Adam Yasukawa
123 min readMar 4, 2022

DnD Greek Lullaby Session Notes

Key: :New : Important : Hints

DnD Urania’s Memory (2/27/2021)

Six people from multiple prime realities were chosen to help the Greek gods that had settled in the dreamworld. Each of them were torn from their beds and entered the dream world. Unbeknownst to them they were replaced with a psychic projection of their sleeping selves. They all were fairly afraid to talk at first but then a strange woman that they each recognized from their dreams appeared before them. She claimed to be Lachesis and asked the heroes to help save the Muses. She told them that one was nearby but that this was as close as she could take them.

The heroes then went into the nearby village and found out that 12 children were missing from this Alchemist Village. Yyargita immediately mentioned how shitty they all must be to have lost this many children, which caused the Sheriff to blow into a rage and nearly locked them all up on suspicion.

The heroes then decided to follow an old woman, and found an odd cave, the Astrological cave. Once inside the entrance caved in and they were stuck. There they found a bard that seemed out of place, but after a single attack he turned into a toenail.

In this Astrological Cave there were 13 doors, each of which had astrological symbols etched across them. Twelve of the doors had single symbols that glowed brightly on them, but the one opposite the cave entrance had all twelve astrological symbols on them, but were etched on the door without any illumination.

The heroes then suspected that this must be some sort of puzzle and tried each door. Inside were various challenges and the heroes struggled with them but were able to get out of it with a majority of success.

Aries : Golden Fleece test, to tempt and test their greed. Success

Taurus: Test of Strength, to see their destructive abilities. Success

Gemini: Trust Test, to test not just their faith but also their comprehension. Failure

Cancer: Monster Test, to test their efficiency at monster hunting. Success

Leo: Nemon Lion Test, test their situational awareness. Success

Virgo: Damsel in distress Test, to test their judgment and generosity. Success

Libra: Test of Balance. Sometimes not engaging in battle is the best policy. Failure

Scorpio: Battle readiness test. Test against a poisonous foe. Success

Sagittarius: Reading Comprehension test. Testing the basics. Success

Capricorn: Corrupted Test. To see how the group would handle a corrupting influence. Success

Aquarius: Patron Test. To show gratitude is sometimes it’s own reward. Failure

Pisces: Wildlife Safety Test. Saving an endangered species. Success

Once all the single symbol chambers were entered the final door clicked and unlocked. Inside was a corrupted muse, the corrupted version of Urania with the twelve children encased in crystal. There were also little minions with the symbols of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius that helped Urania fight the group.

Each failure represented a child that had lost some of their existence.

Once the corrupt version of Urania was defeated, she mentioned that she was corrupted by her nephew Orpheus. She did not know how this was possible, vaguely mentioning that they had sealed him away when they grew afraid of his ambitions and power. She then gave the adventurers a part of a seal, giving it to them by reciting a poem.

Urania’s Memory/Poem:

With their rings of metals entwined

as like their souls a prophet divined

wanting to forever stay by each other’s side

they vowed to never bottle up inside

magical feeling words could not describe

too bad fate was the one to decide

DnD Festivities

The Alchemists held a festival for the heroes that saved their children. They had all kinds of decadent food and drink several of which were sneered at by many members of the heroic group, claiming, “Don’t make meat that looks like vegetables,” — Harbeck Broadshield.

With much of the molecular gastronomic culinary techniques going to waste they instead focused on the festivities. The village made various teams and challenged six different games, Strength Test, Darts, Trivia, Spot the Difference, Drinking, and Best Performance. The heroes ended up beating all the other teams heartily, gaining a chest of gold and Brown Noise Baton.

DnD Terpsechore Ballet

Trying to finish their quest of helping the muses, the group left the Alchemist village for the forest sensing another muse nearby. They first came to the Whispering Woods, where they kept getting lost as they got distracted by the constant murmuring. They found a little pool inside where they met the Dryad/Naiad Trixi who apparently was the secret love child of Poseidon and Demeter. She promised to send them outside the Whispering Woods if they promised to tell Poseidon, “Fuck You!”

Trixi kept her word and teleported the group to the bank of a creek, just on the outskirts of the Shuffling Woods, where they found evidence of a struggle. In the middle of the scene they found a mystical helm, The Helm of Athena. They then entered the Shuffling Woods, an odd place where the trees moved and contoured to shift the labyrinth-like layout of it to impassible proportions. Inside they had many troubles but Kon chatted up an aging nymph Deciduous and even banged her. She then teleported the group to the wood’s center, but also sacrificing much of their gold in the process.

There they saw a gigantic tree with a shifting wooden thing in its exposed core. It looked like wooden gears eternally shifting. There was also Athena trapped in a energy bubble as the corrupted version of Terpsichore danced around. She danced for a while and out of her appeared four other dancers, one cloaked in flame, another in ice, another in mud, and one swirling with wind.

Once the adventurers defeated the corrupted version of Terpsichore, she mentioned how she was corrupted, trying to take the power of existence from Athena and The Puzzle Heart. She then gave the group her part of the seal, reciting her poem.

Terpsichore’s Memory Poem:

While amidst the veil of sleep

where most pray their souls to keep

and where there does our hero find

but an eerie echo of his lost divine

to which her death he paid no mind

this sacred place would become her shrine

DnD Thalia’s Ruse

The heroes then left the Shuffling Woods to find another muse that they knew was nearby. They traveled past the Shank Spinney, and entered the Trinket Thicket, meeting a nice nymph who offered them each a golden apple. The heroes then also traveled past the Corpse Copse and into the Crossroad Grasslands.

The heroes were then meeted by a wide smiling man who scared them all with how wide he was smiling. He graciously led them to where he thought the missing muse might be. They then came upon the Jovial Jester, which seemed like an interesting tavern in the middle of grassland. Mushu and Yyargita tried to raid the bar as Kon touched an odd book, Skull Wizard Manual. Once touched the walls of the tavern swirled as they all were taken into the book.

The heroes entered the inane world of Skull Wizard. They all changed form and faced odd challenges and monsters until they were able to find Thalia and her “Stupid” (Provided by Bobby) memory. In finding Thalia she recited her poem/memory, her bit of Orpheus’s seal.

Thalia’s Memory Poem:

Only Sorrow would fill his heart,

for his love, before him, was torn apart.

He cried and lamented a broken man,

this continued as he wandered the land.

The blues he sang truly cut deep,

enough to open a gate to “Eternal Sleep.”

Once she recited her poem and gave the adventurers their reward, Orpheus’s Pride found them and tried to take Thalia away, flying off with her with it’s lyre wings. After a grueling battle, and Poseidon delivering the final blow, Orpheus’s Pride was defeated, turning into a lock of hair, a lock made of two distinct colors of hair.

Once saved, Thalia seemed a bit aloof but did mention that the original source of the troubles with Orpheus was near the Lake District.

DnD Crossroads of Fate

The heroes went through the Maudlin Marshes, a seemingly endless marsh of decay with the constant smell of IPA in the air. The heroes disturbed the waters of the marsh, sending an Elegiac Shade and his fellow undead to take them down. The adventurers made quick work of them. Once defeated, one of the three locator shrines popped up, it’s insignia of a dwarf etched upon a short pedestal. Harbeck hesitantly stood on the pedestal activating it. It revealed the stepping stones to the other side of the marsh, giving the group a significant shortcut.

DnD Euterpe’s Lament

The heroes came to aid the Werehuman Commune, a group of various creatures that were magically banished by a renegade priest for being unholy and against god. As they attempt to try and survive an Elegiac shade appears and charms five of the residents. The heroes make quick work of it.

The heroes then went to the Cryptic Crypt, a Crypt in the Maudlin Marshes that is rumored to have a portal to the afterlife. The heroes enter with no fear quickly finding a fork in the tunnel. Two of the doors were sealed shut, one depicting an overflowing treasure chest, and the other showing a cluster of weapons. One other door stands open, depicting a woman singing to corpses. Harbeck suspects that this is due to the locator shrine he activated in the marshes.

The group finds the corrupted muse, Eutrepe, attempting to cast a spell on the Mourner’s Well, a known portal to the afterlife. As the group crosses the threshold five Elegiac Shades appear. Eutrepe then began to sing which forced the group to see their twisted past before they entered this liminal dreamworld.

Once the Elegiac Shades and the corrupted Eutrepe are defeated, as Mushu gives the death blow, Orpheus’s Sloth’s trap triggers. The one to give the final blow would fall under Orpheus’s control. Orpheus’s Sloth, an aspect of Orpheus who uses cymbolic tentacles, that chime as they move, to manipulate the group. He uses his invisibility and tentacles to try and destroy the heroes while refusing to move.

The heroes eventually defeat Orpheus’s Sloth too (his body turns into a flurry of dandruff, the heroes collect a gallon of it from the large plum), and with that Eutrepe is free. Her dark aura and minimal word usage gave the group little to go on, but she rewarded them with her part of the seal.

Eutrepe’s Memory Poem:

Seeing his sorrow, the raw power that it unfurled,

They knew that they must stop his will on the world.

To do so they cast a spell to seal and bind,

scattering precious memories of her from his mind.

They gathered together and wept for his sin,

but then their real terror was soon to begin.

DnD Ghost in the Machine

The town was instantly overrun by stampeding giant boars. Not knowing what to do or whom to turn to, Leox Pixedgepper ran through the Transportation Circle to find the heroes. Once the heroes returned, they found the gods Apollo and Artemis holding a competition to see who could shoot more down.

In the random commotion of the Calydonian boars, attempted murders kept popping up around the village. The first victim, Gaxious Barlaxt was found in his clinic after the second, Nalgex Lyroxt,was found in his shop, with both of their throats cut. The third victim was Raxka Hexract this time the cut to her throat occured in a room with three other witnesses, all so focused on the stampede that they missed seeing the attempted murder. The villagers wrongly think with the arrest of Xarkl Hontagax that their nightmare is over.

The people quickly realized that the true culprit of these attempted murders was the NanoStructure of Uxsla Tixgh, a corruption made from a broken companion nano system. The heroes save the town once again by destroying the homicidal nano machine.

DnD Journey into the Unknown

The adventurers return to open the locked doors in the Cryptic Crypt, finding the other two locator shrines. The first one a bloodletting shrine, asking for the blood of demon, titan, and man. The second shrine was more enigmatic, requesting the hair of a dwarf, an orc, a goliath, and a man.

The heroes come back to the crypt, having activated the other locator temples, opening the “weapon” and “treasure” doors. Behind the weapon door was Hephaestus, hammering away at a new weapon. He welcomes the heroes, asking his gold and silver automatons to serve wine and various cheeses.

Hephaestus offers the heroes new weapons and armor at his low price of 100k gold each. He does warn them that they can sometimes act up.

The treasure room holds a large mimic that the group quickly deals with. Once defeated the mimic bursts, filling the room with a lot of loot. They then discover a baby mimic in the shape of a jewelry box. The baby mimic becomes Mushu’s pet, who he names Midas.

DnD Splitzville

The heroes then went to the Delirious Desert. This desert is home to the various “executed” criminals of an odd country. They are deceived by the fake Polyhymnia who offers them the chance of a wish. In order to get this wish, they would need to go into battle. Each of the 7 major tribes of the area were granted the ability to summon a servant hero, who would do battle for them. The last tribe standing would then be able to get their wishes granted. While this battle would ensue, the fake Polyhymnia took their eldery members, their sick, and their youth all to the temple to worship her.

Once the heroes arrive they quickly realize that they have little means to navigate a featureless terrain without a compass, as they finally notice that the “sun” never moves during the day and is replaced with the “moon” at night. So they progress aimlessly and are then beset by bandits. Making quick work of them, and gutting them for possible juicy money. Harbeck finds a Homing Beacon Bracelet, that he at first thinks points north. The group then travels along, coming upon the two major oases in the area.

The “Heroes,” witness a battle the likes of which they hadn’t seen before. Two factions of bandits fought against each other. One faction with a swordsman that beheaded four men with one attack. The other faction had an archer who sent a hail of arrows killing three. After the battle was over with many casualties, both sides left the battlefield to lick their wounds and try to increase their numbers. The “heroes” then cut and fist their way into the stomach and intestines of the felled bandits, increasing their stores of uncut gems.

They learn from Sinbad that the tribes are in the middle of their big blood battle ritual for the wish from Polyhymnia, so the group decides her temple would be unguarded.

The adventurers see that the Opal Oasis is much larger than the Odious Oasis. The temple there was dug out from a large hill right next to the oasis. A high stair of about 15 yards (in height) leads to the entrance of the temple. Inside they see a chamber full of columns. As they get further inside the notice a large group of worshipers bent in prayer toward a woman eating grapes out of a bowl on a throne.

The group then went into their sleeping area and grabbed robes matching the other worshippers. As they go back into the main chamber and try to blend in, the woman on the throne gives them a cursory glance and notices them right away. “Do the new people with dog tails and…camels in robes, want to introduce themselves?” asked the unknown woman.

The group was surprised that they forgot to leave their animal companions outside. They immediately try to back away, but the fifty or so cultists welcome them. “Oh you must go through our entrance ceremony,” said an elderly man with a grin.

“What does that entail?” asked Harbeck.

“Oh, the scrub, when we scrub off the corruption of your past self. The fortification, the massage of renewal reinvigorates you. The marinade, a soak in our hotspring to fill you with the goodness of our goddess. Then the rehydration sauna, where we give you a gallon of cactus juice and leave you in our hot sauna for two hours. And finally the social welcoming ceremony, the rubbing orgy.”

The many little girls amongst the cultists then go over and grab the hands of the heroes leading them to the back. Yyargita does not like this and kicks some of the little girls in the face to get them off her, “Get away you little shits.”

In a moment of odd clarity, Mushu calls out to Lachesis to bail them out of there. Measuring tapes of all lengths and colors descend from glowing portals above them wrapping around the heroes as they then are shot out. They find themselves back outside at the bottom of the staircase leading to the temple entrance.

Lachesis then scolds them, “What was the game plan there?” The group awkwardly looked at each other for a moment before Bobby interrupted.

Bobby claims that he saw that the goddess the cultists were worshipping was a fake. That she was just a magical construction, as in his left eye he saw her made up entirely of glowing words, and that a string of these words that connected to the goddess, trailed off into the back of the temple. The group concludes that that must be where the true goddess must be and sends Bobby to go back and go through the full initiation.

Bobby then returns to the temple and as all the cultists didn’t recognize his face (remembering both Yyargita for her kicking the faces of the little girls, and Mushu just for his significant size). Then the cultists brought Bobby to Zumurrud, the giant lady in charge of the spa area. She salt scrubs Bobby and massages him to the point of near death, having never been roughed up by anyone else as hard as Zumurrud. She then throws him into the hot spring to soak.

Bobby took advantage of his time alone to explore. He continued to see the string of text connecting the fake goddess to what he assumed was the real one. He went into a little hallway to discover a dead end. The string of text went beyond a statue of a man who was either possibly singing or giving a speech. Just as Bobby was to examine the statue a bit more, Zumurrud showed up taking him to the sauna.

At the sauna Zumurrud gave Bobby a gallon jug of cactus juice and plopped him down on one of the many benches. “I’m gonna leave you here for two hours. Did you need anything else?” asked Zumurrud. Bobby shook his head, and Zumurrud left him to his own devices. Bobby quickly took a swig from his cask of cactus juice and immediately felt a bit light headed, with a slight ringing in his ears as things began to look a bit more pink and purple than they did before.

In his “high” state Bobby tried to unlock the door, by taking splinters off the wooden benches but failing to do so enjoyed taking swigs from his cask and watching the walls around him melt.

After the two hours, Zumurrud finds Bobby humming to himself as he waved his arms in front of his face. She just rolled her eyes whispering to herself, “Light weight,” as she picked him up to bring him to the rubbing orgy.

Bobby was a bit concerned at the rubbing orgy, but found the group very welcoming. They then all put their hands behind their backs and began eskimo kissing one another. One of the older members went up to Bobby and said, “This is how we show affection and trust in this community. I’d love to feel your big nose on mine,” said the man with an eyebrow raise.

Bobby, feeling very out of place, ducks out of the event and returns to the statue he had found before. As if the statue were some kind of clue, Bobby half-heartedly sings. The statue gives him a bit of a “meh” facial expression and swings open, revealing a hidden library.

Bobby is unsure as to which book could be the source of the fake goddess, as he sees the string swirl around the room, not necessarily ending at any specific one. He touched one of the books, “Greasing my Greek Lover,” and the book turned into a cherub shooting little heart arrows everywhere, luckily missing Bobby. While avoiding the arrows, Bobby also touched the book, “The Philosophical Ramification of Jumping Young Boys,” which turned into a kangaroo with a silly grin on its face.

The third book Bobby touches, “The True Hymn,” opened up revealing a portal, sucking Bobby inside. The portal drops him off at the top of the inside of a tower. Bobby then begins to float gently down, as he sees moving pictures of heroic deeds swirling along the walls of the tower, magnificent battles between heroes and monsters, heroes upon other heroes, and touching moments with heroes and their lovers. Each of these pictures swirled around the tower slowly descending as it went as new images took their place at the top of the tower.

As Bobby reached the bottom he saw the same woman from the temple at the bottom, singing beautifully. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be in a world of her own, singing her heart out. Bobby then noticed an ominous shadow of the muse, much bigger than it should be. The shadow cast on the wall was eating the moving pictures as they swirled by, like an eel catching a fish right outside it’s den.

Bobby practically naked, only having his robe and cactus juice with him, does the most practical thing he could think of. He poured the contents of his cactus juice onto the shadow. Nothing seemed to happen at first, but then all of a sudden the shadow began moving, eating the pictures faster than before. Afraid of what was happening, Bobby calls Lachesis so that he could regroup with the others.

After debriefing the information to the others, the group reentered the temple, and grabbed Bobby’s equipment (thanks to Duke of Wellington), and reenters the pocket reality that the real goddess is in. The group quickly separated the goddess from her shadow. The goddess then ascends as the shadow left behind reveals its true form, an amalgamation of the corruption of the goddess and the aspect of Orpheus, Orpheus’s Greed.

After a long battle they win, having freed the cultists from their strange drug stupor, they welcome them into the temple. They have a short conversation with Ali Baba, the oldest resident of the Delirious Desert, having been around before Orpheus’s meddling with the world. They then go outside to see the freed Polyhymnia who offers them miracle samples as well as her part of the seal.

