrations and more specifically of wine. A typically gentle god who loves to imbibe on liquor of his godly domain.

Kon gave him a golden apple at the Gentleman Competition.

Iris: Goddess of rainbows and the personal messenger of Hera.

Hades: God presiding over the Underworld. Keeper of all wealth, maintainer of order, and devoted husband.

Clotho: One of the Moirai or Fates and goddess of spinning the threads of fate. Although she looks to have the body of a frail old woman, she exudes the energy and mentality of a young child.

Aspects of Orpheus:

Basic Aspect: A humanoid looking bard that was defeated pretty easily and turned into a toenail.

Aspect of Pride: Stretched out looking Orpheus with lyre wings that tried to kidnap Thalia just as she was released from the Skull Wizard Manual. Once defeated he left behind a lock of hair, one with intertwined dark and light hair.

Aspect of Sloth: Mostly invisible aspect of Orpheus, that used ribbons covered in crotalum (ancient greek castanet) that sounded as they moved and attacked the heroes. Once defeated left a whole bucket of tears.

Aspect of Greed: A giant brute version of Orpheus, one that would continue to feed on the crystalized faith of the bandits, fighting for the prospect of their wish being granted. Used his stomach as a drum. Once defeated left a bucket of glittering vomit.

Aspect of Envy: A shape shifting aspect of Orpheus that would control a person and enter their body. He would then use their influence to try and garner as much power out of those he controls. Once defeated he left behind a bucket of puss.

Aspect of Gluttony: A fetus version of Orpheus that absorbed the power of dreams, filtering it through Clio, the muse of history. Used the glyphs of the Dreamtower to his advantage garnering power, but also liability. Once at critical health, transformed into an adult, scaring everyone with his baritone voice before he was knocked out. Once defeated he left behind a bucket of saliva.

Places and their NPC’s (if any):

Alchemist Village:

Town of refugees from a universe ravaged by something they call, “the Red Lightning.” The town has a rustic feel as if from some western town with a high tech flare. With wearable gadgets and matter manipulators, these scientifically advanced refugees have made themselves comfortable in a short amount of time.

Sheriff Doxyow: Sheriff of the Alchemist Village who was the Head of Security at the Xencesci Lab. With the death of his partner he has been enjoying too much booze, especially when the children went missing. After a scuffle with the heroes upon their first visit to the town, he put up a farce of wholesomeness to try and garner some points back with the group.

After a bit of investigating, the Sheriff finds it confusing that the two victims of attempted murder, Gaxius Barlaxt and Nalgex Lyroxt, both saw a woman attacking them, and not the one who was arrested and confessed to the crimes, Xarkl Hontagax. He found it especially strange that the person at the top of Xarkl’s revenge list, Mayor Ruxala Soxlian, was attacked personally by Xarkl and the others were attacked by a pale version of Uxsla. What made him different?

Harbeck buys the sheriff a drink, asking him to look after Sinbad and find him a job. Sheriff Doxyow points Sinbad toward Mixanla Farm, where his experience with fishing might be appreciated.

Xarkl Hontagax: Bartender at the tavern, wasn’t pleased to see a gang of strangers entering the bar when all the children were missing. He couldn’t outright claim these strangers were the ones to do it, possibly only coming in to claim a ransom or something. Rudely gives drinks to Mushu who despite his size and swollen muscles seemed more like a kitten in front of him. A kitten with an unending thirst for booze.

After the escape of the Alchemist Village’s people from their universe, escaping the red lightning, Xarkl accused the many survivors of abandoning his wife, one of the security managers, to die, not understanding the sacrifice she made. He suspected they abandoned her, as people in neighboring departments were saved, and yet it was his wife that was among the many victims that day. After burning all but one bridge with the community, Raxka Hexract was the only one to take him in and give him a vocation.

As the Xencesci Lab’s Reconstructed Materials Engineer, Xarkl created much of the infrastructure of the town, the plumbing and electrical systems. His little cabin might have been small but it was one of the most advanced. He utilized a companion nano system in the house to alter and shape the insides of the house however he liked, either by material manipulation or by holoprojection.. He also utilized the system to capture his dreams and as his journal where he logged many of his revenge fantasies. He always kept a smart-paper revenge list with him (connected to his companion nano system), he never intended to act on it, but it was a way to swallow the guilt of living with the monsters who let his beloved die.

The heroes decided to use a new method of interrogation on Xarkl, Detect Thought. Kon wormed his way into Xarkl’s mind, seeing his memories and thoughts as if they were his own. He saw through Xarkl’s eyes the moment of utter madness and relief seeing his wife again in the Clinic doorway. “Our revenge will be carried out soon my love,” Uxsla said, pointing to the revenge list in Xarkl’s pocket. “Go to Ruxala, I leave him to you,” said Uxsla as Xarkl took out his revenge list, noticing three names were already stricken off, Gaxius Barlaxt, Nalgex Lyroxt, and Raxka Hoxract. Kon told the others what it was he saw, as Uxsla showed up to free her master.

Xarkl wasn’t sure what happened at the Sheriff’s Office as he ran with his wife. It was more that he could have ever dreamed. Her face shone so much brighter than she ever did back home. So much so it nearly blinded him. Would this mythical Orpheus have lost his beloved if when he turned back to look at her, she blinded him?