Polyhymnia’s Memory Poem:

Love in a way is like children at play,

you see who you like and know what to say.

For children it is easy, “whaddya wanna do?”

While adults get queasy and want to spew.

Love will always come to those with music in their hearts,

Like Orpheus and Eurydice their love and tragedy, off the charts.

DnD Doldrums

Hestia teleported the group to the outskirts of the Humdrum Hills as the heroes tried to get as close to the great lake as possible. Once there the group had trouble staying awake, having odd dreams of someone sucking them into a book.

A pulse was felt by the group, emanating from the Humdrum Hills that made them fall asleep just like when they were passing along it’s outskirts just before they arrived at Atlantis for the first time.

The heroes trekked to the crystal mountain. The crystal itself was perfectly clear, shining rainbows on the distant mountains and clouds above. It comprised much of the lake, seemingly freezing some of the water in place. It encapsulated an entire city at its center, which was clearly visible from the shore. As the heroes got closer they noticed the strange harmonic properties of the crystal and heard someone or something attacking it from high above. They attempt to send a message through the crystal screaming and shining light, but nothing seems to draw the attackers attention.

The crystal then began to change color and shrink. Yyargita then used her swords to try and break the crystal; energy from her fire sword seemed to only get absorbed by the crystal, while her anti-magic sword shaved off some splinters of the crystal.

Eutrepe then appeared, complaining about feeling an awful drain upon the world, an imbalance. She claimed to sense that one of her sisters might be involved. She then teleports the heroes on top of the crystalline mass where they fought with Erato’s corrupted aura.

During that fight, Erato’s corrupted aura fired many attacks which mostly missed the heroes. As the adventurers attacked the aura, Erato seemed to draw energy to the crystal, concentrating it into a ball in her hand. Even after defeating the aura, Erato completely drained the crystal of energy. As the ball of energy flew off somewhere, the crystal fully disappeared and the group, Eutrepe, and Erato fell out of the sky, down toward the city below.

DnD Atlantean’s New Groove

The group was saved as Eutrepe surrounded them in a sphere of her tears, cushioning the fall. They then were surrounded by Atlantean troops, who were confused upon their unique means of entering their city. The group couldn’t understand the Atlantians, as they only seemed to be able to speak in their unknown language. To the hero’s dismay the surrounding troops took up arms and arrested them. The goddesses attempted to magic themselves and the group away, but the magicians amongst the ranks of the troops, used their staffs to freeze them in place.

The heroes and goddesses were then taken to a holding area, where each was put in separate cells except the goddesses who were confined together. A magician then waved his staff at the bars which made glowing runes appear, floating along the bars. Colin noticed that the bars themselves were made from a legendary metal, oricalcum. He then noticed that the stones that made up the walls, floor, and benches were all made of a very durable stone unlike anything that he had noticed before, only the crystal that trapped them had similar properties.

A meek looking guard’s assistant came offering some food and water. Upon figuring out that the dogs were being held, in a probable dark and horrible place, Yyargita freaked out. She grabbed the assistant by the shirt collar and jostled him around angrily. He seemed to understand every other word Yyargita said. In desperation she shook him, but out of fear he pulled away, ripping his shirt as he ran off..

Without knowing what else to do, the group called Lachesis. She appeared before them looking confused, but the runes from the muses cell affected her freezing her in place. A few moments later the official from earlier arrived and barked something at everyone sounding angry, “Bark do Bark think Bark are Bark?”

Not able to understand, the group shrugged, as Yyargita screamed at them herself, “What about my babies?” The official and his magicians only looked confused, tilting their heads slightly and repeating back, “Babies?” They then left unsure as to what to do, and put Lachesis in the cell with the muses.

Colin, still had some spells prepared, and attempted to Misty Step his way out of the cage. The bars glowed red preventing him from leaving the cell. Harbck then suggested, “Hey druid heathen boy, how about you clean your ears of Hephaestus’s cum and listen to me. Turn into a squirrel and get through the bars.”

Colin looked skeptical but he Wild Shaped himself into a squirrel and attempted to leave the cell. The cell bars turned red again this time shooting him into the wall behind him. Harbeck chucked as Colin gave him a death glare.

In the middle of the night Hermes appeared in front of Kon’s cell. He froze just like Lachesis. Kon then felt around Hermes’s touga to see if he had anything to help them escape. He found an empty leather bag, Hermes’s magic scepter, his winged helmet, and winged sandals. Trying to hide the items, Kon put all the items into the bag but they all disappeared. Kon then tried to pull the bag inside the cell but some kind of resistance stopped the bag from crossing the bars which forced Kon to drop the bag as it fell onto the floor.

In the morning the meak assistant returned to give the heroes their breakfast. When he realized that he could understand the prisoners he ran off scared, mostly of Yyargita. The leader from before walks over and introduces himself as Joe Flannigan. He then questioned the group. No one seemed to want to cooperate, so he asked Bobby if he could project his memories, so as to confirm the circumstances of what happened. Bobby agreed and the image of the city encased in crystal appeared. The image then switched showing their battle with Erato’s dark aura, and the crystal disappearing.

The commander then released them but requested that they meet with their king to explain all that had happened. Once free, Hermes tells Kon about Deciduous going into labor. With his message delivered, Hermes disappeared in a cloud of feathers. Kon understandably wanted to be by Deciduous’ side, and Yyargita agrees to go along with him. Lachesis offered to take them to the shuffling woods, so Kon, Yyargita, and their dogs were enveloped by hundreds of measuring tapes and were thus teleported to the Shuffling woods.

Kon, Yyargita, and Lachesis arrive back at the heart of the Shuffling woods, to find Deciduous to have grown into a massive creature. Her new sphericalish shape had a radius of 10ft. She moaned and screamed a few choice profanities at Kon as odd, spur-like “babies” shot out of the top of her. As they began to descend, the top of them opened up like an umbrella as their bottom “mouth” parts wiggled hoping to grab onto something.

Kon and Deciduous had 900 babies, each of which was planted successfully into the ground as a new orchard. They immediately created a sproat, with green leaves and all, but also had odd red veins, throbbing in unison.

As Yyargita leaves to join the others in Atlantis, she notices one of the “saplings” change into something else, something big.

They are led by the commander to the throne room, a vast chamber of marble with veins of gold and platinum arranged on top of every surface in beautiful loops and geometric designs. The king sat on the throne continuing to sample on some meat, cheese, tomatoes, and bread as the heroes were introduced to him. The king smacked his lips when he talked, spraying food as he went, speaking more like a spoiled child than a true leader. He was more concerned with the city being mostly gone, only the central governing institutions intact. Colin attempts to flirt with the king but finds his ego too hard to penetrate. The king also inquires about a missing adolescent, with birthmark runes all over their body, which the heroes knew nothing about. They were then waved off and the commander led them out of the throne room.

DnD Green Eyed Envy

After the heroes were introduced to the king, they were escorted out by Commander Flanigan. The muses oddly dawdled behind the rest of the group. Erato then began to complain about a headache. She seemed to not remember anything that happened for the last few years. Concerned about her wellbeing and being able to obtain the missing seal fragment/memory, the heroes take the muse to the Ritual Institute.

At the Ritual Institute, the heroes were introduced to Director Preston B. Whitmore and Prof. Gaetan. Gaetan tried to separate the group from Whitmore telling them he’d explain everything inside. Once they were allowed inside the main hall, the many golden rings and floating geode crystals caught Mushu’s eye. He jumped up and grabbed one of the geodes, and tried to put it in his bag. The automated alarm and detention magic activated sending the group back to jail.

After an hour Commander Flanigan arrives, informing the group that they are being detained for stealing, and the king’s inner counsel feels a bit inclined to not let them go. The only way for them to be freed would be a charge of 1000 per head (500 for each dog). Mushu agrees to pay for the rest of the group, and after another hour they are teleported to the room where Gaetan told them to meet him.

When teleported into the room, Gaetan was nowhere to be found. He left over an hour before believing the heroes to be either lost or stupid. In his place they found Milo Thatch, a student of the Institute. After a few experiments and exams, Prof. Gaetan appears and warns them about Director Whitmore and the failed ritual he performed with the King. The group is hesitant to believe him, as he was so ready to slander the Director.

Prof. Gaetan then shows the group around and takes them to their nursery, telling them they can stay there for the night. Offering everyone a focus crystal except Colin and Harbeck, who are offered some of the toddler toys, a +2 druidic focus, and +2 amulet of Thor.

In the middle of the night, the group was woken by a loud alarm. Explosions were heard just outside the window and inside the building. Outside the window they saw Atlantean magicians fighting a Cyclops with a hooded figure behind him. The group splits up, Yyargita, Bobby, and Harbeck jump out the window (well just Yyargita, Bobby and Harbeck climb down a trellis). Mushu, Colin, and Kon go further inside the building.

Yyargita, Harbeck, and Bobby helped the Atlantean magicians defeat Cassim. While Mushu, Colin, and Kon helped ChiChi Dragonballs and the Atlantean magicians defeat Fatimah. Mushu’s borrowed sword Cerberus went berserk, trying to eat the souls of someone, and the magicians confiscated it for testing. Mushu followed them to eventually get his sword back. The others heard about a commotion still happening at the palace.

Mushu learned the sword needed souls, and was offered the choice of suppressing it’s abilities, and hunger, or keeping it in her possession with the risk of it going out of his control. Mushu chose the latter and the sword immediately went out of his control. He then begrudgingly allowed the magicians to seal Cerberus. Mushu then ran to the palace to join the others.

The heroes approached the Palace. Outside in the garden and entrance, was evidence of an explosive battle. They approached the throne room and found a very tall and well built hooded figure with his back facing the group. The figure had three miraculous heroes before him glowing in a golden light. Fighting these miraculous heroes stood a dozen Atlantean magicians, defending the King.

The hooded figure was so distracted with the battle that he did not notice Yyargita had grappled him. He slowly lost oxygen while Yyargita showed no signs of stopping and breaking his concentration. The miraculous heroes disappeared and the magicians sent the hooded to prison.

While the rest of the magicians began to clean up, the king thanked the heroes for saving them yet again. The king acted quite differently than how he did many hours before. He seemed to have lost a significant amount of weight, and his veins throbbed all around his forehead.

In the middle of the king’s speech, Yyargita and Colin asked the supervisor of the guards, the magician who sent the hooded figure to prison, if he could help them get to the prison to interrogate the hooded man. The supervisor allows it and teleports them to the prison.

After Yyargit and Colin left, the king asked for the heroes to share their experiences with him. The group tried to politely refuse, saying they needed to leave. The king offered them a chance at being Atlantean citizens, but said they’d have to share experience with him to do that too. The heroes then flatly refused, which upset the king who then asked his magicians to surround and detain the heroes. Mushu and Kon were fast enough to run before the magicians could freeze them, but Harbeck and Bobby were frozen. The king then touched the heroes on the forehead as their veins bulged toward the king’s fingers.

Yyargita and Colin learn little from Shahryar, the large hooded figure trying to take down the king. Instead Cassim, who already told them about how they wanted their wish to be granted and were going to do whatever was necessary to get it. Shahryar does admit, after Cassim flapped his loose lips, that the miracle Medea told him that the same energy that would have granted their wish before was now here, in Atlantis and was emanating from the King. Armed with this information Colin and Yyargita asked the supervisor to teleport them to the ritual institute while the supervisor went back to the king.

Mushu, Kon, Colin, and Yyargita returned to the Ritual Institute and asked the Director many questions, and accused him of manipulating the King. The Dean professed his innocence but continued to be snide and rude, winning no one’s favor. In the end he offered to bolster the heroes’ defences which he did by granting Kon, Colin, Mushu, and Yyargita a magical glyph that protects them from 8 Atlantean spells.

The Dean teleported himself Colin, Yyargita, Mushu, and Kon to the throne room of the palace. The guards in the throne room, Harbeck, Bobby, Erato, and Euterpe all had odd green eye symbols on their foreheads and stood stoically, without any recognition of the hero’s sudden appearance. The Director confronted the king about his odd condition. The king avoided comment, and said he needed to take everyone’s experience. The Director then teleported himself out of the throne room, but not before he wished the rest of the heroes luck.

The king, the guards, and their turned friends all begin a battle against the remaining sane heroes. In the middle of the battle, Colin used the spell Moonbeam to damage the king, but unexpectedly Orpheus’s Envy was discovered. He was the black fluid that erupted from the king whenever he was shot with an arrow. Envy erupted out of the king, exposed by the moonbeam. Envy then took the king out of the moonbeam so that he could repossess him as the magicians finished off the heroes.

The battle seemed lost as the defense glyphs applied by the director disappeared and everyone succumbed to the Harmonic Stop spell the magicians used. The possessed king then approached each hero, applying his green eyed symbol on each of their foreheads. As the king attempted to control/possess Colin, but then his Control Redirection ability kicked in, giving Colin Control over the Envy and all he possessed.

Colin gained control of Orpheus’s Envy’s manipulation network that was controlling everyone in the throne room. Colin immediately felt the mental strain of the many minds he was connected to, especially that of Orpheus’s aspect that was fighting against his power. Colin slowly released people from the network, using Envy’s power against him. Eventually he freed everyone from Envy’s control and separated the king from Envy. With the help of the Atlantean magicians they defeated Envy, who’s black blood evaporates revealing a jug of Orpheus’ puss.

The king awoke from his control, grappled by Mushu, who nearly crushed his windpipe. At that point the director teleported into the throne room to help the king and the others. Mushu immediately confronts the director about abandoning them earlier.

“I did everything you asked for. I gave you protection with the glyphs, I brought you to the throne room, I even confronted the king,” said the director.

Mushu continued to swear and call the Director a coward, as he remembered the Director offering the heroes to the possessed King. The Director then changed the subject making sure that Mushu remembered his promise to allow the Director to perform exploratory surgery on him. Mushu remembered his promise and agreed to return tomorrow night after they’ve all had a long rest. The Director then cast a locator spell on Mushu, to ensure that he could always find him.

Erato did not know that the heroes were looking for her piece of the memory seal. Mushu and Colin request her piece and she gladly gives it to them.

Erato’s Memory Poem:

His prayer was answered, now all he need do

was follow his path back to where life grew

He knew he need not turn round or else all would be lost,

but his doubt grew bitter and he ignored the cost,

the price was quite high and his trust was truly broken,

he lost her forever, no truer love’s token

DnD Much ado about… Something

The heroes decided to visit the Alchemist Village after their stay at Hephaestus’s workshop, to gather their dogs and mess with Director Whitmore. They find that the town was surrounded by a green haze. The traveling circle around them then dims, something they have never seen before. The circle seemed inactive, stranding the heroes in the Alchemist Village.

The adventurers noticed that the village looked deserted, but Yyargita heard voices coming from the tavern. The group went inside and found Kaa Hiss, Foghorn Run, and Philip K. Peep. Foghorn Run was more than happy to try and loudly answer the heroes’ questions about the village. A few days ago, when the green haze appeared, the citizens of the village all seemed to ignore everyone. Philip K. Peep then mentions that the mayor did something that might have caused it. He sounded scared, stuttering worse than usual.

The heroes then split up, as Kon, Colin, and Mushu try to find Hestia, and Yyargita, Harbeck, and Bobby head to the Mayor’s house.

Kon, Colin, and Mushu found, as they approached Hestia’s Apothecary, the villagers constructing what appeared to be metal fence posts with crystals at the top of them. They continued to do this as if in a trance. Mushu then grabbed one of them and shook them yelling, “WHAT IS GOING ON?”

The villager’s nanoshaper activated, sending a lightning bolt toward Mushu, which luckily missed. Mushu immediately let go of the villager. They got up and continued where they left off, making more fence posts. Colin then casted detect magic, seeing the green energy inside all the villagers, he was able to focus and notice that the energy was almost like a living sentient being.

Mushu, Kon, and Colin then walked to the apothecary and knocked on the door. Thalia answered, slowly opening the door and greeting them with a laugh. The heroes asked if Hestia was there or where she might be. After a few odd jokes and strange comments, Thalia indicated that Hestia went to the City Hall to protect some powersource. After some flirting between Kon and Thalia, the group leaves for City Hall.

Then Mushu, Kon, and Colin, found Hestia in the basement; she was accompanied by Tigerlily Purrington and Perdita Sirius. Hestia had her eyes closed and was making circular motions with her fireplace poker. Hestia opened her eyes as the heroes approached. She told them about the energy that had filled the town and how it didn’t seem evil. Hestia wanted to protect it as a last resort, a way of getting rid of the energy. She thought she could use the town’s powersource to send an electric pulse to damage it or send it away.

While this was going on, Yyargita, Harbeck, and Bobby went to the Mayor’s house. They immediately could tell that the source of the green energy was coming from it, as the windows were glowing bright green. Yyargita, in haste (or hopefully), broke into the house via a closed window, ignoring to check the unlocked front door. The heroes made their way through the dining room into the kitchen, where Yyargita grabbed a stainless steel pot off of one of the racks. They then found themselves in the familiar hallway that led to the stairway to the basement. The green light was so bright that they stumbled along, nearly blinded by the light.

Once in the basement they saw brighter columns of light emanating from the portal they were fairly used to, the portal to the Alchemist’s home universe. Bobby, though his eye infected with the Demon’s Truth, saw a dimmed view of the green light. The light looked like heat rising in a desert, as the air shimmered around the room. Bobby saw that the columns of light were really ducts of metal that originated from the portal and thinned and branched out as it integrated with the house. Yyargita attempted to hit the column of light with her new pot, but as she hit it she felt no resistance, as the metal simply disappeared as if eaten by the metal duct.

The portal’s surface air was obstructed by these ducts, but the heroes side stepped into it and back into the familiar force field hallway where Bexnelo Soxlirn sat meditating with his usual green aura shield surrounding him. There was a notable difference this time, as the columns of light (metal ducts) seemed to originate in a nest of metal that Bexnelo sat upon sending the green energy from that universe into the dreamscape. Bobby was able to see a swirling text that surrounded Bexnelo that he hadn’t noticed before, this was a dialect of primordial that Bobby only recognized a single word, “Guardian.”