Xarkl was a broken man after his wife was “taken” from him a second time. Would he be able to finally let her go, move on, or would he possibly sink even further?

Coxlinsa Maxlelf (Hestia): Apothecary of the Alchemist Village. Many seem troubled by not fully remembering this much older woman in an otherwise young population, but shrug it off as they seem to have nostalgic memories of her cooking, and they swear that they’ve known her forever.

Mayor Ruxala (Rux) Soxlirn: Previous Head of Research at the Xencesci Labs was instrumental in the founding of the village. Once the dust metaphorically settled, he was seen less and less in public, spending more time in his unnecessarily large place of residence. This was due to the fact of his secret lab in his basement where he was attempting to return to their original universe to save his brother. In a misguided attempt, “We saved the mayor,” Yyargita (the Clever), to bring the Mayor back to the town, with Bobby as a witness, Yyargita knocks out the Mayor and takes him out of the dimensional bubble in the Alchemist Universe, and returns him to the Alchemist Village. The mayor awakens and finds himself unhappy at the “impossible rock” that hit his head, questioning how a rock could enter the forcefield bubble to knock him out. A convenient lie that the rest of the group suspects but does not question. Ruxala Soxlim claims it would take another few days before he could make another attempt and tried to continue his work.

After his second attempt saving his brother, using a matter converter to make his solid and liquid waste back into food and water so he could camp in his force field tunnel longer, was interrupted by the heroes once again. They claimed to find evidence of his guilt at each murder, his old ID tag, a key to his house, and his wife’s wedding ring (with the engraving of his love to her). He knew nothing of what had happened outside as he had spent all his time in the basement and tunnel since the adventurers left him.

In a misguided attempt at finding the truth, the group decides to interrogate the Mayor about this strange ore that Mushu found. Yyargita grew increasingly upset that he claimed to know “Nothing about a broken Nano Companion Unit,” and that he just happened to be, “In the force field tunnel the entire time since they had left previously.” She punched him right in the nose.

This was the final straw for Ruxala. He plucked up his courage and yelled back at them, “I’m sick and tired of EVERYTIME you come here I get somehow hurt or attacked. I don’t need this in my life, you assholes need to leave me alone.”

Kon, not appreciating conflict, decided to deescalate the situation by casting Sleep on the mayor. Yyargita, feeling guilty that she was barking up the wrong tree, tried to paint the scene in a different light. She planted a near empty vodka bottle next to Ruxala, spilling a little on his hands and shirt collar, and placing a rock on the table for good measure, to explain his bloody nose. “A rock can fall from anywhere,” she told herself.

Later the group knew that they needed to use the mayor’s lab to trap and destroy the NanoStructure Uxsla, so they woke him up the best way they knew how, curing his wounds and bathing him in Mushu’s lavender soap. When Ruxala awoke he remembered everything, finding the whole scene creepy as Mushu held him like a baby trying to force beer down his throat. The Mayor did eventually drink some of the beer and thoroughly enjoyed it.

After Kon and Mushu helped recharge Ruxala’s equipment, they attempted their plan of destroying the fake Uxsla. At the same time as Yyargita threw the GPS relay pin at the portal, Mushu activated the Teleportation Clicker, which brought Xarkl to them, sending him through the portal. Uxsla was not far behind. Sensing the last known location of her master, she tunneled to the basement as quick as a torpedo, demanding they bring her master to her. Using some quick thinking, Kon throws his pouch of stun marbles at her. They explode on contact sending metal shrapnel everywhere. This greatly damages NanoProjection Uxsla and it only takes a simple arrow from Yyargit and golf swing from Mushu to put an end to her.

Ruxala was not pleased, this fourth time that these heroes interacted with him was by far the worst. They utterly destroyed his lab, what more will these heroes take from him?

Mushu bought the Mayor a drink, which he gladly accepted, as his lab was still in tatters; but was happy Xarkl and Philip K. Peep were working on it.

After making a diagnostic scan of the teleportation system, Ruxala noticed a new metal that he never noticed before inside the new location Atlantis. He was able to find its molecular structure and using his nanomanipulator was able to fabricate some of it. With the help of Xarkl and Philip, they were able to test if the metal would allow them to access his brother Bexnelo, which worked a little too well.

Nalgex Lyroxt: Store owner of the Alchemist Village, was the Inventory Manager at the Xencesci Labs. He always keeps the store as well stocked as when he worked at the labs. He is absolutely in love with tokens and charms and one day hopes for a whole Astrological set. Although he loves all kinds of tokens in sets.

Nalgex got trapped in his shop by the stampeding boars as he always stayed late doing inventory of his shop on Sunday nights, not being one to indulge himself at the local tavern. He swore he saw a woman who he thought was dead when his throat was cut, although he knew instantly that she must have been some kind of ghost.

Extremely excited that he got two whole sets of tokens for his collection, he gives mystical friendship bracelets to the heroes as well as a living metal generator. Mushu now flush with cash after selling her copies of Euterpe’s Goth Poetry, she buys a Mastiff, the Duke of Wellington (Yyargita also buys one, Lord Nelson), and three camels.

Raxka Hexract: Smooth talking owner of the local tavern, the Battlestarx Galacticax, was the Head of Operations at the Xencesci Labs. After her chaotic escape from the Xencesci Labs, she wanted to take it easy and just serve people booze, a particular favorite pastime of hers back at the labs.

Worried about her patrons and the boars hurting people, never wanting to see another day like their exodus from the Xencesci Labs, she watched the stampede of boar anxiously, afraid to look away. She was so afraid that she ignored the tell tale squeak of the floorboard in front of the counter, that she did not see the iridescent silky smooth hand of the one who slit her throat.

Leox Pixedgepper: One of the children who resided at the Pixedgepper farm (one of the lucky ones not in a full-body cast due to the missteps of the heroes), who is a local expert in the geography of the woods. Draws a map for the Heroes to get through the Whispering Woods.

This quick witted lad knew instantly that they should try and find the heroes that saved them before to save them now from the phantom boars. These boars acted like normal boars but would disappear like the holoprojections back home.

Gaxius Barlaxt: The medical lead of the secret research colony on Troxy. He did most of the analysis of the routine medical tests to make sure all the colonists were physically healthy. He decided to run the medical clinic in the village as someone needed to take care of people’s health.

Gaxius answered the door to his clinic like he normally would, thinking someone was trying to take refuge from the boars, but he couldn’t believe what he saw, someone who could only have been a ghost.

Bexnelo Soxlirn: Brother to Ruxala and the Director of the Xencesci Labs. He always enjoyed the classic tales of old, and was more than happy to run a project that involved a temple of an ancient alien civilization. Immediately he was fascinated by the myths depicted in the early excavation of the temple, the story of the suppression of the evil force, the Red Lightning. The glowing green crystals around the temple always fascinated him, as they always seemed to glow as he approached them, as they didn’t react to the other researchers. On the dark day, when the researchers all left their home universe, Bexnelo was compelled to go to the green geode chamber. After red lightning took over the lab and the temple, Bexnelo chose to protect everyone and make up for ignoring his wife, allowing himself to become host to the Green Guardian.

Ixxs Soxlirn: Wife of Bexnelo, lead site researcher with a background in both anthropology and ancient art. Her interest in the temple and the red lightning quickly turned into an obsession. The voices she warned her husband about fell on deaf ears, as Bexnelo always thought she was too spiritual for her own good. Bexnelo would never have thought she would be the one to unleash such a terrible force upon their universe.

Uxsla Tixgh: One of the security managers, lead of the monitoring department, and independent wife of Xarkl Hontagax. Unbeknownst to the town, after the primary explosion that shook the entire lab, one of the monitoring technicians got infected from red lighting from a tunnel from the temple below. A cabinet had trapped her falling on her left leg breaking it. Not being able to get out, she made sure she could get as many people out as she could. Even with the threat of the red lightning taking her, Uxsla was the one that opened many of the security doors without their knowledge, leading the survivors to safety.

Calydonian Boar: A giant boar with a weapon resistant hide. After eating many of the roots the boar loves near Xarkl’s cabin, the boar smelled something odd, and ate a protruding black mass that was projected out of the wall. This seemed to corrupt the boar, as it was both the router that connected Xarkl’s cabin with the town’s Nano Network centered from City Hall, and the holoprojector Xarkl used to interact with what little data he still had with his wife.

Without a backup network to compensate for broken Nano Processing, Xarkl’s Companion Nano System did what it did best; without a holoprojector, it made something new.

Bexn Mixanla: Manager of the farm, allows Sinbad to work for them at the recommendation of Sheriff Doxyow and Harbeck Broadshield.

Fexlix Taxega: Teacher of the Alchemist village.

Astrology Cave:

Cave where Urania took the Alchemist Village’s Children, hoping to crystallize their potential existence.

Chiron: Centaur teacher of heroes that was looking for a special defense for Achilles, his most recent and skilled pupil. The gang tries to help but just thinks of getting him metal shoes.

Whispering Woods:

Woods with a constant murmuring, sometimes so distracting it could lead someone astray.

Naiad/Nymph Trixi: Helped the heroes leave the wood as they promised to tell her father to, “Fuck off.”

Shuffling Woods:

A maze like wood that would shuffle and change depending on the traveler’s luck. Many use the portals to traverse the wood not thinking a destructive way might be fastest, although the nymphs and dryads of this particular wood are very protective.

Deciduous: Nymph who had relations with Kon and with tremendous luck, conceived. Nymphs widely known for their fertility and ability to produce a torrent of offspring, enjoy the odd roll in the hay to help populate the world according to Gaia’s doctrine. As a middle aged Nymph, she sometimes needs to sacrifice physical matter in order to use her powers. Due to this being a sensitive issue, she doesn’t like to talk about it, sometimes leading to awkward moments when precious metal goes missing.

Deciduous became the mother of Kon’s 900 babies, a new species called Anti-Nymphs.

Shank Spinny:

A wood of deadly plants and even more deadly nymphs. Nothing hospitable has ever resided there and the adventurers were wise to avoid it.

Trinket Thicket:

A wood where odd metal trees grow. The tree at the center, the heart of the wood, grew apples made entirely of gold.

Ladon: A “metal” dragon who prefers to be in the shape of a nymph, protects the apple tree. He pretends to be timid and helpless so that if someone tries to take advantage of his meek disguise he can relish in utterly destroying the advantage taker. Hera does not appreciate his generosity.