The heroes attempted to wake up Bexnelo Soxlirn, screaming at him to wake up, calling him names, and even slapping him with things. Yyargita even brought out her crystal butter knife to try and dispel the aura around him. This succeeded where attempted slapping failed, the crystal butter knife was able to pierce the green aura and nearly touched Bexnelo, but the aura seemed to harden to prevent the butter knife from actually touching Bexnelo. Each time that Yyargita tried to touch Bexnelo, the aura would glow brightly each time she attempted to touch him, from the point of near impact outward. It glowed just slightly brighter each time.

With limited success, Yyargita then attempted to cut through the columns of light with her butter knife. The instant she touched it with her knife, it seemed to impact it where the pot didn’t but it fractured the knife. Seeing that the columns of light were susceptible to outside influence, Harbeck used dispel magic to try and stop the energy from reaching the dreamscape. He sadly missed, but Yyargita then used her Halfling pipe and summoned one of her lost comrades. She was able to summon Rosco Goodbarrel, a cleric that was able to successfully use dispel magic, and with Harbecks help, was able to deactivate 2 of the columns of light that showed themselves to be metal ducts.

Rosco then politely asked if he could try and convert everyone to his lovely god Blutza the god of sanctuary (and s few others). Harbeck then viscerally reacted and tried to cast Silence on him, but Rosco was able to use Counterspell to nullify it. He then went a step further and mentioned, that a dumb species like the dwarves to wasted their lives toiling away over unimportant things, should take a shine to his god. At that Harbeck had it, and successfully cast Silence to shut him up. Rosco then simply disappeared, returning from where he came.

Without being able to dispel any more magic, Yyargita, Bobby, and Harbeck left the house to rejoin the other heroes. The heroes exchanged what they learned and decided they needed to get more information from Philip K. Peep.

They returned to the tavern to ask Philip about the mayor and if they had been doing anything weird. Philip K. Peep explained that the Alchemist’s learned about the Atlantean metal oricalcum, a magical energy semiconductor. The mayor had thought it could be the perfect solution to get access to his brother. In testing this theory they did not expect that the introduction to a metal such as that could allow the green energy to flow through it. So when the metal connected, the energy traveled along the oricalcum laced cables and infected the mayor’s nanomanipulator, allowing the energy to spread into the alchemist village.

Armed with this new information, the heroes then decided to go to Xarkl Hontagax’s house and see if his more advanced Companion Nano System might be able to combat this energy somehow. They arrived at the cabin and Yyargita kicked down the unlocked door to gain entry. Inside, the CNS activated and projected another image of Uxsla Tixgh, Xarkl’s deceased wife. She let them know that her systems were about to be invaded by a foreign energy source. Thinking about the previous malfunction that allowed the CNS to construct a nanobot recreation of Uxsla, the heroes thought they could make another such android and allow the green energy to access it so they could communicate with it. Choosing a monstrous visage for the robot, the CNS allowed certain circuits connected to the robot to be infected by the green energy.

The green energy infected the new robot and called itself, the green guardian. It claimed that the constant portals to the other world was leaving other universes vulnerable to the red lightning that had ravaged the Alchemist’s universe. The green guardian was attempting to make a perfect plug in the dreamscape so that there was no chance that the portal could allow the red lightning into other universes, as he could not trust that the villagers to keep their promise of never attempting to go home, as he still needed a willing host vessel with intelligence 17 or higher in order to survive. In suspended animated meditation the host could live forever sustained by the green guardian as he attempted to restrain the red lightning.

After claiming that if the Green Guardian blocked off the village from the rest of dreamscape, Orpheus could gather enough energy to overpower his barrier, the Green Guardian agreed to go back to the Alchemist Universe, on the condition that the heroes allow him to go inside them and take a bit of their energy to recharge itself, to guarantee that the next time the portal opened the red lightning would not be able to get through.

DnD A Different Galaxy’s Quest

The heroes then returned to the Cryptic Crypt so that Mushu could replace Cerberus with Oathblade (and so Colin could have an unforgettable morning after sleeping with Hephaestus, having used his mammoth pectorals as pillows). In the morning the gold and silver automatons of Hephaestus made them a lovely spread of food as the heroes talked with the muses, as Colin kept Hephaestus occupied. Erato then discovered the heroes needed her part of Orpheus’s Seal and gave them her memory.

The heroes then set themselves on getting the director in Atlantis to be the Green Guardian’s new host to free Bexnelo, and finding a god-killing weapon. The heroes split themselves up, as Colin went to the Werehuman Commune to talk to Hephaestus, as the rest of them went to Atlantis to find the director, as Mushu was still meant to have an exploratory surgery (vivisection) as a favor to the Director. As the heroes got to Atlantis they found the place in ruins, the teleportation circle seemed damaged as the outer circle rubbed away as if due to an explosion. They then heard a click and something landing near them…

Colin went inside the Cryptic Crypt to find his favorite bedfellow. As he entered the smithy he didn’t see Hephaestus. He looked in the bedroom and still couldn’t find him. The Silver automaton was inactive and the gold one was tidying up the workshop and wasn’t responding to Colin’s questions. Colin continued to look for Hephaestus in the treasure chamber where they found the baby mimic, Midas.

Colin then decided to look into the main chamber where they fought Euterpe. From a distance Colin could hear the baritone whispers of Hephaestus. As Colin peaked in to see what was happening, all he could see was Hephaestus’ wide back bent over as he was facing away from Colin. Colin walked into the room and as he did only heard Hephaestus say into the Mourner’s Well, “It will be done,” as he turned around and was surprised to see Colin.

Colin asked Hephaestus for a god killing weapon. Hephaestus mentioned he’d need parts of this god to make a specific weapon to kill them, or something called adamant, a rare ore used to kill Uranus. Armed with this knowledge, Colin asked Hephaestus to teleport him to his friends.

In Atlantis a gas canister landed at the heroes’ feet. Everyone but Harbeck was able to dodge out of the way, as Harbeck fell asleep due to the gas. Two bandits popped out of the rubble as another bandit with gold chains, armbands, and rings called to them, “Follow me away from this madness.”

In a quick decision Mushu grabbed Harbeck as the rest of the heroes followed the well groomed thief down the ruined streets of Atlantis. He turned into an alleyway and waited for them, giving the heroes enough time to wake up Harbeck. The thief then explained that he didn’t like what the thieves were doing and was hoping to deescalate the situation, hoping to help the heroes. He mentions that the Palace was taken over by bandits and that the Atlantean forces fell back and were now concentrated at the Institute. He then led them along a path up on the rooftops of the rubble and dilapidated buildings toward the Atlantean resistance.

Mushu grabbed Harbeck, knowing both his athletics and acrobatics were below average, but hubris has its toll. Not being used to jumping with a hefty Dwarf on his shoulder. Mushu accidently let go of the dwarf as he fell into the street below, attracting the attention of a bandit who infected Harbeck with more sleeping gas. Their new thief friend dropped down and picked Harbeck up, allowing the group to reach the institute. As they jumped off the roof, five bandits showed up to attack the heroes. At the same time two Atlantean guards and two Atlantean magicians appear to confront the bandits.

A quick battle ensued as the bandits and magicians clashed, a few guards knocked arrows at the thieves. One bandit then began to retch and spat an uncut gem high into the air. It exploded in a storm of light that shattered the crystal harmonic objects of everything in the vicinity. This destroyed the magician’s staves, the heroes focusing crystals, and their crystal butter knives. After a menacing glare from the thief with flare, carrying Harbeck, the other bandits slunked away into the shadows. The heroes then joined the Atlanteans while their new thief also left them. Suspicious about their disappearance and then the sudden bandit reinforcements that could take out their magical powers, the Atlantean magicians took the heroes into their custody.

Colin found himself inside a glass examiner’s case. The dim light of the crystals around the larger chamber was enough for him to see the various vents around the base of his case and on the roof of the glass dome. The outer room had an examination mirror/window, and a door off to it’s side. Seeing his friends asleep in the other glass cases, Colin attempted to misty step outside of the room, but was stopped somehow as the glass glowed and the energy seemed to run down the base of that glass wall. Then gray mist began to rise up from neighboring cases.

Colin then wildshaped into a spider and climbed down the ducts. It eventually led into a six pronged fork in the road. Colin followed his nose toward the one that smelled of the ocean which led to a sewer drain. Colin then changed into a rat to follow along the pipe. As the pipe led to a bright area he missed his footing and fell into the little canal/river below. Colin quickly returned to his regular dwarf form and misty stepped to the walkway above.

On the walkway, Colin spotted an impressive looking yacht. It had a sign in front of it claiming to be the property of the King, but Colin could tell no one was inside. He then walked toward the institute but got caught up in a magician’s magic and woke up with the other heroes in the observation chambers.

Angry and distrustful of the Atlanteans, the heroes cursed and gestured their anger at them. Commander Joe Flanigan arrived and explained that many of the guards and magicians blamed the heroes for abandoning their duties in not capturing the freed bandit leaders and possibly informing them about the city’s weaknesses. He did apologize but also explained that with many Palace officials held hostage it was impossible to just let them go.

Flanigan then asked for the heroes help but many of the heroes did not seem at all interested, Yyargita and Mushu especially. The commander then just said flatly, if you won’t help we don’t need you. Then with Mushu interested in helping for glory, the heroes teamed up with the only available squadron of Atlantean warriors, and ran for the palace.

After a few tussles with a few patrolling bandits, the heroes entered the all too quiet palace. They were then ambushed by 6 bandits but were quickly defeated, Kon even managing to enchant one of them with sleep. Morgiana woke up to find herself restrained and refused to talk, only by Mushu’s intimidation did the gleam that the uncut gems the bandits kept in their belly could be attuned to destroy certain types of magic, an ancient practice. She told them her own wish of returning home. Then she spilled the juicy information, that a squadron of bandits were below protecting the elevator to the temple, and the main force was down in the temple with the hostages. The official bandit leaders were in the temple. When asked about an unofficial bandit leader, she remained silent.

The heroes then collected themselves, as Commander Flanigan attempted a short ritual to perform a Harmonic Sending Spell, so that some others from the institute would come and get their prisoner.

The heroes then decide to descend the servant stairs that led to the palace basement. The Atlantean guards in silent formation went ahead of the heroic buddies. They moved silently and efficiently, showing off their years of training and military prowess. Mushu seemed to exude more tank energy while Colin seemed much more in touch with his feminie side, with every movement ending in a pose to highlight Colin’s dwarven curves, or lack thereof.

In the basement the group was ambushed by 17 bandits, one of which melted into the shadows and dealt deadly shadowy blows. This bandit lord seemed to get a sneak attack on Harbeck, but with Colin’s faerie fire his shadowy camouflage was lost. Then with the combined efforts of Colin’s moonbeam and Kon’s Brown Noise Baton, this bandit was shitting his insides as a ghostly flame melted his flesh, leaving him in a shit rotten pile of bloody flesh. The other bandits made some good blows on the heroes and the Atlantean guards, but they all fell to their superior force.

Once the scene was settled, the group took a moment into a healing circle the Atlanteans had set up during the battle. There was then a loud crash and thunderous roar from outside of the palace, so loud that it shook the palace foundations and even penetrated through the palace as it was audible to the heroes in the basement. A cask of healing potions fell from the ceiling, an odd stash by some unknown benefactor, as Commander Flannigan’s eyes grew wide and he said is shock, “Oh fuck! I didn’t think they’d do it.”

After hearing a crash from outside and the rush of footsteps, Harbeck cursed, “What fucking now?”

Jillian Thorngage then ran in, her pale ethereal form skipping across the stairs and floor. “You have to run,” she screamed. She then calmed down a bit and mentioned how she had been following the Atlantis Magicians since Yyargita asked her to keep an eye on one that nearly died fighting the Berserker Miracle.

Jillian mentioned that over the last few days with the bandits invading the city, the magicians were spread thin. A surprise attack at the palace nearly decimated their troops and they were forced to retreat to the Institute. The tensions grew higher as the heroes returned, and the Atlantean leaders unleashed all their anxiety and paranoia on them. They noticed that the heroes were vastly outnumbered and used their emergency protocol Frenzy Shield, transforming all guards, with their crystal implants, into half beasts to destroy the invaders.

As Jillian explained this, a squadrian of 15 beastmen ran past them. Each of the men had a look of utter anger in their eyes but they ignored the heroes, showing some semblance of sanity. Their brightly lit crystals seemed to activate the ones in the four guards with them, they quickly transformed and ran along with them as Joe Flannigan looked on in terror. He warned the heroes that, “Only bad things could happen if the crystals in their chest break.”

DnD Temple Tantrum (7/9/2021)

Sensing the urgency of the situation, the heroes then looted the bandit corpses, making sure to cut every bandit’s stomach open for the possibile uncut gems inside. A half hour later, the heroes arrived at the battle scarred elevator and took it down.

In a flash of light, a little girl in a dark robe appeared before them. She cautioned the heroes telling them, “As a favor to my sister, who brought you all together, I thought I should warn you, you’re probably going to die.”

Then a bright flash of gold and loud bang of a gong, a beautiful woman drowning in jewelry appeared and yelled at the girl, “How dare you try and warn these riff-raff? I wanted this country destroyed, and it’s absolute destruction is nearly complete.”

Yyargita tried to question the goddesses and asked them to change their minds, but only getting their names, Atropos and Hera, before they disappeared as quickly as they came.

As the elevator descended in the large chamber of the temple, the heroes could see the battle below, although Bobby could not see out of his left eye as the whole area was blindingly bright. Thirteen bandits held thirteen hostages (some hostages were recognizable, like the King, the Director, and Supervisor Vinchenzo), on circles etched into the stone floor, all of these smaller circles were all inside a large circle which had lines connected to a circle at the far end of the temple, as if meant to channel power up to that area. The outer edge of the temple had thirteen large crystals that Colin noticed were continuing to grow, and looked very similar to the focusing crystals that were given to them.

In front of that main part of the temple was the battlefront, as the beast men tried to plow through ranks of bandits. Twentyseven more bandits stopped the beastmen from getting to the hostages. At the front of these bandits were the three leaders the heroes had battled before with all their miracles summoned. On the elevator platform above the rest of the battle was the gentlemanly bandit that helped the heroes get to the institute, looking at the heroes stoically.

Yyargita then noticed that the living metal generator was sparking badly. The group remembered the magicians mentioned how the teleportation circle broke when analyzed due to Atlantean Harmonic magic and Alchemist technology being explosively incompatible. Yyargita quickly gave it to Mushu who chucked it at the base of the stairs, creating a firestorm that absorbed three bandits. Then the ranged fighters shot some arrows at the crystals to little effect.

As the elevator finished its descent, the glamorous bandit politely asked the heroes to leave, saying that they were, “Nearly done getting their wish.” The heroes then noticed a frail woman just behind the glamorous bandit. She was holding a bag. Colin knew the bag had primordial magic to it. Yyargita tried to ask some fishing questions and stop the whole thing diplomatically, but the glamorous bandit seeing the heroes drop a bomb on his comrades wouldn’t have any of it. His companion sensed this and threw a clear looking die from her bag. Which created a caustic cloud damaging the group as the bandit and his frail lady misty stepped away.

The battle was fierce as the heroes scrambled to try and stop the bandits. At one point Mushu fought the cyclops miracle and before he could complete his attack he looked into the cyclops eyes and utters, “Father?” Mushu fell to the ground due to being in a daze of emotions. Then the miracle acted strangely, patting Mushu on the back and dropping a rapier by Mushu’s side.

Inevitably, once the glamorous bandit became bloody he dimensioned doored himself and his frail lady to the circle at the back and told his bandits, “Do it now!” The bandits then slit all the throats of the hostages as the place erupted in a pale blinding light.

The heroes then found themselves in a weird state as they saw the room around them beginning to go back in time, a woman stood before them glowing in an odd light and told them, “You can not let this temple activate. I stopped it before but this is the last thing I can do.” As she said this her arm and parts of her leg splintered away as if they were glowing petals in a storm. The woman then requested that the heroes tell Milo, “The times I spent with you were the happiest I’ve ever been.” She smiled as she faded into oblivion.

The heroes found themselves at the top of the elevator, before they pushed the button, a few minutes into the past. This was due to the mysterious girl that warned them that the temple should never be activated. The heroes surmised that she resembled the description of the lost student Kida. She then dissolved into a sparkling cloud.

Wanting to push forward, Harbeck/Yyargita pressed the elevator down. They were soon met again by the fateful Atropos who wanted to know how they escaped their fate and turned back time. The heroes vaguely mentioned what had happened, and the goddess left dissatisfied with their answer.

Once the elevator platform had lowered into the temple chamber Bobby immediately noticed a big difference as he was no longer blind in his left eye. Four of the crystals to the sides glowed with a golden light that corresponded to four pillars of golden light that engulfed four of the hostages. Bobby even noticed humanoid shapes within the crystals and the pillars of light.

The heroes were on edge noticing that the temple and it’s magical functions were somehow different from their first fight. With Bobby’s information the group got ready, summoning their miracles by their sides and other concentration effects. Kon summoned his Typhon miracle, slamming his giant beast atop bandit and half polymorphed-guard without mercy. Mushu summoned his Achilles, and Bobby his Minotaur.

Once the elevator was eighty feet above the rest of the temple, Yyargita gave the living metal generator to Mushu to throw, causing a twelve hex firestorm beneath. In reaction to this, the frail lady behind the glamorous bandit, pulled out a red die from her primordially power bag, and chucked it in the air, to be served, as the glamorous bandit hit the die with his scimitar like a tennis racket and landed the die at the feet of Joe Flannigan. A firestorm erupted, nothing happened in the eye of the storm where Joe was, but the rest of the group was hit with devastating flames.

As the fight continued between the changed atlantean guard and the bandits, the heroes arrived at the base of the elevator. They charged into battle as Typhon decimated the left flank (of friend and foe) while the heroes focused on the left. Eventually all but a few bandits were left as even the glamorous bandit performed a dance in the circle at the back of the temple, which lit up the rest of the hostages, enveloping them all in columns of light. The frail lady then fell at his side as the Minotaur hit her with his jagged bone sword.

Just as the glamorous bandit was left with only a smidgen of life left in him, he was able to use the temple to condense all the golden light upon himself. He then pulsed a golden wave of light all around, knocking everyone prone. As the heroes got up to look around all the bandits were gone, living or dead, with little evidence of their presence. The bodies of the felled guards remained as the few remaining guards still breathed heavily, their eyes unfocused.