Corpse Copse:

A wood the heroes utterly ignored.

The Jovial Jester:

An illusory tavern created by Thalia to hide from Orpheus’s corrupting influence. The crowd of smiling people around the tavern were the familiars of Thalia, an audience that would forever laugh at her jokes. It faded from existence once Thalia left the premises.

The Maudlin Marshes:

A seemingly endless marsh of decay with the constant smell of IPA in the air.

The Werehuman Commune:

A commune of various creatures that were magically banished by a renegade priest for being unholy and against god. They are now trying to survive in the marshes, not knowing of the world they now inhabit.

Templeton Ratking:

A reclusive city leader, that apparently (courtesy of Perdita Sirius), only went out on days of the full moon, pretending he was human. He is highly cunning and with a strong logical mind can settle any argument. It was sadly from his deception that fueled the fire, leading to the events of the group’s banishment.

He was one of the five that was affected by the Elegiac Shade having seen his wife under the hood. The rock of his life whose present status was unknown, their forbidden love shed her blood and caused the werehuman’s banishment.

Templeton shared a thimble of whiskey with Mushu, bonding even in silence.

Minos Oxford:

One of the few werehumans to have an official position in the city as an Enforcer. His banishment with the others was more due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time, having heard screams from the basement of the church. He took his banishment with good grace offering his services as an enforcer for a charge and also monetizing his old bodybuilding hobby.

A few years ago his fiancee was killed “having a bit of fun,” as she was run through with a sword, by some boys pretending to be matadors. Minos tried to have the assailants charged with a hate crime, but the judge stated it was a mere youthful discretion. Seeing her face in the hood of the Elegiac Shade brought out both his pain and rage.

Mushu put on a blond wig hoping to somehow woo Minos into giving his mercenary services for free. This failed due to Minos’s strong work ethic as well as him being still shaken at the sight of his lost fiancee. Yyarguta was also slightly saddened as her feminie wiles were somehow lost on him.

After a bit of hesitation, Minos decided to check out this Alchemist Village the heroes mentioned. He has happily decided to become a trainer in their village. Not many people see the worth in this, but Sheriff Doxyow hired him as a personal trainer and Fexlix Texega hired him as a physical education teacher.

Tigerlily Purrington:

A homeopathic healer who believes more in her star charts and spirit cards than what any science or religious book says. She gave her therapies to whomever would have them, specializing in aromatherapy. Her spirit card readings were quite popular with the local ladies, her being a werehuman in this endeavor made them believable in their eyes. It was one of these card readings that sparked the events of her and the rest of the residents of the Werehuman Commune banishment. Gave a coffee lotion to Harbeck.

After Kaa Hiss and Chi-Chi Dragonballs left for the Alchemist Village, Tigerlily took up running the bar, continuing to offer her tea and spirit card reading for whomever wanted it.

Peter Rabbitsfoot:

A jack of all trades, who loved fast talk at the gambling tables more than drinking and beautiful women, and he LOVED drinking and beautiful women. He was tasked by some random priest to bring some naughty werehumans to some church basement under whatever pretense he could think of. He thought nothing of it, gold was gold, he complied, leading to his banishment with the rest. Gave a tidbit of info on Minos to Harbeck for a minor fee.

Chi-Chi Dragonballs:

An exobitionist wanting to move her way up in the world, by any and all means. She found freedom in selling her body and performing. She was proud that she could make more money in one night than she would in a few months by any legitimate means, especially as a werehuman. Seeing her brother’s face in the hood of the Elegiac Shade, broke her. She remembered her disdain for her father who tried to keep her and the rest of the family as “proud” slave warriors for the Sayan Clan, the mind bending shit that led her brother (Goku) to his death. “Fuck them, this body is mine and I’ll do what I want with it.” She showed Mushu some of her best tricks, which he did not appreciate.

Chi-Chi Dragonballs left for the Alchemist Village wanting to explore and get out of the smelly swamp. She impressed Raxka and became the new bartender, where she flirts with many of the male patrons, but no more so than with Mushu to whom she’d love to be the nest for his dragon someday. Mushu’s rejection of her only made her want him all the more, as she sexually assaults him after he spends the night sleeping with the camels; having stripped him naked and firing a dragonball at his face when he rejected her for the last time.

The full moon changed Chi-Chi into a full human. She was curious to see how Mushu might react to her in her human form so Chi-Chi asked around and went to Atlantis.

After being rejected by Mushu in Atlantis, she needed time to cool off and collect herself.

Kaa Hiss:

A werehuman oddity. He learned at a young age he could somehow concentrate his beasthood into his manhood, and using his snakelike qualities made it a true monster. He would wow people with his penis acrobatics in and out of the bedroom. He had fallen in love just once, but due to their prudent nature, he was forlorn and found solace in pleasuring the people that would have him. Kaa tried to get the attention of many of the heroes, provocatively doing a snake dance with his dick from underneath his pants, but there were no takers.

Kaa goes to the Alchemist Village, more out of curiosity than anything. Raxka hasn’t officially hired him but thinks he might make a good match for the establishment. Kaa continues to flirt with practically everyone.

Amalthea Beauty:

A studious soul with a heart for adventure. She hoped to pass her exams either joining the military scouts or her true passion, the academy explorers. She passed her tests, having the highest scores amongst all the participants. But neither the military nor the academy accepted her, sending her blunt rejection letters simply stating, “because you’re werehuman filth.” A local museum kept her employed as a guide, claiming to be an equal opportunity workspace, but only for the tax write off.

Looking for a chance at something new, Amalthea came to the Alchemist Village wide eyed and bushy tailed. The Sheriff immediately saw some potential in her observation skills and hired her as a deputy, telling her he knew more weird things were going to keep happening around town.

Philip K. Peep:

A self professed smoker from an aristocratic family. As a homeschooled academic prodigy, he did not know the stigma and discrimination that targeted the werehuman community. Having a short list of inventions and writing a bunch of new life saving safety procedures he was eagerly accepted into the academy without having to take the entrance exam. Little to the academy’s dismay when he arrived, learning that their new star was in fact a werehuman. Philip discovered quickly how little he truly knew about the world, as the only werehuman he stuck out like a penguin on a glacier.

Philip seeing his partner’s face in that Elegiac Shade set him down another spiral of depression and drug addiction. He was the only one that accepted him at the academy. Joked with him, competed with him, and most of all defended him. After a lab, they were cleaning up their experimental refineries. Some of Philip’s bullies showed up to harass him yet again, calling him the usual “cotton swab” or “mutton chop” even threatening him with a scalpel. Turing wasn’t gonna have any of that and began to wrestle with them. Turing forgot to turn off the bunsen burner. The dripping alcohol caught light and caused an explosion. The incidental shrattel bomb killed Turing, Philip’s best and only friend, and the bullies. His wool was the only thing that kept him alive. He soon dropped out of the academy, ran away from home, to smoke his troubles away in the many drug dens of Fairmont. He hotboxed with Kon both lamenting over dryads and lab partners.

Philip heard that the village was technologically advanced and quickly traveled there looking to learn. The Mayor, out one night looking to get drunk after his lab was destroyed, strikes up a conversation with Philip and hires him as a lab assistant.

Ben No-Evil (or B for short):

A calm man, who had been extremely mature beginning at a very young age. He never quite understood the mentality of those around him. The humans seemed so self absorbed in their social climbing and accumulation of empty status symbols. The werehumans just seemed so quietly enraged. He could feel turbulent times ahead, and hoped that with clear thought and even clearer communication, that a true coexistence could be had. Ben tried to start a social justice campaign that would unite werehumans and humans alike for the betterment of all sentient species. He didn’t want to be like the many rebellious leaders of the past that lost their supporters and their own lives in vain going down a violent path. He tried to do it peacefully. But after five years of imprisonment he found himself following an odd rabbit promising an, “Enlightening experience.” Meditated and downward dogged with Bobby, Colin, and Harbeck, each of them reaching a higher level of understanding with one another, without uttering a word.

Ben was curious about the new town, so he went and found many of the people very open to his ideas. He decided to spend half his time at the village and the other half at the commune, to stay connected with everyone and bring a bit of calm and peace where he could.

Foghorn Run:

A seasoned town crier with a boisterous voice and a personality to match. He never cared for politics or the humdrum ideology of his peers. He just wanted to live his life, and judge no one else. That is until he met her, the love of his life. The only person he could ever whisper to, so that sweet nothings would bring that gentle smile to her face. She tried to support him in learning new things, to care about the world and what was happening around them. She tried to get him to go to one of those “WeAreHumans” rallies, but claimed he couldn’t get out of work. She was arrested, and died in prison, for just trying to help people open their eyes. When Foghorn saw her face in the Elegiac Shade’s hood, he lost it, his snuffed out rage reignited.

Perdita Sirius:

A nosy gossip that has spilled more tea with her mouth than could possibly be done by any teacup or teapot. She was raised in a very strict and pious household, actually believing that she herself was a sin. She was a willing participant in McLeach’s plan. She was the one that told McLeach that Nimh had chosen to follow her heart at the advice of Tigerlily’s spirit card reading, leading to Nimh’s marriage to Templeton Ratking instead of with McLeach. After consoling McLeach after the many tragic deaths at the WeAreHumans Rally (deaths that McLeach felt responsible for after directing a student group of Humans First toward the rally), she told McLeach to have his voice heard by the reclusive but level headed counselor Templeton Ratking. After bursting into his home past his staff and discovering that the love of his life had chosen a filthy werehuman over him broke the last shred of sanity he had left. Perdita was also the one to give McLeach the pendant, the Key to the Abyss, and joined the others in their banishment, not knowing the true reason for McLeach’s banishment of the werehumans.

Miss Wilbura Piggy:

A famous chef that served many fine houses but was proud to work for Templeton Ratking. Wilbura was known to cut the fat, not just in her healthy but delicious cooking, but also in her conversations and advice. She gave it to you straight and without any garnish or dressing, choosing to be an overly harsh critic of everything and everyone, showing absolutely no favoritism. Her main advice was always to experience things for yourself and judge that way. Which is how the poor woman was banished with the rest of them, spirited away by a smooth talking rabbit as the Mistress was shot and the Master of the house banished two floors above her spotless kitchen.