Harbeck worried about what sort of evil wish the temple empowered the bandits with. As Yyargita and Colin both noticed the primordial bag left behind by the frail lady. Yyargita was able to grab it first, refusing to give it to Colin as she pulled out a black die from the bag and licked it. The die glowed and disappeared as dark dopplegangers of those within twenty feet of Yyargita appeared.

DnD Shadows Before the Light (7/23/2021)

As Yyargita licked the black dice, hoping for power, dark shadow doppelgangers appeared making exact copies of Colin, Bobby, and Yyargita. These dark versions of the heroes immediately became hostile, attacking their original.

The battle went fairly quickly but once Dark Colin was about to lose all his health, as a reaction he used one of Colin’s pomegranate seeds, to stave off death. Mushu made quick work of dark Colin though. Kon then cast sleep on the other two doppelgangers and were easily defeated in their sleeping state.

As the heroes took a quick breather after the battle, Kon took the primordial dice bag away from Yyargita. After the inevitable bickering, the Atlanteans that had held up in the Ritual Institute came to check on them. They immediately took the hostages out of the temple, the medical magicians had grave expressions on their faces as they went. Some of the other magicians were dutifully healing the half polymorphed guards, carefully removing the broken focusing crystals in their chests and reviving the fallen guards.

In the midst of all the movement Mushu noticed five glowing gold pages on the ground and quickly snatched them up. He tried to be sneaky about it, but everyone noticed him picking them up as nothing is more suspect than a tiptoeing goliath.

Joe Flannigan took the opportunity to talk to the heroes. “I know we might have failed stopping the bandits from getting whatever it is they wanted from this temple, but you all tried your best to help and that’s all I could ever ask for. I know it’s not much, but I know the king wanted you to have this,” said Joe, giving Mushu a large chest that had crayon drawings and stickers all over it.

“Uh thanks,” said Mushu, confused at the shabby state of the chest but always happy to be receiving treasure.

Mushu immediately opened it and inside was…

Necklance of Constitution: Attunement item. Makes the wear’s constitution 19.

Ring of Smite: Attunement item. Once a day, after a hit is declared, but before rolling damage decide if the attack will be a critical hit.

Misty Boots: Attunement item. The wearer can cast Misty Step at will however many times the wearer’s spell casting modifier. After that they can continue to cast Misty Step if they succeed in an arcana check but if they fail they’ll lose their attunement to the boots.

10 Flux Motes (Can be used instead of consumable spell components)

4 Flux Tomes (Roll a d4, can learn that level spell or lower from any class)

…and a small chest with the word Luck written boldly atop it. Harbeck cautioned Mushu as he was unsure of how dangerous whatever could be inside. After a quick check Harbeck gave the okay and Mushu opened the chest. Inside was a small velvet satchel, a box of cards, and a gilded book. Mushu inspected the satchel and found it full of cards. Kon opened the book to find cards in there. This rang alarm bells for Colin and he snatched all the items and put them back inside the “luck” chest for safe keeping until they could ask someone about them.

Kon then took the Necklace of “Kon”stitution and began immediately attuning to it, as Joe Flannigan cleared his throat. “You all…need some time to rest and get back your strength, especially due to your…pungent atmosphere,” said Joe wrinkling his nose. “I’m sure no one would mind you taking the guest bedrooms and enjoying all the palace amenities.”

The group took full advantage of Joe’s offer and enjoyed themselves to the fullest.

In the late morning Joe Flannigan woke the heroes, mentioning he needed to talk to them about a grave matter. He took them to the lounge area, on the roof, where a feast was prepared for them. “The worst has happened. The king and the other hostages all show signs of their magic being taken from them, their minds too. The healers have never seen anything like it before. It’s as if their minds had been reset to their infant brains. This is also a big blow as 12 of our best magicians are lost, our magic might not recover,” said Joe.

Harbeck looked confused for a moment and asked, “What do you mean your magic won’t recover? Why would the loss of some spell casters affect other people’s magic?”

Joe took a moment scrambling to think of the best worded explanation. “Our magic is not just harmonic in the sense that we utilize sound as our magic medium, but we also work together as one magically. The reason our magic seems so strong to others is the simple fact that any full grown magician has access to a wealth of magic that we can use communally. What one magician casts, casts as if we all had done it together.”

Colin mouthed “Oh fuck.”

Just at that moment, a purple pulse of energy swept over Atlantis and everyone immediately fell asleep. Each person saw a quick moment of a dream, unique to them, but everyone then saw that a book sucked something out of them, and then they all found themselves waking up.

“What was that?” said Mushu.

“What was that book thing?” asked Bobby.

“You saw a book too?” asked Joe Flannigan.

Then Yyargita got up to look and see where the energy burst came from. From the southwest Yyargita could make out the source of the energy as a small tower, only just visible, flickered purple as it seemed to absorb energy from the nearby area, something Joe Flannigan mentioned he’d never seen before.

The group then noticed a large dark orb had settled to the north west, just above the Opal Oasis Temple, something Joe Flannigan said he’d never seen before.

There was also an shadowy isle to the north that seemed to have a pinprick of light right at its center. The shadows seemed to wraith, making the pinprick of light look like it twinkled. This was something Joe Flannigan said he had seen before.

To the east a dark silhouette of an impossibly large man loomed, so big it looked as if it were pulsing bigger as they watched it. This was something Joe Flannigan said he’d seen before.

Just as everyone was coming to realize just how twisted and broken this world seemed to be, Hermes appeared in a cloud of feathers. “Kon, I’ve come for you. Deciduous needs you and something is really wrong in the shuffling woods.”

“Oh Fuck! My Babies!” said Kon, getting up to leave.

The rest of the group felt hesitant leaving the Atlanteans high and dry in their hour of need, and debated the subject for a while, but Joe Flannigan assured them that nothing bad would happen while they were away.

Hermes looked peeved having to wait so long for them, Yyargita heard him say under his breath, “I could have delivered 500 messages by now.” Hermes then took the group in a flurry of feathers to the Shuffling Woods.

DnD What Makes a King? (7/31/2021)

The group was surprised to see that Demeter seemed to have grown a thorny hedge around what looked like a group of 30 or so moving tubors. On closer inspection Colin thought that they looked a bit like animated mandrake root but with crimson veins that pulsed along their surface.

“What’s going on?” asked Colin.

Demeter gave a flustered answer, “These things are out of control.” She seemed to be straining to add more of her power to the hedge, as she had both arms raised supplying some sort of green energy that was absorbed by the hedge. Bobby saw through his eye, that the energy that was flowing from Demeter to the hedge, was also being absorbed by Kon’s abominations. The little things were also rushing in one direction, toward a gaunt looking Deciduous who was cowering at the foot of a tree.

“Aww, babies want their Mama,” said Kon in a cooing voice. He then played them a tune, to which they seemed little affected by.

Just as Kon finished his song, one of the wee babes jumped the hedge and ran toward Deciduous. Mushu intervened, grabbing it before it could reach her. The baby wriggled around like an angry cat trying to get free. It then pulsed out, covering itself in thorns which caused Mushu to drop the thing more out of shock than pain. In the few moments it took Mushu to recover, the baby waddled over to Deciduous and hugged her leg. It immediately began growing into the form of a woman as all the color drained from Deciduous.

Mushu then separated this red nymph from Deciduous, but it glared and tried to intimidate Mushu saying, “Leave me be.” Although Mushu was a bit shocked at what was happening, he was able to glare back and beat her measly attempt at intimidation.

Demeter, noticing the problem, put her right hand toward the red nymph and sent a shockwave of green energy at the ground. Instantly a cornucopia of roots, vines, and shoots erupted and entangled the nymph trapping her where she stood. “You better think of something fast,” said Demeter, looking tired.

Then a calm looking Persephone appeared in a haze of purple smoke. “I see you have a problem here with these anti-nymphs. Would you like me to take care of them?” she asked flatly.

“What are you gonna do with my babies?” asked Kon, looking defensive.

“Their powers would have little effect in the underworld and perhaps they would be good guards to have around.”

Kon, looking at the rest of the group, who looked at him gesturing that he had better take her up on the offer said, “Well alright I suppose.”

Persephone just looked calmly over the scene and said, “I would need the permission of both parents.” Kon then healed the unconscious Deciduous, who quickly agreed to the Persephone taking her children.

Deciduous then turned to Kon and yelled, “What is wrong with your genes?” to which Kon simply shrugged.

With a simple flick of Persephone’s wrist, all of the dormant sprouts, scurrying babies, and the anti-nymph disappeared in a haze of purple smoke.

“Will I be able to visit my babies?” asked Kon.

Persephone looked at him with her calm, almost sleepy eyes and simply said, “If you wish I can make arrangements, but you would be going down into the underworld. I can give you this coin that would take you to the entrance, but you’d need to make arrangments with Charon who takes a toll for every soul he ferries.”

“What does he charge?”

“That is something you’ll need to find out.”

“I don’t like this one bit, I want to be able to visit my babies.”

“I can always bring them back if you like,” said Persephone plainly. Everyone else in the group waved, mouthing to Kon, “NO!” Mushu then said, “If you bring them back they’re going to destroy the forest.”

Kon pondered for a moment as Mushu then asked Persephone for more pomegranate seeds. She was more than obliging as she extended her hand as it then began to fill with a mound of seeds. Mushu took ten. Kon then asked if he could have some, and she extended her hand to his. As Kon touched her hand, Kon used his Vampiric Pheromones and asked her if that was the best deal she could offer him. In that state she could only speak the truth and told him, “Yes. That is the best I can do for any mortal entering the underworld.”

Still under his spell, Kon asked her, “How can we help Atlantis in their present situation?”

Persephone without hesitating said, “The dark sphere that now hangs low in the sky above the Opal Oasis Temple is how you might fix the situation, but perhaps you could talk to the Atlanteans and perhaps change their way of life, leading to a more progressive and enlightened future for them.”

The pheromones then seemed to lose their power, and Persephone instantly knew what Kon had done to her. “You dare use a loathsome ability such as that to get information from me?” she asked, sounding emotional for the first time.

“I demand you give me that waterskin of ambrosia to settle the score,” seethed Persephone.

Mushu was about to try and intervene but he was oddly compelled, a deep feeling in his gut made him want nothing else but to please Persephone.

“Colin you need to give it to her after all she’s been through and after all she’s done with those Anti-Nymphs,” said Mushu as if in a daze.

Colin didn’t look happy but he handed the waterskin to Mushu with a roll of his eyes, truly unhappy with the odd shenanigans that the group always gets him in.

Mushu presented the waterskin to Persephone. “I’m a gracious deity especially when my requests are answered with dutiful service,” said Persephone calmly, taking the waterskin. She then gave Mushu a sash in exchange. “Use this old Sash of Invisibility that my husband used to use before he got his legendary helmet.”

Persephone then glared at Kon as she tossed him a heavy iron coin. “Use that to summon Charon,” she said coldly, as she disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.

Mushu felt normal after Persephone left. Demeter came up to the group and shook her head as she continued to walk toward Deciduous. “How did she know the name of these new creatures?” asked Demeter, more to herself than anyone.

The group then waved goodbye to the nymphs of the wood and to Demeter as they went through the transportation circle, to quickly see Hephaestus.

As they arrived at the Hephaestus’ smithy, they found Hephaestus hammering away at a hot red item. Colin, being sneaky, went up behind him and pinched his butt, getting embers all over him. Hephaestus was bashful and apologized to Colin.

Mushu interrupted their coy flirting and asked if Hephaestus knew anything about a mysterious rapier that he had acquired during the Atlantis Temple fight.

Hephaestus recognized the rapier immediately and told Mushu it was the Courtship Blade, and mentioned it’s specifics. He also mentioned how it could combine with Oath and Vendetta blade in different combinations. Mushu was ecstatic about getting some new possible weapons, but he had no idea how he could attune to this odd rapier to get these new abilities.

Mushu and the rest of the gang stayed the night in the Werehuman Commune to give Colin and Hephaestus some private time. In the morning the whole group entered the teleportation circle back toward Atlantis.

Once the group arrived in Atlantis, they noticed that the fountain that was literally bursting with water, was now only half full. The glowing lines on the ground and the few remaining light crystals all seemed to be muted. The group ignored this for the most part as they then had a long discussion about how they might want to save or improve the city. As they talked, they all fell asleep once again by a surge of purple energy emanating from somewhere in the Humdrum Hills.

Once everyone was awake, Yyargita remembered that Prof. Gaetan asked to see samples of the sealing crystal that encased Atlantis. Yyargita remembered that she shaved off some shards when they first encountered the sealing crystal, so she convinced the group that they should go and pick those up before heading to the Institute.

After a teleportation and some walking, the group comes upon an elf, who looked like the elves the heroes were familiar with from back home. She was being assaulted by a dozen harpies. The elf was covered in white harpy droppings and general splatter and called out in desperation,”My name is Valenae, please HELP.”

The heroes made quick work of the harpies, and asked Valenae how she’d got here. “Oh, I’d be happy to join your group. I’ve been here alone for such a long time,” she said, ignoring the question. Valenae added a bit of mystery to herself as she looked off in the distance toward the sunset for effect.

Valenae then went into a dark memory, something she had nearly forgotten (can be read in the Cryptic Crypt Section).

Valenae decided then that she would join their group.

Now that Yyargita had collected the shards (17 in total), that Valenae said to have the power to stop or seal time, the group decided to head back to Atlantis. Once there the group walked toward the Institute to gain some knowledge about the luck chest, Mushu’s scan, the Director, and about fixing Atlantis.

Inside the Institute there were notably less crystal geodes floating around. The ones remaining floated lower than they did before. Yyargita noticed this and jumped up and grabbed one of the geodes. An alarm sounded as Prof. Gaetan appeared. “Excuse me, what are you doing?” asked Gaetan looking at Yyargita.

“Oh I was just testing a theory,” said Yyargita, releasing the geode back up into the air.

The group then asked to go see the director, so Gaetan led them to the ward. They were brought to a long room with all the magicians from the palace who were in their comatose state. At the end of the room was Director Whitmore, his bed covered with slightly nicer bedding. Much like the others he didn’t seem to react to any outside stimuli. Harbeck tried to cast Dispel Magic on Director Whitmore, but it seemed to have no effect, to which he heard rumblings from Prof. Gaetan akin to, “I told you so,”

Since the spell did not work, the group wanted to ask Prof. Gaetan more about what was going on. He took them out into the hall and led them to a tutoring room. The group showed him their lucky chest, and he already seemed to know what was inside, a Deck of Illusions. He was surprised to see the book and satchel, mentioning that he never saw those in there before. Kon seemed to know what was in the satchel, a Deck of Many Things. Valenae knew what the book was, a Spirit Card Set. Prof. Gaetan also gave them more context to the Primordial Dice Bag.

Deck of Illusions: Draw a card at random and throw anywhere 30 ft from you, the card’s illusion will appear there and will act as you command for up to 10 minutes.

Deck of Many Things: Declare how many cards you will draw at random, and for each of these cards drawn its wondrous/disastrous power will take effect, so keep them in the order drawn. Any cards drawn after this will not activate until the next time someone declares a number of cards they’ll draw.

Spirit Card Set: Draw a card at random, and roll a persuasion check to request the spirit to do whatever it is you like. Depending on how well you persuade them, they will do various things for you, up to a minute.

Primordial Dice Bag: As an action, either randomly draw and throw/activate the die or randomly draw and ascertain the properties of the drawn die and hold its activation. If you do the latter, you can use a bonus action on this or a subsequent turn to throw/activate the die.

After the items were identified the group asked Gaetan about the city. He mentioned that with the loss of 12 of their more powerful magicians, that certain systems had lost power, on top of all the damage that the bandits had wrought with their anti-magic barrage. It would take a long time for them to be able to get all the necessary focusing crystals to help the automated magic systems of the city, as already their greenhouse magic systems were failing and their food stores were near depleted.

They then asked again about the coup that was attempted. Gaetan mentioned that a student at the Institute, Kida, was the one leading it, as she had caught wind that the power source for the world changing ritual that Director Whitmore and the King were trying would have cost the lives of the non-magical citizens.

Hearing that Director Whitmore was trying to cause some genocide, Yyargita excused herself from the group, to “use the bathroom,” but in reality, suffocate Director Whitmore.

The group then asked about what happened to the coup, and Gaetan wasn’t sure, one moment they saw that the rally in the Seventh District had gone violent, and the next the most of the city was gone, and the Heroes were plummeting from the sky. Harbeck then made a snide comment about Atlantian’s dabbling in things that were above their heads, so Gaetan cast Heat Metal on Harbeck. Harbeck took some damage, but Mushu grabbed Gaetan by the throat and bashed him into the wall.

After a few awkward moments, while Yyargita was waiting for Director Whitmore to perish, while holding a pillow to his face, Mushu asked about scanning him, as Directo Whitmore had promised. Gaetan did so gladly as he rubbed his neck. They discovered an odd metal disk near Mushu’s heart, it had an etching of a brain on one side, and what looked to be an elf on the other. It was not near any vein or artery, but it was oddly about the same size as a missing icon on the hilt Mushu’s oathblade.

Mushu then asked Gaetan to remove it, and he gladly did so. Mushu took some damage but he then grabbed the disk and tried to fit it to his Oathblade. It was slightly too big, and would not fit. So Mushu cut himself and put some blood on Oathblade, but nothing happened. Mushu wondered why but then figured that the disk was responsible for Mushu’s transformations and immediately asked Gaetan to put the disk back. Gaetan does and makes Mushu a little golden replica from some spare gold, and Mushu cuts himself and transforms back into an elf, and the replica fits perfectly into Vendetta Blade, but nothing happens.

Yyargita returns but after a few minutes an alarm sounds. Curious about what was happening, Gaetan taps his staff to the floor, and they all teleport to the ward where Director Whitmore’s dead body is discovered. While some magicians revived him with magic, another used clairvoyance magic to see what happened. The Atlantieans watch horrified as they see Yyargita taking a few minutes to smother an already comatose patient. The group tries to deceive the Atlanteans, saying that, “Your magic must be wrong,” “Hera never liked you,” “Magic is bad,” “It was just someone’s illusion magic,” “I like turtles.”