The Cryptic Crypt:

A Crypt in the Maudlin Marshes that is rumored to have a portal to the afterlife. This place has three chambers within, one with the Mourners Well, a direct connection to the Greek afterlife, Hephaestus’ workshop, and mysterious treasure room where the Seven Shenanigans fought a giant mimic.

The Delirious Desert:

This desert is home to the various “executed” criminals of an odd country. They are deceived by the fake Polyhymnia who offers them the chance of a wish. In order to get this wish, they would need to go into battle. Each of the 7 major tribes of the area were granted the ability to summon a servant hero, who would do battle for them. The last tribe standing would then be able to get their wishes granted. While this battle would ensue, the fake Polyhymnia took their eldery members, their sick, and their youth all to the temple to worship her.

Sinbad: A man who always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Back in his world, Sinbad was a bit of a street rat. His dad raised him as a fisherman. In a sudden squall it capsized their boat during some routine fishing. Sinbad lost consciousness and found himself on the shore of the capital. Not knowing who anyone was, or what had happened to his father. He tried to reach out to the authorities who only scoffed at him and told him, “Country trash should stay in the country.”

A large teen, noticed Sinbad’s plight and told him that they were gonna pull a heist. All Sinbad needed to do was grab a piece of bread at the bakers stand on mainstreet. The vendor would chase him and the rest of Cassim’s crew would snag the cartload, letting them feast for a week. If Sinbad could just be the distraction and lose the vendor in the city streets they would find him and give him a reward. Sinbad agreed, not knowing how else he was going to survive in the city. The plan didn’t turn out so well for Sinbad. He was able to distract the baker well enough, but not being familiar with the city was his downfall as within a minute he got trapped in a dead end. The baker punched him in the face and kicked him in the gut multiple times. Sinbad just layed there, not wanting to move in fear of the pain from his many fractures. He was soon greeted by the city guards, because when the baker returned to his empty stall, he told the guards of the fall guy.

Without being able to prove his identity or being able to give the guards any information about the other bandits, the court quickly gave the order to execute the undesirable. Taking him to the spirit temple and banishing him to the “Sacred Realm,” which they thought was just a shortcut to death.

Sinbad found himself in the Delirious Desert and was quickly recruited by the Wandering Hand, a group of thieves who wanted to avoid the scary bloodshed of the “tribes.” They promised that if he was a good thief he’d be able to use his “wandering hands” on all the pretty ladies. On his first mission with the Wandering Hand was when he met the heroes.

Harbeck doesn’t kill Sinbad, interrogating him to try and find information about the desert and its people. Harbeck has a lot of work ahead of him, protecting Sinbad from the bloodthirsty Yyargita.

Odious Oasis:

Home of the bandit tribes in peacetime, before the corrupted shade of Polyhymnia brought the different factions of the Bandits to war against each other.

The various bandit tribes were in a state of disarray after Polyhymnia left. Her corrupted means of making the bandits continue in her blood ritual had ended, but the power of her miracles remained. The bandit tribes then began a battle for control over all of the Delirious Desert. After a final bloody battle the tribes recognized a single leader, with the aid of his two hands, the three of them had all seven of Polyhymnia’s miracles.

Cassim: Previous leader of the Jinn Tribe and the right hand of Shahryer. With his use of the berserker miracle, Cyclops Arges, he was close to destroying all rival tribes.

Fatimah: Previous leader of the Unseeing Eye Tribe and the left hand of Shahryer. With her use of the Assassin Miracle, Hydna of Scione, she could sabotage any plan rival tribes concocted against her and her tribe.

Shahryar: Previous leader of the Iron Soul Tribe and the leader of the new united Fist of Shahryar Tribe. With his incredible warrior skills and the aid of his Caster Miracle, Medea, Shahryer decimated and nearly destroyed all rival tribes to get his wish. It was only due to the advice of Medea that steaded his hand when he nearly killed the final two obstacles in his way. Instead of making his own wish come true, he decided to aid all the survivors and shared the spoils of his past victories with his new allies.

Glamorous Bandit: Assisted the heroes in Atlantis, escorting them from the broken transportation circle to the Ritual Institute.

Morgiana: A bandit of the Iron Soul Tribe, and now United Bandit Tribe. She was kidnapped into slavery, and killed her owner and his family trying to get back to her own. She was sentenced to exile and found herself in the middle of a war in the dreamworld. She was interrogated by the heroes on their way to secure the Atlantis Palace.

Frail Lady: A mysterious woman that the Mysterious Glamorous Bandit always kept near him. Although this lady looks frail and weak, she is much younger than she looks.

Opal Oasis Temple:

The adventurers see that the Opal Oasis is much larger than the Odious Oasis. The temple there was dug out from a large hill right next to the oasis. A high stair of about 15 yards (in height) leads to the entrance of the temple. Inside they see a chamber full of columns. As they get further inside the notice a large group of worshipers bent in prayer toward a woman eating grapes out of a bowl on a throne.

The group then went into their sleeping area and grabbed robes matching the other worshippers. As they go back into the main chamber and try to blend in, the woman on the throne gives them a cursory glance and notices them right away. “Do the new people with dog tails and…camels in robes, want to introduce themselves?” asked the unknown woman.

Zumurrud: She once was a slave girl to a noble house, who then went out of favor, as the entire clan, nobles, servants, and slaves alike, were all “executed.” In the delirious desert Zumurrud quickly separated herself from her former life, as she was no longer bound to their whim. She quickly found herself amongst the cult of Polyhymnia, worshiping the goddess who could grant their every wish.

Ali Baba: The elder of the temple, he arrived here last amongst a big swarm of thieves that had been banished. He was the one that discovered their hiding place and informed the guards, and yet, he ended up sharing in their punishment. He has a hand forever in flux, the last remnant of how the dream world was before Orpheus’s influence.

When Ali Baba first arrived in the dream world, he thought it was a paradise, much like the thieves he had been lumped with. The space around would change and fill not just with what they wanted, but also their deep desires. Some of these thieves quickly fell to nightmarish visions of monsters or demons taking them down for their prior sins. But Ali Baba, and a few others, never had those mental impulses and found the place to be as close to heaven as anything could be. But one by one, the remaining thieves began to change, losing their will and memory, and became much like the rest of the world, a figure in flux. This continued until Ali Baba was the last one fully intact. He worried about the others, for in their last moments of being true individuals they kept mentioning some kind of flux heart, that they might become a piece of it, and in a state of flux they would fit however they needed to.

Ali Baba one day feeling out of sorts, he heard the anguish of someone, a cry like nothing he had ever heard before, as if a sliver of hope was granted to someone just as it slipped away forever. That’s when Ali Baba met Orpheus. Ali Baba saw the fleeting image of a beautiful woman that Orpheus began to chase, she took a few steps and disappeared like a puff of smoke in the wind.

Ali Baba tried to console the depressed man, and even offered to catch this phantom woman for him. Orpheus merely shrugged him off, thinking it impossible, but just as Ali Baba turned to leave the man alone, the woman appeared before them. Ali Baba with his lightning reflexes caught her, he knew she might immediately change form, as she must have been some space or character constantly in flux like everything else in the dream. Ali Baba’s pity took form as some of his permanence transferred to the woman, Ali Baba’s hand began to shimmer, as it had reached a flux state, as the woman seemed to somehow settle in her present form.

Orpheus looked like a man given new meaning, he walked up to her with the look of pure joy on his face. Orpheus sang a note, and it resonated so powerfully that it knocked Ali Baba out. All he could remember was a bright white light that seemed to blow him far away. When Ali Baba awoke, he found himself at the Opal Oasis. He looked down at his reflection on the water and did not recognize himself. He seemed to have aged 60 years or perhaps that is how long he waited in the dreamscape.

Humdrum Hills:

A gray hillside that seems to make the people who enter it narcoleptic, as there are people strewn all over the place napping.

Endymion: A shepherd in an enchanted sleep due to being the lover of Selene, granting him eternal youth. The group found him sleeping by a tree, with clear signs he had been asleep there for a long time. Yyargita, hearing from Kon that he dreamed of a lover who was cuddling with him, tries to wake him by cuddling and kissing him. This enrages Selene who immediately appears and only due to her knowing deep in her gut that Yyargita meant no harm, that she didn’t immediately attack her.

Chiron: Appeared again this time in the Humdrum Hills looking for Troy’s biggest weakness. He arrived with all his reference books going over all the dry facts about Troy, its architecture, economy, social structure, philosophy, and census date. Harbeck mentions that a robotic ostrich was the way to go, but Chiron did not believe him before he woke up again.

Lucky Cricket: Mushu’s long lost brother, a high elf rogue. Bent on revenge he somehow found himself in the Dream World as a companion of Valenae. He holds Vendetta Blade a keepsake from his father.

Dream Cast: A group of ethereal people native to the dream world, the very cast of actors that play the roles of anyone’s dream. They are looking for their Alpha, a woman of great skill that disappeared just before the dreamworld became a new reality. She was last seen with Orpheus.

Alpha: The leader of the dreamcast, who has been missing since before the Dreamworld became a semi-permanent plane of existence.

Ka: One of the Dreamcast that came along to confirm that the woman inside the Crystal Palace was actually the Alpha.

Dream Tower:

A foreboding tower wreathed in purple energy. It has been pulsing with unending energy of late.


Commander Joe Flanigan: Commander of the interior guard, and a good man who believes in the system of government even if he did hate the present king. The last thing that he remembers was preparing for a rebel attack on the third ring (the outer wall that separated every city section). Once the crystal was released he was surprised to see the heroes arrive and spread a bunch of, what he thought was sea water, in front of the third gate.

King Fenton Q. Harcourt: King of Atlantis, who recently ascended the throne after his cousin was mysteriously killed. He was attending a world changing ritual when he and many others were encased in the sealing crystal. Now that most of the city is missing in an unfamiliar plane of existence, he is now concerned about his safety.

After the heroes has left the throne room, Erato lingered behind the rest of the group. Envy, an aspect of Orpheus, felt the power the King had over his subjects and wanted to exploit it as the Muse without her corrupted shadow had run out of her usefulness. The black blood that was Envy gushed out of Erato and into the King in the blink of an eye. Needing some time to acclimate to a new host, Envy bided his time inside the king working his way into every recess of his mind.

Currently has lost his mind and soul due to the events at the Atlantis Temple.