The deception doesn’t work, and all the present magicians tapped their staves to the floor, and the Heroes found themselves in a familiar locale. Separated from their equipment, they were once again in the Atlantis prison.

DnD Murder She Accused (8/6/2021)

The gang was arrested for the murder of Driector Whitmor. After the group was waiting in their cells for 20 minutes, a fierce looking blond woman walked in. She sneered at the group and said, “My name is Captain Sinclair and I’ll be representing Atlantis in its case against you. Do you have a group name?”

The group looked at eachother and Harbeck just yelled, “Pigeon Boys!” Most everyone grimaced at the name except for Yyargita and Mushu.

“It doesn’t matter what you call yourselves, your court case has been scheduled for tomorrow at 8AM. We have put you down under the plea of, ‘Not Guilty.’ So far the only ones being accused are Yyargita for murder, and Harbeck and Mushu as accomplices to murder as they backed Yyargita up, claiming our clairvoyance magic was faulty. Do the rest of you wish to back her as well?” She pointed to Valenae, Bobby, Colin, and Kon. They each agreed, some hesitating longer than others.

While this was happening Harbeck was screaming, “Attica!” and “Get me a lawyer!”

After she had jotted down everyone’s pleas on her Oricalcum Slate, Captain Sinclair turned to everyone and asked, “Who would you like to represent you?”

Harbeck immediately said, “Get us Joe Flannigan.”

Commander Flannigan? Well good luck,” said Captain Sinclair with a quick smile. “Your defense should be directly tied to finding evidence to prove that our clairvoyance magic was faulty. I’m sure our dear Commander will be up to the task. I’ll send him in,” said Captain Sinclair as she left the holding area.

The gang didn’t have to wait long as Commander Flannigan walked up to their cells. He was pale and sweaty. “What the fuck did y’all do?” he asked, looking scared.

Joe did not seem truly up to the task as he did not know anything about Atlantean magic other than simple rituals like sending, being a guard, and was not familiar with anything outside of Atlantis. He then asked the group to come up with a list of people that might be good character witnesses for them. They at first tried to get known gods to help but oddly Joe could not hear their names, and could not notice the presence of the Greek gods. The heroes then made a short list of people from the Alchemist Village, the Werehuman commune, and Sinbad to be their character witnesses.

“Now that I have these names, how are we going to prove that the knowledge magic was wrong?” asked Joe.

The group kind of shrugged, many of them knowing that it was accurate to begin with. Harbeck then asked that they see Milo, the King’s son. Joe ran out to try and make sure he got all the requested people to show up in the morning as well as get a message for Milo to come to the holding area.

After another few minutes Milo showed up looking rather pale and scared. “You asked for me?”

The group then asked Milo about what he knew about the botched ritual. Milo then explained that Kida, his girlfriend, was very high up at the university and worked closely with some of the professors. She learned something terrible but she didn’t want to tell him. She then planned a rally in the seventh district, Plaza District, but forbade Milo to join her. Milo had heard that the rally went violent before the shift, when the center of the city was released from the sealing crystal and time had returned to the relic of a city. Milo then became sad knowing that they still had not found Kida anywhere.

The gang remembered Kida from the temple, as her body, made of light, fractured and faded away. Harbeck especially remembered her last words, “Tell Milo the time we had together was the best and brightest of my life.”

Once Milo heard this he wept large tears as the group awkwardly asked him if he could help prove that the clairvoyance magic was false. Mushu told him, “Uh bad people want heroes to fight Atlantis so they benefit from their enemies fighting each other.” When Milo asked who Mushu meant, Mushu simply said, “Bandits.”

Milo then thought for a moment and remembered the dark orb that now hung in the sky above the Opal Oasis Temple and how powerful it was and how it could affect their clairvoyance magic, although there appeared to be no power fluctuations from the orb that would be used as evidence of tampering. Milo then said he would look into it and left.

During the night, Mushu planned to break out the next time that the guards came over with food and water. But just as the guards came in distributing food and water, Joe Flannigan came in to discuss what was going to happen during the trial. Mushu pouted a bit, but continued to listen to the fluster man.

“I was able to get everyone on your list but I also saw the Captain and her posse gathering people. The mayor of the Alchemist Village was particularly pleased that he would be giving testimony on his experiences with you, especially Yyargita.” The whole gang swallowed hard hearing that. Then Joe Flannigan explained the Atlantean justice system, where 5 judges preside over the court proceedings but the verdict would be decided by a jury of 7 random citizens.

“Did you by chance get any evidence to prove that someone tampered with the clairvoyance magic?”

Harbeck just said, “Milo was looking into it.”

Joe Flannigan looked scared but then the clock chimed 7:55 and the guards arrived to escort the prisoners to the makeshift courtroom. Inside the courtroom observation area was filled with people that the heroes had met up until that point, all the people from the Alchemist Village, the Werehuman commune, Deciduous, Sinbad, and many of the atlanteans that were not already sitting in the jury section. Then right at 8am, Captain Sinclair showed up along with five impressive looking judges that the group had never met before.

Captain Sinclair smiled confidently at the gang and then at Joe before taking her seat at the prosecution table. Then the central judge with a mane of white hair and a thick beard and mustache banged his gavel. “Hear hear you folks from far and wide. We’re here to preside over a serious matter a murder. Although I couldn’t stand the guy but he still deserves justice from the ones who put him into the grave,” he paused as another judge to his right, a stern looking woman whispered into his ear. “Oh good the bugger isn’t dead. Well uh then we still need to give him justice.” He then waved his arm at Captain Sinclair to start her opening statement.

The Captain stood up and looked at the jury with such an intense stare. “Murder, even one that has been reversed with magic, is the most serious offense any single person can do. We have found definitive evidence which I will show you all now,” Captain Sinclair then gestured toward an Atlantean Magician at the side, who tapped his staff to the ground. A large projection of the ward the hostages from the Battle for the Temple of Atlantis were recovering appeared large over the court for all to see. In the projection Yyargita crossed the ward and at the end where the Director laid on his bed, she took one of his pillows, and suffocated him.

“Definitive evidence, or definitive as we know it. These outsiders, who have helped us in the past, claim that our magic is faulty, that someone is tampering with our magic. For what purposes, they have not told me, but as they have helped us up to this point, this court has so far given them the benefit of the doubt, but I won’t. I will prove to this court without a shadow of doubt that Yyargita here murdered Director Whitmor and that her companions, complicit in her attempts to deceive the great people of Atlantis.” Captain Sinclair then sat back down, but not before sneering at Commander Joe Flannigan and the rest of the heroes.

Joe Flannigan then stood up from the Defense table and said, “We’ll prove they didn’t.” He then sat back down, giving the thumbs up sign to the heroes as he smiled weakly, his brow encrusted with sweat. The heroes just looked at each other knowing with the certainty that they were going to be murdered by the state.

Captain Sinclair then asked for Deciduous to take the stand. After her oath, Deciduous just told the courtroom about how Kon and romanced her and did the deed. She then talked about the torment of the strange unexpectedly short pregnancy with just so many spore/demon children. Captain Sinclair then interjected, “If this is how someone these heroes like is treated I worry about what they intend to do with us?”

Joe Flannigan then was allowed to cross examine and asked, “What is the normal gestation period of a plant lady such as yourself?” Deciduous then mentioned that nymphs typically had gestation periods much like humans when they’ve had children with gods, demigods, humans, satyrs, or even centaurs. “No further questions,” said Joe Flannigan, giving the heroes two thumbs up yet again.

Captain Sinclair then called Ruxala Soxlirn, the mayor of the Alchemist Village, to the stand. After their oath, Sinclair asked them his feelings toward the heroes, and Mayor Soxlirn just told them his honest truth. He told the court about the incident with the rock in the force field hallway, their first interaction with the mayor, accusing him of murder and putting him asleep, waking him up after that and destroying his lab, and how Yyargita personally assaulted him when they suspected him of murder. Sinclair then interjected, “These heroes especially Yyargita fight on impulse and bad ideas, showing they can not control their violent urges such as murder. As is the case we have already witnessed with our Director.

Joe then got up and asked Mayor Soxlirn, “Were you not the suspect of various attempted murders in the Alchemist Village?” Mayor Soxlirn then mentioned that a robot had did a poor framing job on him, trying to point the blame to him as the murder so that someone would go into the portal in his lab, something the nano construction couldn’t do without being destroyed. Joe then said, “No further questions,” as he sat back down looking sweatier than ever as he flashed his thumbs up at the rest of the group.

Sinclair then asked Perdita Sirius to take the stand. After her oath, Perdita mentioned how she thought the worst of the heroes. They would associate with garbage like Chi-Chi Dragonballs and Kaa Hiss, they tried to put on a disguise to fool Minos Oxford, and that weird druid dwarf keeps leaving the crypt bow legged with a smile on his face. What is he doing in there with skeletons and bodies? Sinclair then interjected, “So as you can see these people can not be trusted. They continue to make bad judgments and even try to fool and manipulate people for their own ends.”

Joe Flannigan then turned to Ms. Sirius, and asked, “The dictionary defines a female dog as a bitch. Do you think this fits you?” Ms. Sirius looked shocked as Captain Sinclair called objection, which was sustained. Joe Flannigan then declared, “No further questions,” as he sat down. The gang all had their faces in their palms at this point.

Captain Sinclair then cleared her throat. “I also have evidence to submit from the Guards of Atlantis. Only a few days ago these people were incarcerated and charged a fine for the attempted theft of one of the Institute’s Conflux Geodes. With this document submitted to evidence I rest my case.”

The judges and rest of the court just looked at Joe Flannigan for a full minute before the main judge turned to him and said, “Begin your defense or we’ll settle this case without it.”

Joe Flannigan then scrambled up and said, “The defense calls Sinbad to the stand.” Sinbad looked more tanned and toned than he did before. He got up and after his oath, he mentioned that Harbeck had saved his life, found him a job, and a new purpose. Joe then interjected, “See a lovely young man who loves these true heroes.”

Captain Sinclair then asked, “What are your opinions of Yyargita? When Harbeck saved you, what was Yyargita doing?”

Sinbad just began to sweat in his chair as Harbeck glared intimidatingly at him. “I mean she wasn’t trying to kill all the bandits for the petty uncut gems in their stomach. She definitely didn’t want to murder me for those same reasons.”

Joe Flannigan tried to object, but was overruled as Captain Sinclair interjected, “Whatever the rest of the group has done does not matter, it was Yyargita alone that murdered the director, they are just fools to stand beside her.”

The main judge then turned to Joe Flannigan, “I think we have seen enough damning character witnesses. Is there a single person that has a great interaction with Yyargita.?” The heroes tried to yell out names of goddesses like the muses, Athena, and Hestia, but they fell on deaf ears as the Atlanteans appeared to not be able to hear about gods. “Well then, we had better hear some evidence from you on how some stranger messed with our clairvoyance magic.”

Joe Flannigan then began to sweat even more as Milo was still nowhere to be seen. Just as Joe was about to admit that they didn’t have any evidence to clear the group, the makeshift courtroom door opened and Milo came running in. Joe then stood up and said, “I’ll call Milo Thatch to the stand.”

After Milo gave his oath he mentioned how he was conducting research into the dark orb that was above the Opal Oasis Temple and the amount of energy stored there. The magic inside was more akin to a miracle. It could bend and warp reality within the sphere and had enough energy to make any number of phenomena happen, especially messing with clairvoyance magic. Captain Sinclair then asked, “But is there definitive evidence to prove this claim?”

Milo seemed hesitant to answer, but then said, “To find this definitive evidence we would need to do a comprehensive study of the energy fluctuations of the sphere in conjunction with the times that we used our clairvoyance magic to project the past. Early readings have shown some fluctuation but not anything conclusive.”

“And what does that mean? How long would it take to study these fluctuations to get a definitive answer? And forgive me for asking someone of pure blood, but aren’t you just a student? Why should this court count your testimony as a supposed expert when there are people in this room that would be more qualified to tell us this information.”

“I don’t think your social standing should have any bearing on what information they give. I’m a student of transmutation, I specialize in quantum matter fluctuation and the energy shift between those states. This orb is the perfect example of what I have been researching theoretically for years. I’m simply trying to tell you what I know. That orb could very well be what is altering our clairvoyance magic, but as I said before, it would take more tests for this evidence to surface.”

“But presently there is no evidence to exonerate Yyargita.”

“But in my personal opinion…”

“Irrelevant in this case,”

“Objection, uh this person prince guy is not just an expert witness but also a character witness.”


“In my personal opinion these people are heroes and we should trust them,” said Milo sincerely.

“I end my case,” said Joe Flannigan with a wide grin.

Captain Sinclare scowled at the defense as she got up to deliver her closing statement. “Great citizens of the great state of Atlantis. Ignore the facade that these so-called heroes have spread. They are nothing more than roughians and opportunists bent on making a fat profit on our generosity more than caring about the welfare of you, our most precious citizens. They act impulsively and without thinking, seeing that they tried to steal a Conflux Geode. We have seen that this extends to actions outside of Atlantis, we heard from the Alchemist Village Mayor how with each subsequent interaction with these people things get worse, he was assaulted, he was beaten, and his lab was destroyed. Deciduous, someone that was liked by these heroes, experienced a terrible birthing process having 900 demon children with little care by these heroes to her well being. Then we have the testimony from Perdita Sirius who has proven that these so-called heroes put on a disguise to try and get a discount on hiring a mercenary.

These are not good people, these are con artists who have come to disrupt what little harmony we have. Yyargita here was seen murdering the Director with our magic, and they have not proved that it has been tampered with. It is a fact that Yyargita murdered Director Whitmore, and they all need to be punished by the full extent of the law.”

Joe Flannigan then got up from the table and said, “Citizens, it is too hard to know the burden of heroism. When you are the one with the world on your shoulders any slight misstep seems like crime. Whatever heroes act we don’t see how it affected the bigger picture, we only see the results that affect us. We are too self absorbed to imagine what is going on in their minds when they do some of the dark things they need to do to protect us. We fear these powerful beings because they are foreign, strange, and honestly smelly, but these people are the best of us. They helped an unknown city deal with bandits, possession, and even an attack to the heart of our society, and each time they have proved themselves. We need to acknowledge and reward them justly.

Did they murder the Dirctor?…. Uh. They saved us all and they are heroes.” Joe Flannigan throughout his speech looked proud but his fumble at the end made him slump in his chair as he was afraid of what the Jury might decide.

After a short deliberation, the Jury could not come to a decision. The Judges then gave their verdict of charging a fine of 70% of the heroes gold, and punishing Yyargita separately, implanting an oricalcum device in her had to frighten all animals from her. The heroes decided that this was not right, so the judges gave them the option of taking 95% of their gold instead, which the heroes begrudgingly took.

After the court as all the observers, witnesses, and Atlantean citizens returned home, the gang went shopping at Milo’s little shop at the Institute. They exchanged food for some off brand focus crystals. They also bought some smelling salts to help prevent them from continually falling asleep. They prepare for the journey to the Humdrum Hills.

After a long rest at the palace, the gang awakens to morning massages from the servants. After a hearty breakfast and jacuzzi bath they decide to get their animals back from the Maxinla Farm. They go to the Teleportation Circle and travel back to the Alchemist Village. Once everyone got back together, they had to return to Atlantis to try and see if anyone could get them closest to the Humdrum Hills.

DnD A Nap to Remember (8/21/2021)

They go to the Teleportation Circle and travel back to the Alchemist Village. Yyargita grabs the animals, but not before threatening Sinbad under her breath. The rest of the gang got some drinks at the tavern. Once everyone got back together, they had to return to Atlantis to try and see if anyone could get them closest to the Humdrum Hills.

Once back in Atlantis the group splits up, Yyargita and Bobby stay behind to look after the animals, while the rest of the gang went to the Ritual Institute to find someone who might be able to teleport them. In the lobby going upstairs was Prof. Wilhelmina Bertha Packard, the Dean of Conjuration. When asked if she could teleport them to the southwestern shore, she gladly agreed but teleported them so quickly Harbeck did not have time to mention the animals or Yyargita and Bobby, stranding them in Atlantis.

Harbeck then casts Sending to inform Yyargita of what happened and to look for a Prof. Packard. Yyargita, didn’t reply but simply told Bobby to wait for her as she went to the Institute. She arrives and finds Milo in the lobby and asks, “Do you know where Prof. Packard is?”

Milo said he saw her head up stairs, and was probably in her office. Yyargita went upstairs but unable to read the Atlantean written language she began to knock on all the doors she could find. One door opened for her and behind the door was a gaunt old man. He smiled weakly at her and introduced himself as Prof. Lyle Tiberius Rourke, the Dean of Necromancy. He then told her how much he liked bones. Yyargita earnestly wanted to help and searched her bag for any bones but came out empty handed. She then asked him if he’d like to be possessed by a powerful being, and his reply was, “But I’m already possessed. He has no name but loves finger bones.” Yyargita then went out in search for finger bones, those that came from Sinbad’s fingers.

Yyargita returned to the Teleportation Circle, just told Bobby she would be back momentarily and traveled back to the Alchemist Village to get some bones.

Yyargita arrived back at the Mixanla farm, but could not find Sinbad. She was then told by two of the Mixanla children that Sinbad usually went fishing at this time of the day. Yyargita remembered that she thought there was a fishing hole near where the group hunted down the Calydonian Boar. As she trekked out that way, she stumbled upon the Sheriff and Kaa Hiss banging each other. She stepped away without being noticed and then found B. No-Evil meditation on some rocks and avoided him too. For the life of her she could not find Sinbad and eventually yelled, “Hey Sinbad! We need your help. We need you to captain a Yacht for us. You better come out!” Yyargita thought she might have heard him but could not discern the location of the rustling bushes. After a while she gave up and started heading back to the Village.

After walking a while, Yyargita came across Hestia collecting berries. She asked Hestia if she had any fingers on her, but she only gave Yyargita some Lady Fingers that she had baked that morning. She then teleported her to Harbeck and the rest of the gang, stranding Bobby in Atlantis.

Harbeck then used another sending informing Bobby about Yyargita arriving and to go to the Institute and bring everything and all the animals with him so Prof. Packard could send them all to him. Bobby gets to the institute and finds Milo and one of the judges from the court case with him. The judge, who is a muscle bear of a man, introduces himself as Prof. Joshua Strongbear Sweet, but Bobby ignores them and goes upstairs.

On the second floor of the Ritual Institute, Bobby used his hearing to try and find Prof. Packard. He heard someone snoring in one room and ignored it, not wanting to bother them, and knocked on the door which was the source of a metronome. An old man with eyes glazed over with cataracts, opens the door saying, “I knew you’d knock soon.” Bobby, surprised by the interaction, didn’t say much as the man continued. “I suppose I’m getting ahead of us, I’m Prof. Kashekim Nedakh, Dean of Divination. I know you’ve had a rough journey. How about you come inside and I can help you along with the rest of it.”

The man took Bobby’s hand and led him inside a candle lit room with a table with a magic circle embroidered on the tablecloth. On top of the table was a deck of cards. Prof. Nedakh then led Bobby to a chair, let go of Bobby’s hand, and then walked around the table and sat in a comfy looking purple lounge chair. “Comfortable?” asked Prof. Nedakh, as he smiled at Bobby. Bobby just grunted in response.

Prof. Nedakh then cleared his throat. “So what is keeping you here?” He asked Bobby. He then drew three cards and placed them in front of Bobby. Once placed, Prof. Nedakh looked to Bobby expecting his response.

“I dunno, I was given a quest,” said Bobby, with a shrug.

Prof. Nedakh then flipped over the first card, revealing a card with artwork detailing a bird in a cage. The Professor then felt the bottom of the card for the sequence of bumps, which looked much like braille. The Prof. Nedakh then smiled, “You have come here maybe to do this mission maybe not. You have yearned for a long time to have true freedom, have the threads of fate cut around you so that you might have true agency and forge a path for yourself.”

Prof. Nedakh then asked, “What do you love?” Bobby was unsure of what to say so stayed quiet. Prof. Nedakh just laughed dryly and flipped a card, revealing an image of a little girl slamming a muscular man’s arm onto a table, just having won an armwrestling contest. “Ah, so you like to break expectations and have no one depend on you but always succeed in a pinch.

Prof. Nedakh then asked, “What do you fear?” Bobby again stayed quiet, unsure of how to answer the question. Prof. Nedakh then turned over a new card revealing a picture of a man jumping off a desert cliff onto a lush oasis below. “You fear the journey not traveled, especially following decisions that you yourself have not made. This is all perfectly understandable,” Prof. Nedakh then took Bobby’s hand and massaged his palm. “You should go where you are needed,” said the professor, as warms spread from the spot that he was massaging to the entirety of Bobby’s body. Bobby then found himself surrounded by the rest of the gang, not realizing that he had left the animals in Atlantis.

Harbeck used his last 3rd level spell slot to cast Sending so that Milo could send the animals back to the Alchemist Village. The group then took a long rest camping in the middle of the afternoon, so as to replenish Harbeck’s spell slots.

Just before dawn, the next morning, the group started out for the Humdrum Hill’s Dream Tower. Along the way there was another surge of purple energy that swept over the land coming from the Dream Tower, this time none of the heroes fell asleep due to its magic.

After a few hours, the group came upon a familiar sight, the Centaur Chiron (their first time encountering him was in the Astrology Cave), surrounded by books that he somehow could not read. As the gang approached, Chiron recognized them and asked for their help. He needed to find out the weakness of the Trojans. Harbeck seemed very eager to say something but somehow misremembers and says that their greatest weakness was a robotic ostrich. Chiron heavily doubts the whole thing but still thanks Harbeck, giving him a journal to try and help him focus and collect his thoughts. Chiron then seemed to wake up, so he and the books disappeared.

The group then traveled a bit further and came upon a sleeping high elf. They all immediately recognized this high elf as the person that Mushu transformed into whenever he bled on OathBlade. Kon was surprised but he noticed that Valenae immediately noticed the elf as well, and she had never seen Mushu transform. Harbeck then attempted and failed to wake the elf, but Valenae then sat down putting the elf’s head in her lap, and she massaged his temple and kissed his forehead, as he then stirred awake.

“Uh… Valenae? Is that you?”

“Yes, hot stuff it is I, Valenae.”

“Wait, you never seemed to like me before, what is this?” said the elf sitting up. “Who are these people? Did Lachesis recruit another group? Mushu, what the hell are you doing here?”

Mushu was surprised that the elf knew his name and walked up to him. “Who are you?” asked Mushu. The elf just glared at Mushu.

“I’m Lucky Cricket, your brother. Our dad died in front of us, and while I’ve been trying to find dad’s murderer you’ve been what?” Lucky Cricket then looked at the group that was with Mushu, “Playing around with this group of idiots?”

Lucky then stood up and ran away from the group toward the east. Mushu ran after him and gave him a big hug, “Wait, if you’re family we’re supposed to stick together.”

“Get off me you overgrown baboon.”

“Forgive my shitty memory, please tell me about you, me, us, our family, dad,” pleaded Mushu.

Lucky then stopped struggling. “It hurts me to remember the good times, it hurts me to remember that dark day that killed not just our dad, but our family. I’m not here to reminisce, I’m here to exact revenge.”

“Don’t worry about that. Let’s just make some babies,” cried Valenae from behind Mushu, very out of character.

“Uck,” said the elf trying to pull away from the groping clutches of Valenae.

Kon then touched the elf and persuaded him using his vampiric pheromones, “You love her and want to make babies.”

The elf then had a twisted expression as his body seemed to want nothing more than to mount Valenae right in front of her “friends,” but the other half of his face seemed to want to fight this instinct at all cost.

“How about we stop all this grossness?” said Harbeck looking at them as he grimaced.

Mushu, Lucky, Valenae, and Kon all seemed to settle down as Harbeck asked, “Well Lucky, do you want to join us?”

“Honestly no, you all look as dumb as shit.”

“But we can help you and you can help us,” said Mushu with big puppy dog eyes.

“Whatever, I’ll bounce when I feel like it,” said Lucky.

Mushu then hugged the heck out of Lucky Cricket who looked very embarrassed that Mushu was hugging him.

The group then got closer to the tower when they began to hear a chorus of voices, much like the hooting of owls but more melodic. They then saw a group of pale albino looking people. When they noticed the group they stopped singing and all began to look like weird different things. One of them began to look like Harbeck’s mother as she tried to offer him some of his favorite meat pies, just before she handed them off she turned into a screeching harpy throwing a rotten egg his way. The rest of the group experienced similar fluctuations of these odd people. They then began to sing again and looked again like their albino humanoid selves. They in chorus then asked, “Who are you?”

“We’re travelers trying to get to that tower. Who are you and what are you doing here?” asked Harbeck.

“We are the dream cast, the main players in everyone’s dreams. We are looking for our lost alpha.” sang the dream cast.

“Who is this and where did you last see her?” asked Harbeck.

“She was the most talented of our group, she disappeared north of here, just before our dream world became a place of odd permanence,” sang the chorus of the dream cast.

“Hmm odd, was she with anyone before she disappeared?” asked Harbeck.

“Alpha was last seen with a weeping man with black hair carrying a lyre,” sang the Dream Cast. The description matched the many aspects of Orpheus that the group already met.

“We might know who took her, but if she disappeared to the north of here, why are you here at the dream tower?” asked Harbeck.

“This tower pulses with the power of sleep, we thought perhaps our Alpha was here, as perhaps her kidnapper was using her powers as a part of the dream cast to make people sleep.”

“Well that tracks,” said Harbeck, “we’ll be going inside the tower. If she is there, we will find her and bring her out.”

The dream cast looked pleased and the heroes then left them to their own devices, as the group advanced toward the tower.

As the group approached the tower, they noticed that the tower was wreathed in a purple aura, covering all of it’s surfaces. The door at the base of the tower was ajar, but just to the left of the door was a spiraling staircase that ran up along the side of the tower to the top of the 30 story tower, without a guard rail or enclosure of any kind. The skies above looked ominous as dark shadows, unable to be discerned, circled the tower. The group then entered through the ground level door, not wanting to risk the staircase.

Immediately as the last member of the group entered the tower, the doors swung shut, and appeared to merge with the wall, leaving no trace of the door. Then everyone in the group saw something different light up in the deep dark room. Harbeck saw a large ornate war hammer on a giant boulder, with a neon sign pointing to it with the phrase, “Hammer of Thor,” blinking merrily. Colin saw Hephaestus with nothing on but a jock strap twerking in a corner who kept turning around to wink at him. Yyargita saw Sinbad in a corner, with all of his fingers in little finger guillotines saying, “Oh Yyargita I’m ready for you now.” Kon just saw a harem of ladies all cat calling him over to them. Mushu saw a bin of weapons with a sign that said, “Ultimate Death Weapons 5% Off!” Bobby saw a clerk who had demon bodies that had tags saying he killed them, and the clerk had a huge bag of gold and was calling for Bobby to collect it. Valenae saw a huge load of books with instructions on and about mystic puzzle boxes.

They each got touched, or touched their respective traps, and disappeared. Each “Hero” then awoke, finding themselves each in a different Ancient Greek setting.

DnD Isolation (8/27/2021)

Harbeck awoke to find himself in the middle of the Greek invasion of Troy after their successful infiltration of the Trojan Horse. After seeing various injured people he attempts to try and heal them with his magic, but finds that he has lost his connection to Thor and only knows spells he learned outside of being a Cleric. Harbeck, still hoping to help the injured, tried to bandage them but found that they were illusions.

Harbeck got up to try and figure out what was going on but found himself fighting his old Commander, Kathra FrostShield. After a harrowing battle, one in which Harbeck was able to pull off Avatar of Thor, a surprise to him since he lost his Cleric spells, Harbeck wins and remembers his past and gets some of the items he accumulated (Check out Harbeck’s Cheat Sheet in the 5th Edition Drive Folder).

Yyargita awoke to find herself surrounded by beautiful Greek athletes inside a large stadium. Each of the athletes were either running, throwing discus, throwing javelins, shot puts, jumping over hurdles, or wrestling. Someone even declared it was the first Olympic Games, a miracle that Yyargita could understand it at all. Yyargita was excited and tried picking up some of the field equipment but found them to be illusions. Disheartened, she looked around to see what was possibly making this illusion.

As Yyargita entered the track, she saw Men’Ghar, the village chieftain, of the Vorlack Mines where she grew up, in all her glory. Men’Ghar took out her twin giant clubs, one of fire and one of sticky sap and charged Yyargita, as two more orcs popped up behind her. The battle was grueling, but with the help of Rosco Goodbarrel she won, and remembered her full past, gaining some of the items that she had forgotten about (Check out Yyargita’s Cheat Sheet in the 5th Edition Drive Folder).

Kon awoke to find himself just outside the city of Thebes which was closed off as a sphinx had settled in front of its city gates. Oedipus was mentally battling with the sphinx as Kon walked up hoping to goose the man. Sadly he discovered he was an illusion as Kon felt a familiar kick in the butt from his old Instructor from the Diva Academy, Akmenos.

Kon attempted to wrestle Akmenons but found it difficult as a peer from the school shot them both with a thunder wave. Kon battled hard and won, remembering his past and gaining his much prized possessions that he had forgotten about (Check out Kon’s Cheat Sheet in the 5th Edition Drive Folder).

Colin awoke to find himself in a large underground labyrinth, much like the legendary one in Knossos. There were sounds of a battle going on further inside the maze and Colin attempted to sneakily peer around the next corner. He immediately saw large feet, feet that were somehow familiar to him. Standing just around the corner was Colin’s old druid master, Filorn Backbreaker.

Colin was nervous seeing her enraged with bloodshot eyes that were dripping with blood. She took out her battleax and turned toward Colin as a second druid Thorn Whipped Colin from behind. It was a hard battle, but Colin was victorious, definitely only using his melee talents to defeat them as his magic was not working. Colin then remembered his full past, as his old items returned to him (Check out Colin’s Cheat Sheet in the 5th Edition Drive Folder).

Valenae awoke to find herself at the Battle of Marathon, where much of the motion picture 300 was based. The Persians were settling on the shore as a squadron of Spartans and Athenians stood behind the hills that isolated the beach/valley below. Valenae, suspicious of her surroundings tried to crouch down but accidentally lit off her staff in the process, but as no one noticed her she knew something was amiss with these Persians and Greeks. But then two Drow warriors menacingly walked toward her, one of which she recognized, Nendra Syambra, the leader of Drow Destiny.

They battled for a while, Nendra using her cool monk abilities while the other Drow used his arcane trickster abilities. Valenae succeeded in the end and won her hard fought memories, regaining other precious items from her travels (Check out Valenae’s Cheat Sheet in the 5th Edition Drive Folder).

Mushu found himself in an illusory amalgamation of the many battles of the Peloponnesian War, boiled down to its simplest terms the war between Athens and Sparta. Mushu was excited and tried to join the fray but found that all he tried to attack were merely illusions. Then suddenly Mushu was kicked from behind, a kick that somehow felt familiar.

When Mushu got up, he found that he was battling people that he vaguely remembered, Khan the trainer at the Coliseum a muscle bound centaur, and two of the other warriors, The Great Stone Dragon, a Dragonborn Paladin, and Ling, a Tortle Fighter. Mushu took his time, but defeated them without too much worry. Mushu then remembered everything before he came into the dream world (check out Mushu’s Cheat Sheet, in the 5E folder).

Bobby awoke to find himself in the city of Argos which was being attacked by the Kraken. Bobby, hating demons and monsters with his whole being, tried to attack one of the giant tentacles that embedded itself in Argos’s main Library. But Bobby noticed with his left eye that the area was just empty. Bobby was utterly confused as the world looked so different from one eye compared to the other. While Bobby was distracted he was hit from the back of the neck with a familiar cane.

Bobby turned around and saw Alice Nelson, the leader of the Nelson Numbskulls, something Bobby was vaguely remembering. Sam, The Butcher, and Fluffy, were there to back Alice up and they began battling Bobby. It was a short battle as Bobby beat them quickly. Bobby then remembered everything from before he entered the dream world (check out Bobby’s Cheat Sheet in the 5E folder).

DnD Past to the Future (9/3/2021)

Once everyone had their individual battles, the group found themselves all in individual detention cells around an octagonal room. The main room had 8 runes in circles on the floor. The group was unsure what to do but after a long…long time, they figured out that the heroes, in initiative order, needed to step on symbols corresponding to their illusory settings during their individual battles. Once the sequence was figured out, and all the runes were activated the eighth rune lit up and the gate opened.

DnD What Should Be, Won’t. (9/11/2021)

With the gate open, the group was able to see into the next chamber. The room was much like the previous one, octagonally shaped, but this time had runes up on the sides of the chamber walls. The runes were the same as the previous chamber, but this time 30 feet up on the side of the wall. There were 8 crystals by a gate on the other side of the room, four crystals on either side of the gate. In each of the crystals, one could make out a humanoid silhouette.There was also a rolling silver ball along the floor as well as someone who looked like a possible sister to the known muses.

Lucky Cricket was leaning on a wall close to the raised gate and asked, “What took you so long? Couldn’t solve your puzzle?”

Harbeck sneered at the elf but only said, “Well, what’s going on with this room? Figured this puzzle out yet?”

“I kicked the ball and nothing happened, so I waited.”

The muse then began asking questions, “Which event was caused by a misunderstanding of a prophecy? Which event was the most naval?” and so forth. She warned the group that something bad would happen if they got 3 questions wrong in a row. The questions ranged from hard to easy, but after Colin being cursed twice and Bobby and Kon once, the heroes succeeded in releasing the people from their past from the crystals. The muse smiled, as she turned into a rune covered skeleton, a fake. The skeleton then said, “Well now the battle begins.”

DnD Melee & DnD Super Smash Kin (10/15/2021) & (10/22/2021)

With the group’s compatriots freed from their crystal prisons, they began to attack the party. Each of these menacing turned heroes seemed to have a glowing symbol on their chests, representing the hero that they were connected with. As the battle went on, some of the group noticed that these evil versions of their friends had a different symbol on their back.

After a grueling battle the heroes discovered that the friend fiends would vanish if both symbols glowed, the one on their chest and back, then they would immediately disappear from battle, for some inexplicable reason. They were able to do this with six of the friend fiends, but with two of them so badly damaged they dissolved into a glowing pile of bones once defeated.

Yyargita’s — Men’ghar — Success

Harbeck’s — Kathra Frostshield — Success

Mushu’s — Khan — Failure

Bobby’s — Alice Nelson — Success

Kon’s — Akmenos — Success

Colin’s — Fliorn Backbreaker — Failure

Valenae’s — Nendra Syambra — Success

Lucky’s — Lucky’s Friend — Success

DnD Fetal Genesis (11/5/2021) & (11/13/2021)

The gate at the back opened revealing a cavernous library. After a moment the smell of putrid blood filled the group’s nostrils, and at that point they knew they needed a long rest. Valenae with the help of Kon put up the spell Tiny Hut to rest in. Will the group be able to rest at all? Find out next time!

As they all rested in the Tiny Hut, unbeknownst to everyone, Harbeck glowed in his sleep. This aura seemed to strengthen the Hut, allowing the party to rest without alerting the horror within.

After everyone was able to take a long rest, the group entered the library. They immediately began to hear a whimpering from the back. As they explored the dark library they kept seeing flashes of a fluorescent purple energy shifting in and out around them. Yyargita noticed that there was a weird purple energy raining down from the high tower ceiling above. She noticed that this energy seemed to create more books on the bookshelves.

Yyargita then followed the sound of whimpering to the back of the library. She then found a woman scribbling on the floor and each scribbled word flashed purple as it floated up into the air and into the woman’s mouth. Yyargita tried to ask, “What’s wrong?” but the woman did not respond and continued with her odd behavior.

Bobby then arrived and told the group that he saw a lavender colored energy surge through the woman but a deep blackness seemed to reside in her belly. After hearing this Yyargita immediately tried to move the woman, in doing so the woman screamed as her stomach distended and grew. She then began to absorb more purple energy from nearby books and stopped bothering to scribble. Then Yyargita, fearing what was happening, tried to slash the baby right out of her with her antimagic blade.

The woman’s stomach then grew to titanic proportions as she screamed, absorbing all the books in the library in one fell swoop. The baby then grew into a giant, as the mother’s skin bloated and stretched to accommodate the 20’ baby.