Director Preston B. Whitmore: A very conservative leader and educator, best known for his undying devotion to new fringes in harmonic rituals. He presided over the world changing ritual with the king. Very curious about all the new magic around him, and especially a metallic disk that he discovered close to Mushu’s heart.

Yyargita, Colin, Mushu, and Kon all confront the Dean for they wrongly suspect him of doing something to the King. The Dean professes his innocence, mentioning truly that he had been researching what could have possibly happened to Atlantis, the weird rudimentary magic of the heroes, and the miracles of the hooded intruders.

The heroes then ask the Director about the ritual that went wrong. The Driector mentions that the world changing ritual was done in the ruined temple that is below the palace. The temple is an odd find for it has magic similar to what the Atlanteans had been studying, magical harmonics, but went more specifically toward harmonic transference. The Atlanteans, a purely atheist society, could not get the temple to work, but as they researched more about the polytheism of their neighbors they attempted to incorporate their “backward” magic at the temple and found some of the magical mechanisms to awaken from their long dormancy. The ritual was to be their first test of the powers of the temple, to make their king a god, so that a more well informed second usage could be used on the Director.

Currently lost his mind and soul due to the events at the Atlantis Temple.

Prof. Gaetan: A beloved educator at the Ritual Institute and the Dean of Evocation. Gaetan tried to warn the heroes about Whitmore and continued to try and help the heroes as he believed it would help Atlantis in the long run.

Milo James Thatch: A student of material and energy harmonization. He practices some of his magic on Mushu, giving him some fire protection while burning him. Last living child of the current king.

Kida: Student leader at the Ritual Institute who has been missing since the unsealing of Atlantis. Suspected of being present at the world changing ritual.

She claims to have been the one to have stopped the temple from activating during the world changing ritual, and mentions that with the last of her power she can move the heroes in time so that they have a second chance at their fight at the Atlantean temple.

Supervisor Vincenzo: A no nonsense supervisor of the Palace guards, who was two days from retirement… Currently has lost his mind and soul due to the events at the Atlantis Temple.

Captain Helga Katrina Sinclair: A no nonsense military officer, one of the few officers remaining as many were guarding the border of Atlantis in the 13th district before the shift happened. She relished the opportunity to put the group in their place, representing Atlantis in the murder case against Yyargita.

Major Jebidiah Allardyce “Cookie”: An eccentric military mind that many have thought of as completely crazy, but has never lost a battle or a life in his long years as a military officer. Was happy to be the central judge during the court case against Yyargita.

Prof. Audrey Rocio Ramirez: A beloved educator at the Ritual Institute and the Dean of Transmutation. Chosen as one of the judges in the court case against the “heroes.”

Prof. Wilhelmina Bertha Packard: A beloved educator at the Ritual Institute and the Dean of Conjuration. Chosen as one of the judges in the court case against the gang.

Prof. Lyle Tiberius Rourke: A infamous educator at the Ritual Institute and the Dean of Necromancy. He has a second mouth on his stomach that craves special bones. It seems that the mouth is connected to a god he worships, the Eerie Eternal.

Prof. Joshua Strongbear Sweet: A much sought after educator at the Ritual Institute and the Dean of Abjuration. Chosen as one of the judges in the case against Yyargita.

Prof. Kashekim Nedakh: An ancient educator at the Ritual Institute and the Dean of Divination. Chosen as one of the judges for the case of murder again Director Whitmore.

Mount Olympus:

Ancient home of the gods, but now only Hera and her dedicated messenger and attendant Iris reside there.

Garish Greece:

An odd place, that seems to have almost stopped in time, as the sun hardly moves and the air feels stale. The orange sun above this material plane makes the place feel abandoned. This prime reality is where the Greek Gods originated.

The Tempting/Treacherous Tundra:

A tundra with permafrost so thick that even the hottest days in the dreamscape have no effect. How people describe the place generally has to do with how sarcastic they are.

The Ruinous Ruin:

An odd ruin. It was once a city that seems to be native to the Dreamscape although does not match any description of what is possible within the Dreamscape before Orpheus made it in a state of permanence.

Mysterious Gnome: Gave the group a Vial of Gorgan’s tears, a known cure for petrification, in exchange for the Saddle of Perseus, a magical item that controls whatever creature it is attached to. He wore an odd looking pendant in the shape of a key wreathed in tentacles.

Nightmare Island:

An island that is perfectly centered in the Dreamscape. The island is infested with tentacle monsters, that were once Bandits that had been so long in the Dreamscape and due to their negative emotions, turned into nightmare creatures.

Orpheus’ Permanence Disseminator:

A single crystal made in the shape of a palace, with eight towers surrounding it and a single one rising from atop the core structure.

Eurydice?/Alpha?: Woman trapped in a crystal palace, who does not seem to remember anything about herself from before being trapped. Her physical appearance matches what the Seven Shenanigans have heard about what Eurydice looked like. The group suspects that she is the Dreamcast’s Alpha here due to some plot that Orpheus is still weaving.

Primordial Forge:

A forge/workshop in the middle of a volcano, said to be the one the three primordial cyclopes used.



Adam Yasukawa

A bit wacky, mischievous, and random. A baking enthusiast, with a mind for fantasy, science fiction, and looking for that tiny glimmer of a perfect world.