A battle began with this growth, as familiar symbols appeared around the baby and around it’s fists. The two red symbols, one on each of the baby’s fists, were the Devil’s Trident symbol corresponding to Mushu, and the fourth element of Earth symbol corresponding to Colin. Surrounding the baby were five golden symbols and one greyed out symbol. The golden symbols were, the third element of Air corresponding to Kon, the second element of Water corresponding to Bobby, the first element of Fire corresponding to Valenae, the Sacred Flower corresponding to Yyargita, Soul Aura corresponding to Lucky, and the greyed out symbol was the Sacred Guardian corresponding to Harbeck (which was greyed out as Harbeck seemed to be able to activate is remotely during their rest).

The battle was tough as slashing or piercing damage against the baby would shower the attacker with embryonic fluid. Everyone in the group seemed not to know what to do with the symbols that were floating around. That is until Lucky activated his symbol which seemed to allow Colin and Harbeck to connect back with nature and their god so that they could use their magic once again.

As Harbeck got his magic back, he immediately attempted to banish the baby. This seemed to work until they noticed that the skin covering the baby and the woman were gone. Then the cursed possessions began, as the heroes who had failed in the trivia challenge were being controlled by the baby. Harbeck then used his final spell to lift the curse off of Colin, as his Call Lightning devastated the group and could not allow that to happen again.

Each of the symbols were activated in turn by their respective owners. Bobby’s seemed to damage the baby and heal those nearby for the same amount of damage. Kon’s seemed to throw the baby up in the air, hitting it with fall damage as it hit the floor. Yyargita seemed to heal the entire group. Lucky’s seemed to fix broken magical connections. Mushu’s (which was activated by the baby) seemed to curse the group so that they would fall under the baby’s control for a turn. Colin’s seemed to add earth/bludgeoning damage to the baby’s attacks. Lucky seemed to be able to activate Valenae’s symbol (as he was the one who had his symbol on the back of Nendra Syambra, Valenae’s Friend Fiend) activating the hyper aggressive ability of the symbol, fireball against the baby and only the baby.

Once the group was able to get the baby to zero HP, a second faze seemed to activate. The baby sucked the air around it as the purple energy that had penetrated into the building itself was now being absorbed by the baby. This seemed to make the baby grow even more as now this nonbaby had truly grown into the Aspect of Orpheus: Gluttony.

The battle seemed to have turned into Gluttony’s favor as he had cursed Yyargita the previous turn. But in a selfless act of clarity, Yyargita took out a canister of knock-out gas (that she had taken from the Bandits of the Delirious Desert) and activated it, hoping to knock herself out stopping her from hurting her friends. This worked better than she could have hoped as the gas exploded, filling the area, within a 20’ radius, with gas, including Gluttony. Yyargita was not the only one that fell unconscious but also Bobby and Gluttony.

With this turn of events the group was able to attack Gluttony without reserve and finished it off way easier than the DM was prepared for.

With Gluttony’s defeat, the woman returned from her banishment and revealed herself to be the Muse Clio, the goddess of history. Her skin was still stretched out beyond belief and the group tried to help her out offering her healing and food which she was not that interested in. When they offered her booze, she leapt on that and guzzled as much as the group was willing to offer her.

Hestia then offered treats that made the group feel like they’ve had a long rest, and began to heal the muse. Clio then began to feel much better. She then gave them her memory.

Clio’s Memory Poem:

Whispers and rumors now filled his head,

for this was the land most old men dread.

Bones, blood, and rotten flesh lay by their three heads

but his lament was so that they cried in their beds.

The callous ferryman too was swayed,

after this he met the God of the slayed.

Clio then offered the group 3 Flux Tomes, and 3 unintelligible books. She also offered the group the chance to call her 3 times. She was guaranteed to appear to answer any of their questions and even recreate the scene if need be.

The group then asked her many questions, one of which was to try and explain what was going on with the Green Guardian and the Red Lightning in the Alchemist Village. Clio did not seem to know anything at that moment as she had never been to their universe and had no chance to study them in the Dreamworld yet, as she had been possessed for a long time.

They then tried to ask the muse about the dark orb that was nested above the Odious Oasis Temple and she again was unable to give them any information on such a new phenomenon.

The gang then asked Hestia if they could send them to Hera, as they were curious to learn more information from her and possibly get some adamant for their god-killing weapon. They thought they could fane their interest in destroying Atlantis to get into her good graces. Hestia warned them about Hera’s temper but agreed and sent a message ahead to inform her of their arrival.

“Our Goddess Hera. We too hate the Atlantians and wish to discuss their state of affairs. Would you condescend to us for a meeting?”

Hestia then snapped her fingers and the group was teleported away.

DnD Godly Pursuits (11/20/2021)

After Hestia snapped her fingers, the group found themselves amongst what looked like a ruin. Many fallen and worn down columns and chunks of marble were scattered around them. A vertical cliff was just behind them proving they were high up on a mountain side. Up some stairs they could see a side of what appeared to be a perfect sphere, slightly glowing and opaque, obscuring whatever was inside.

The group then went up the stairs and crossed the threshold of the sphere. Inside appeared to be a pristine marble palace. As they stepped further in, they noticed a pretty woman walking down the stairs, with rainbow colored bangs. “Welcome,” she said with a wide smile and a slight bow. She continued with, “Are you the group that Hestia sent over?”

The group nodded. The woman then nodded back and asked, “What group name should I give to present you?”

The group looked amongst themselves and as one said, “The Seven Shenanigans.”

“Lovely to meet the Seven Shenanigans. I’m Iris, Hera’s attendant and messenger.” Iris then led them up the stairs, through some torchlit hallways, and into an odd throne room, with 12 thrones all in a circle, two of twelve above the rest. Hera sat in one of these thrones wearing a modern suit and headset talking to, what the magic users of the group could see, holographic scrolls with pictures and text going up and down them.

““The synergistic projections for profits in the fourth quarter will exceed projections by 14% but with drop off of sales in mid January be ready to layoff season workers by second week of January to offset this dip in sales.”

At this point Iris made a small cough to get Hera’s attention.

“Sorry Folks, my 2 o’clock is here.” Hera then waved her hand as the hovering “scrolls,” and even her suit and headset disappeared. Her suit was replaced by flowing greek robes that accentuated her bountiful figure.

“I’d like to introduce The Seven Shenanigans sent here by Hestia,” said Iris with a deep bow.

“Yes, I can see that. Your excused Iris,” said Hera, flicking her hand dismissively.

Hera then turned her head toward the group and said, “Your message intrigued me, but I would like to clarify, as stretched as I am trying to run things here and watch over what happens in the Dreamworld, Atlantis’ destruction is not at all a priority.”

Kon then tried a little flirting that didn’t go anywhere, but said, “What if we could get the whole of Atlantis to worship you?”

Hera thought for a moment and said, “For a deal to be struck, both parties need to get something out of it. What is it that you desire from me?”

Harbeck then chimed in, “We need adamant to destroy a god in another universe.”

Hera then seemed to get angry, “You would dare try to negotiate for one of the rarest of substances, one in which makes us gods as mortal as you?”

“Yes, as I said before, to kill a god in another universe,” said Kon, in a delicate tone.

“Let me enter your mind to see the truth of this,” said Hera, more as a command than a request.

Kon accepted, receiving some psychic damage for his troubles.

“I see you are telling the truth, although are you sure these are even gods? I have never heard of a primordial metaphysical god needing a host body,” said Hera

“We just trusted the Green Guardian,” said Kon, honestly.

“Naivitie can kill just as easily as any weapon,” said Hera. She then pondered for a moment and said, “The Atlantis people are few in number, you would have to sweeten the deal for me to accept this.”

“What did you have in mind?” asked Kon.

“I want all of you to become my heralds, and preach the gospel of Hera.”

The group did not unanimously choose this option.

“Then instead give me the Deck of Many Things and the Spirit Cards.”

Begrudgingly the group gave up these immensely powerful tools.

Hera then said, “The source of Adamant is no longer on Mount Olympos, with all this I’ll just tell you that you’ve already found the source.” Hera then snapped her fingers and the group felt the pull of teleportation once again.

The Seven Shenanigans found themselves in the middle of Atlantis. They began to question where it was that they needed to go with such vague advice. Kon then chimed in that they still needed to convert the Atlantians to worshiping Hera.

The Seven Shenanigans then walked over to the ritual institute to talk to Prince Milo. The group surrounded the Prince at his usual booth and smiled blankly at him, which immediately put Milo on the defensive. “Hello everyone,” said Milo.

The Seven Shenanigans tried to sell Milo on the wonders of Hera. Which he did not swallow well at all, as Atlanteans are famously atheist. But as Milo packed his wares away and tried to walk away to his dorm in disgust, Kon used his Vampiric Pheromones to try and force Milo to have an open mind. The suggestion was taken but Milo still returned to his dorm.

Yyargita followed, with the same look she had before, when looking for Sinbad’s finger bones. Harbeck followed Milo to his dorm while the others decided to look around and ask the professors if they knew where the source of Adamant could be.

Yyargita and Harbeck visited Prof. Gaeton and did not learn much from him other than Adamant was legendary but thought of as a myth, perhaps even from a very famous one.

Colin met up with Prof. Kashekin Nedakh. He asked to hold Colin’s hand and Colin accepted. The man looked in Colin’s general direction with his blind eyes, and said, “Oh you’re a dwarf. Don’t get many of those here.”

“Yep,” replied Colin, his upper lip contorting as the man felt every crevice between his fingers.

“A druid, how about that.”

Colin just rolled his eyes.

“Your mother was a big influence on you,” said the Professor, still feeling his fingers.

“Okay enough with the divining. Are you actually going to tell me how to find…”

“Oh you should look for the sweetest drink you’ve ever had.”

“The sweetest drink? You mean ambrosia?”

“The source of this drink will lead you to a state that will comfort you, aid you in many ways, make you feel more youthful and energetic than ever before,” said Kashekin Nadakh with almost lustful energy.

“That’s where I’ll find the adamant?”

“Adamant? What’s that?”

Colin then flipped the old man’s table and left his office.

Harbeck and Yyargita then found Prof. Lyle Tiberious Rourke. Yyargita was excited to see the professor but she didn’t have any finger bones for him. She then decided in her usual impulsive fashion and cut off her left pinkie and gifted it to the professor. He was scarily ecstatic and lifted his shirt to reveal a mouth along his stomach, which the professor fed her finger to. The professor then began to moan with pleasure as his second mouth chewed, savoring the flavors. Harbeck barfed into a corner and exited the room. Yyargita then calmly asked about her reward. The professor then threw her a velvety sack filled with 300 platinum. Yyargita then left the professor to his moaning, which could still be heard down the hallway.

Colin then met Prof Joshua Strongbear Sweet, the Abjuration chair. He was cooking up some food with the boar meat that Mushu had sold to Milo. He plopped a meat pie into Colin’s lips and asked, “How’s my meaty pie?”

Colin was tempted to say something more flirtatious but he remembered Hephaestus and showed restraint (something he didn’t do earlier with the King). The professor didn’t know much about Adamant but he said if they needed anything banished, he was their man.

The Shenanigans then met with Prof. Wilhelmina Bertha Packard, the Conjuration Chair. She knew of Adamant and even mentioned she could summon it, but said they were probably looking more for Transmutation than Conjuration.

The Seven (and Lucky), then met up with Prof. Audrey Rocio Ramirez, the Transmutation Chair. She mentioned that even if the substance existed they needed to have the substance to make more of it. To know the substance is half the battle when it comes to all forms of magic. Which surprised Harbeck as remembered that Wilhelmina said that she could summon it.

DnD The Judgment of Kon (12/04/2021)

The group, then unsure as to what to do, decided to at least go to the Alchemist village. Harbeck got their dogs, as well as checking up on Sinbad, who missed sailing.

Yyargita visited Hestia to see if she could heal her missing pinkie. Hestia led her to Polyhymnia who healed her for 50 gold, turning the gold into a new finger, which glowed very brilliantly and wouldn’t stop. She said something about it probably stopping in a few days.

Everyone else besides one missing shenanigan, then to the tavern for a drink. After a few beers, Kon went up to order a few more and was tapped on the shoulder by Artemis.

“Beer Bitch! It’s been too long, get me a few beers while I request a favor from you.” Artemis then drank three of Kon’s beers, shotgunning all the way. She then mentioned that her twin and her other brothers were all competing to see who would replace Zeus. She mentioned that the group should all get golden apples to vote.

The Six shenanigans (and Lucky) stayed the night at their usual room.


Colin took the transportation circle to The Werehuman Commune. There he saw Tigerlily Purrington, who mentioned that a big man in his life was gonna lead him to adventure.

Colin then went into the Cryptic Crypt and checked on Hephaestus, who was not in his workshop. He then checked the Mourner’s Well and found him there whispering into it yet again. Colin did not intend to drop any eaves but he heard, “The plan is almost ready.”

Hephaestus then noticed Colin and covered the well. As Colin attempted to question Hephaestus, Hephaestus used his masculine whiles to flirt and entice Colin into his bed, and for the 16 hours that they spent in it, Colin didn’t even acquire a short rest.

Colin later returned to the group in the Alchemist Village, joining at the usual breakfast buffet.

After breakfast, once Colin joined the rest of the Seven Shenanigans, the group decided to find the golden apples. They didn’t want to use the teleporter since the closest stop would have been the Shuffling Woods and not the Trinket Thicket. So they decided to find Hestia and have her send them.

They went to the Apothecary but discovered that Hestia wasn’t there. So after a bad performance check from Kon, the Muses assembled to try and teach him how to play normally. The rest of the Shenanigans then asked the muses to take them to the golden apples. The muses did so and the group ended up somewhere strange.

The group was then teleported to a dead tree, with what looked like a large reptile nest at the base of it. A branch was missing from the tree that looked relatively recently torn off. The group then continued to look for apples but only saw a tall mountain off in the distance.

The Seven Shenanigans then remembered they could call on Lechesis to assist in times of need. She was called upon and sent them to the correct location in the Dreamscape.

The Seven Shenanigans returned to the thicket, and found the Nymph there again. They bought apples from her 500 gold a pop, which the nymph used to replace any taken apple.

In the evening the gods assembled and Artemis dragged Kon so that he and the other Shenanigans would vote. Mushu voted for Ares, Harbeck voted for Apollo, Lucky for Hermes, and Kon for Dionysus. Mushu got a new sword, Harbeck got a spellbook, Lucky got some shoes, and Kon got some wine.

That night they partied and drank most of all of Kon’s wine, which made all their dreams come true. Harbeck got mining equipment, Mushu got various weapons, Kon got party favors, Yyargita got special herbs, Bobby got various weapons, and Colin got some coastal herbs.

But then they noticed some of their things were missing, and Lucky.

The Seven Shenanigans awoke to find that their stuff was missing. They also discovered that Lucky Cricket, Mushu’s brother, was missing.

Lucky Cricket seemed to have taken:


Courtship Blade

Thor’s Spare

Knockout Gas Canisters

2 Golden Apples

Valenae’s Puzzle Box

And a lot of Gold

The Seven Shenanigans then forced Kon to try and summon Artemis to track Lucky down for them. With only one apple to give her upon her finding the elf, Artemis wanted someone else to be stamped with her emblem. Colin put her emblem on his bicep. Artemis then said the group was allowed an hour of her time. She led them to the Shuffling Woods teleportation circle giving the group a point of exhaustion.

With a vendetta in his heart Harbeck led the group around the dreamscape to find his missing weapon. They then went to the Alchemist Village to recruit Minos Oxford to try and track Lucky. He took the job, pocketting 15 gold for the day.

They went to the dreamtower, where the Dreamcast were waiting patiently for the group to give them word about their missing member, Alpha. The group tried to lie their way out of it, only barely remembering their plight. The Dreamcast were not impressed and Cursed the group.

The Seven Shenanigans scour the dreamscape with no luck until they return to Atlantis, the last place they check.

DnD The Dragon’s Balls (12/11/2021)

The group then went to Atlantis, and found his trail again. It led to the Ritual Institute and to the specimen room where the trail ran cold. He was teleported away. They found out that it was the Necromancy chair Lyle Tiberious Rourke who teleported him, after he gave him various bones for his stomach mouth.

Then with the aid of Kashekin Nedakh they discovered that Lucky was teleported to the Treacherous/Tempting Tundra.

DnD The Vague Difference Between Lust and Love (12/17/2021)

The Seven Shenanigans then found themselves at the entrance to the Tempting/Treacherous Tundra. They tried to follow the footsteps of lucky but found an odd set of tracks that covered up a lot of Lucky’s. The tracks looked like a mix between a heavy body being dragged and something webbed.

The shenanigans then followed the tracks, finding a large feathered serpent thing following what looked like Lucky’s shadow. The group then tried to sneak and follow at a distance but both Harbeck and Valenae made loud noises to arouse the senses of the creature as it turned around and revealed itself to be a hydroose.

Mushu immediately took out her new sword from Ares and dashed toward the Hydroose. The rest of the gang tried to do what they could but it was a war of attrition. The corrosive blood of the hydroose lowered the armor class of anyone who got near while it bled. But with it’s many heads and variously colored auras, new heads would pop up when one was defeated. The hydroose would then send some of its extra heads flying at the far off Shenanigans shooting poison directly at them. Both Kon and Valenae became petrified from poison, which was the signal for the rest of the group to run.

The Seven Shenanigans called up for Lachesis who made measuring cords rain down from the sky, wrapping themselves around the Shenanigans and pulled them to safety.

Inside Lachesis’ pocket reality, where various cords and measures were about, she granted Kon and Valenae to walk about the realm in soul form, taking their max health down to 1/4th its original total and relieving them of the need to eat, sleep, and taking half of physical damage, although 2x the amount to magic and radiant. Lachesis said that she would leave their petrified bodies at the Apothecary in the Alchemist Village.

The Shenanigans then asked Lachesis to send them off to someone who could cure Kon and Valenae of their petrification. Lachesis only knew of a merchant who lived in a remote part of the Treacherous Tundra. The gang agreed to go and Lachesis sent them there.

DnD Tempting Fate (12/26/2021)

The Seven Shenanigans then found themselves inside a ruin. It sprawled out for them as far as they could see. There were some areas with deep trenches that looked fairly recently excavated, but for the most part it looked entirely uninhabitable. It looked as if a mountain had fallen on a city made of stone, with little to resemble structures besides the odd building here or there that had a column that had not collapsed or crushed to dust.

Valenae mentioned that she heard a sound off in the distance, as if a metal tool were hitting rock. They followed the sound and came upon a Gnome carefully excavating dirt and rock from one of the many trenches.

Harbeck immediately asked, “Have you seen a shitty elf named Lucky?”

The Gnome looked in shock at the large group he had not noticed before but quickly collected himself. “No, I have not seen a soul around for a few days.”

Yyargita then chimed in, “We’re looking for a merchant who might have an item to cure petrification. Would you happen to know where this merchant might be?”

The gnome then straightened his posture and dusted his jacket. “Actually I am a proprietor of certain items. I would not call myself a merchant exactly but I do enjoy making bargains when they can be mutually beneficial. I have here a vial of Gorgon’s tears that could cure petrification. A single tear could cure one of your friends.”

“Well, what would you want for one of these tears?” asked Yyargita.

“Well, there is a creature I’ve been searching for a while, a pegasus. I’ll give you a tear per feather, but I could also give you the whole vial for a special saddle that one of them is rumored to have.”

Valenae then asked, “Can you prove that these tears work?”

The Gnome just smiled and then got himself out of the trench. He told them to follow him as he went up a long alleyway.

The group then came upon one of the only buildings that they had seen so far that was relatively intact. The gnome went inside and the Seven Shenanigans followed. Inside the building it looked to be an old temple filled to the brim with various statues. The gnome went up to a statue that looked to be a cross between a possum and a hedgehog and took out a milky white vial, with a Gorgon’s head at the top of it. In almost one quick movement he put his arm above the statue and with a little flourish of his hands a single tear fell upon it. After a moment color spread all over the statue. The creature then breathed a long sigh, noticed all the tall creatures around it and darted always under their feet.

“Okay, we believe you,” said Valenae.

The group then left the Gnome to look for a pegasus. Yyargita cast… and was able to sense various creatures for many miles around. To the north she sensed a celestial, to the west a herd of something not quite matching the description required for the spell, and to the east a fey.

The group first went to the west and found a large group of beastly centaurs all on a circle watching a melee of sorts.

They went to the north afterward and found a siren which made Harbeck fall asleep. Mushu fireman carried him away as the left to get to the fey in the east.

To the east they then found a secret garden with many shrubs and some fruit bearing trees very much unlike the rest of the tundra. There they found 3 dryads who seemed afraid to see the group.

Yyargita tried to reassure the dryads that they were friendly. When asked, the dryads explained that this place was special, as it grew much of the food that supported the special creatures that stayed in the area. They then gave the group Pegasus feed in exchange for nitrogen rich substances to fertilize and make more foodstuffs.

The group then followed the dryads instructions and went further east to a place where the brook hit a rocky area where a natural trough was formed and offer the food there. The shenanigans followed the instructions and after a while a white puff floated down from the sky and a little horse head came out and fed on the Pegasus feed.

Yyargita cast speak with animals and learned that this was a little Pegasus fowl named Ivory. The timid fowl left and half promised that they would bring their parents, pooping out some rainbow shit that Valenae appraised as a rare commodity. Which they scooped into Colin’s backpack after they gave his belongings to Mushu to hold.

Ivory had eaten all of their Pegasus feed so the group went back to the dryads and gave the last of Mushu’s meat for more Pegasus feed.

This time when the group offered the feed, three puffs came down from the sky, a yellow, a blue, and a purple puff. The all came out of their puff balls and munched on the food, promising to get their parents. Each pegasus dropped a load of poop before flying off.

The group again was out of feed so they then went to the centaur group and snuck out 35lbs of centaur dung. Which the dryads loved and gave an equal amount of Pegasus feed.

They offered up 5 lbs to the trough and four more puff balls floated down, a black, orange, red, and green puff ball. They each ate the feed and dropped more poop. After leaving even more feed, all the puff balls descended again along with two fully grown Pegasus, one pure white and the other black. The black Pegasus stallion had on his back a saddle, of which the shenanigans thought was the one the gnome wanted.

The adults were apprehensive at first but after giving them feed and keeping their children safe, the black Pegasus gave them his saddle and one of his feathers. The white mare gave them one of her feathers. The saddle was apparently Perseus’ and when Harbeck activated his miracle sample the Pegasus reacted but didn’t fully recognize the cultural projected aspect of Perseus.

The Seven Shenanigans returned to the Gnome, handing the Saddle in exchange for the vial.

DnD Tundra Tribunal (1/8/2022)

After a hard time figuring out how to work the vial, both Kon and Valenae were heard from their petrification.

But, in the Alchemist village a yellow haze has settled on the town. All the villagers are missing. And a green hulking figure with red pulsing veins guarded green plant pods that seemed to have the same silhouette as people emitted yellow gas into the air.

After a long rest at the empty apothecary, the Seven Shenanigans decided to let the Alchemist Village deal with their own problems and leave. To their dismay however, half the town had strange roots and vines growing over them which also covered half of the teleportation circle.

Mushu knew just what to do and took his sword and tried to whack all the brambles away in one swing. Only getting rid of half of it the vines and roots which now were shooting out a thick yellow odd smelling gas. Mushu then decided to fight the plants with fire, and lit a torch. Everyone else suspicious of what might happen hid behind Mushu, as he chucked it at the teleportation circle. The ensuing fireblast engulfed the party and half the village. Destroying everything that the vines and roots had covered, and severely hurting the party.

Now that the yellow haze had cleared the Shenanigans decided to check out that strange creature that looked like a hulk version of one of Kon’s children, the Anti-nymphs. As they got closer to the creature and the human sized and relatively shaped pods, the Seven Shenanigans found it hard to see as if this was the main center of the blast. After someone cast Gust of Wind, all the missing villagers were revealed. They were covered in injuries, metal shrattenal, covered in a milky solution and what looked like cactus and gourd pieces all over their bodies.

After a long healing session, mostly from Harbeck and him reviving the village doctor Gaxius Barlaxt and first aider Raxka Hexract, the group investigated the hulkin figure that lay unconscious on the ground. The hulking anti-nymph had large pieces of shrapnel stuck in his back, which Yyargita promptly removed. Orange sap seemed to erupt out of these wounds and Mushu then collected some stray pod parts on the ground and used them as a sort of band aid, using the roupe to try and keep them in place.

Kon then decided to use detect thoughts. The surface thoughts of the anti-nymph were that of the explosion. He sensed the coming firestorm and quickly tried to reinforce the pods surrounding the townsfolk before the inevitable blast, saving everyone from instant death.

Kon then plunged deeper, finding out that the Anti-Nymph was looking for information and was encompassing the town trying to take in all the information into his mind..

Kon probed deeper still and found that the information the anti-nymph was looking for was about the temple the Alchemists were excavating in their universe.

Kon then probed even deeper, finding out that it was Hades who instructed this anti-nymph to find information about the temple.

With the teleportation circle destroyed, the group called Lachesis so that she might take them into the underworld. Once she appeared, she explained that no mortal should enter the underworld lightly as, you would need Hades permission to leave. Instead Lachesis sent the group to the Mourner’s Well to communicate with the Hades.

The group then addressed Hades and asked why he did what he did to the town. He mentioned that the heroes were not worthy of that information. Kon then asked why did his baby put all the people into pods. Hades then mentioned basic information was not what he wanted, he needed to experience the place, requiring much more personal information.

The group then tried to use the injured anti-nymph as a bargaining chip to get information out of Hades but he refused. But Hades refused, and teleported the Anti-Nymph to the underworld. Valenae tried to counterspell this, but failed due to the overwhelming power Hades still had. A surprise to her compared to what she felt from the other gods.

The Seven Shenanigans then went back to the Alchemist Village and helped them rebuild. They mostly moved debri to material fabrication sites to be recycled into the new structures. After two days the village was back to how it was, with a few updated things for the people to enjoy.

DnD A Pirate’s Life for Me (1/14/2022)

The Seven Shenanigans after helping rebuild the village decided to go sailing to try and find the Dream Cast’s Alpha. The only information they had was that she was last seen with Orpheus before the Dreamscape became a semi-permanent plane of existence.

They recruited Sinbad, as a previous sailor so that he might sail the royal yacht in Atlantis.

The Shenanigans then went to Atlantis and got permission from Milo to use the yacht. He gifted them The Anchor Link amulet, which allows the user to link and telekinetically control the anchor.

They then decided to check out the whirlpool/sinkhole and discovered Narcisis, who seemed to be a filter feeder eldritch horror. He claimed to have been a flower, brought here because Narcissus was Orpheus’ lady friend’s favorite flower.

They then went up toward the isle of tentacles and found too many demon beasts there so went up to the volcano. There was a little cave that allowed the yacht through. Inside was a giant forge when a deep voice called out, “I have been waiting for you!”

The Seven Shenanigans turned to see a scary mask of a cyclops where the voice originated. Out then cartwheeled an old woman who just giggled at them all, “TeeHee.” She introduced herself as Clotho, the last unmet sister of the fates. She then laid on her stomach and started to draw with chalk, kicking her legs as she did so.

The forge was described by Clotho to have been the first forge, a place where the original three cyclopes forged the mythical weapons during the war between the gods and the titans. The forge was huge, and had three workstations. Each workstation seemed to have a different mold on it, one for a shortsword, one for a greatsword, and one for a rapier. “Valenae” (played by Liz), noticed that all the swords reminded her of the ones Mushu and Lucky had.

The Shenanigans then tried to interrogate Clotho about anything and everything. Where is Orpheus? Where is the Dreamcast’s Alpha? What is at the center of the tentacle Isle? But to each question the woman giggled sweetly and said, “You have to earn that information with experience,” which sounded an awful lot like, “Spoilers.”

The group then noticed Clotho’s drawing of 9 lights sealing away a male musician in crystal.

The Seven Shenanigans then went to the Tentacle Isle to try and get to the crystal at the center. They were instantly beset by tentacle beasts that were too powerful for them. They then called Lachesis who reeled them up to her pocket dimension.

DnD Clash of Emotions (1/21/2022)

Lachesis was not too happy with the Seven Shenanigans. She thought that they would be smarter than just jumping into a situation. She then told them that she knew that they had all the tools that they needed to get to the center of Nightmare Isle. When asked, she told them that the Tentacle Nightmares were bandits that could not let go of their rage, and instead of their bodies succumbing to the flux state of the Dreamworld it was their souls, turning them into nightmares with surging emotions.

With this information the Seven Shenanigans returned to Nightmare Isle. Harbeck, hearing about the surging emotions of the Nightmares, used his spell Calm Emotions on them. The nightmares affected turned into bandits that appeared to be in jelly-like cocoons. With little resistance the Shenanigans were able to get to the sparkly center of Nightmare Isle without further incident.

What the Shenanigans found at the center took most of their breaths away. It was an immaculate crystal palace. After some careful observation it became known that this palace was not constructed but actually was carved out of a singular piece of crystal. It had eight noted towers that made up the visual bulk of the palace, it also had one similar tower at the it’s core, rising above the others. Each tower had a separate little crystal in front of it. Seven of them glowed brilliant colors, one for each color of the rainbow.

The fact that there were night towers and seven of the muses were rescued perked their curiosity. Then the Shenanigans recited from the poems/memories that had been given by the muses and each tower that had a glowing crystal started to glow the same color of the crystal. This seemed to give the entire structure more power. The Shenanigans then wondered if they were now in fact helping Orpheus or not.

The Seven Shenanigans then noticed a person inside, reflected all over the palace was a woman looking scared. They spoke to her, but she seemed to not know who or what had happened to her. Her earliest memory was of being in the palace. She only had nightmares for company. The Shenanigans suspected that she might be Eurydice as she matched all physical descriptions of her. They also noticed in the room she was in, there appeared to be no food or water, or anyplace to relieve oneself.

DnD And Then There Was…Hydroose (1/28/2022)

The Seven Shenanigans saw that Yyargita’s Automatic Teleportation Circle device activated, creating a new teleportation circle right outside the Crystal Palace. The Shenanigans then discussed what they wanted to do, and with some back and forth they came to realize that this woman could actually be the Dreamcast’s Alpha, forced to continue looking like Eurydice after interacting with Orpheus, the last known person to be seen with her.

To confirm the Shenanigans theory, they took the teleportation circle to the Humdrum Hills. There they were able to meet Ka who agreed to go with them to the Nightmare Isle. There he was able to ascertain that though she seemed to be something strange, her inability to flux was odd. Valenae then examined the palace and was able to tell that the structure was built to disperse permanence. It was aimed at whatever was in the central chamber but due to the spilling of its energy it seemed to be the thing responsible for making the Dreamworld semi-permanent.

Now that Ka was able to confirm that the Seven Shenanigans found their missing Alpha, he lifted their curse, allowing them to rest without worry.

The Shenanigans then decided to go to the Opal Oasis Temple to find out what was going on. Once they teleported there they noticed that black lightning descended sporadically from the Orb above. The Shenanigans’ metal equipment began to spark as lightning struck them. The heroes then booked it toward the Temple as quickly as they could.

Inside they found the place to be empty. The large congregation that they had before was completely gone. As they went further into the temple they found the Glamorous Bandit glowing with gold on the throne, where the imposter Polyhymnia sat before. He looked to be mildly in pain, almost constipated but continued to look down and seemed to not notice the party. Kon then went up to him and said, “Hi.” The Glamourous Bandit simply said the word, “Out,” in response. All of a sudden Kon was flung out into the main chamber like a cannonball out of a cannon.

The Shenanigans then decided to avoid the Bandit and checked out the rest of the temple. They ransacked the kitchen, taking all available food. They then went into the secret library, passing the odd hallway with the performance statue. There they found luxury spell components and three odd potions that are meant to be sniffed in one chest, and in its secret compartment. In the second chest they found a mysterious magnifying glass, a wooden box with five different metal swirl designs all over it, and the chest itself seemed to have some kind of extrademensional property, but the group was unable to exploit it. The group then took five volumes with the most magical text along with them.

The Seven Shenanigans then decided to leave as they were not sure what else to do. As they did, they found themselves back in the jacuzzi room. So unable to do anything they all decided to get in and rough house, not noticing a pink door appeared in the hallway.

DnD House of Reeds (2/4/2022)

The Seven Shenanigans continued their jacuzzi bath. Each of them enjoying the warm water, no one more than Kon, who kept shedding white gunk from his nether regions. Valenae noticed this right away as one floated near her and she quickly ran out of the bath and into the hallway of the Opal Oasis Temple. There she noticed a pink door that she had not seen before.

Valenae called out to the other Shenanigans. Kon came over the quickest. Valenae and Mushu tried to knock and even bash on the door but nothing seemed to happen. Then Kon tried to see if a song could do anything, and played an enchanting tune.

The door opened and a little girl came out from around the corner, she looked quite fascinated at the song and smiled widely at Kon. When asked she told them that she was there playing with her mother. When Kon asked if she was single, she lost interest and quickly shut the door in his face.

Interested in this weird door situation Valenae and Mushu tried to escape the Temple again, this time finding themselves in the dining room. They searched the temple and found a blue door that they had never noticed before. The smell of incense and sounds of a gong and a fountain could be heard. They knocked and a woman’s voice came through the door. Valenae and Mushu pleaded with her to open the door as they needed to save a little girl. The door opened and Valenae and Mushu entered, and as soon as they did the door closed behind them. Harbeck, who was there the whole time, never saw the door in the room, thinking Valenae and Mushu had lost their minds, but then he saw them disappear behind a stone wall.

Harbeck ran toward the others and explained what happened. They seemed concerned and huddled together away from any of the walls. Harbeck was protected by Thor and was not afraid so he tried to escape the Temple and fight whatever was taking his friends. He came back into the kitchen and found a red door there. He knocked and a bushy bearded, healthier looking Cassim (one of the bandit leaders) appeared before him. Smoke billowed into the temple from behind him. Harbeck asked him what was going on, and he just simply asked why there was a weird door in his meat smoking hut. Harbeck, being a renowned carnivore, then tried to buy some of Cassim’s meat. As a tavern owner, Cassim had no reason to refuse and gave Harbeck some smoked ham and bacon.

With the meat in his backpack, he then found an odd tugging sensation as he then got sucked into the door which then closed behind him.

Mushu and Valenae then tried to ask the woman as many questions as they could. She mentioned that she was Princess Badroulbadour (which Mushu Instantly just started calling her Princess BB), she was happy and healthy and was just in the middle of her morning meditation. She did mention that her Kingdom of Balbad was surprisingly at peace as a neighboring kingdom had suddenly decided on having peace and trade negotiations rather that going to war.

Mushu then tried to leave via the door that she entered from but found it led to a random palace hallway and not back into the Temple. This is when both Valenae and Mushu began to panic.

Harbeck found himself in a hot and smoky smoke hut with Cassim. Harbeck then offered to buy more of his meat, whatever he could get with 10 gold. Harbeck got a whole underbelly of bacon and full ham. Then Harbeck tried to leave but noticed the door he had entered from had disappeared. He then tried to leave via the exit and saw the back area of a nice tavern but as he tried to cross the threshold he found himself falling from the flue in the ceiling. Harbeck took quite a bit of fall damage from the 40 feet tall ceiling.

Then Harbeck tried to interrogate Cassim about what was happening, being rather rude. Cassim then began to feel odd and seemed to flux in time as two of him seemed to try to separate and come back together. Harbeck then noticed, through the door, the shadows outside quickly seemed to go backward with the sun and then Cassim’s fluxing stopped.

Cassim looked at Harbeck and noticed the meat he had in his bag. With a quick check of his own coin purse he knew that Harbeck did not pay and must be a thief. He for some reason did not remember the exchange and the gold that Harbeck handed over had seemingly disappeared.

Back in the temple, Yyargita, Colin, Bobby, and Kon were very worried about their comrades and didn’t know what to do. Colin tried to leave the premises and came back into the secret library. He was able to find a green door in the throne room. Where the group had an idea. Yyargita then tried to talk to the glamorous bandit again and similarly to Kon, he said, “Out,” and she was flung into a pillar.

Mushu and Valenae then kept asking Princess BB about a possible little girl or if she could give them a tour. Out of character, or as far as Mushu and Valenae could tell, she did not want to leave her bedroom and only wanted to meditate. Valenae then went to the balcony to look at the garden below, which looked like a nice garden, she then looked up and did not see a sun, but a giant mass of eyes, that glowed yellow. Valenae told Mushu who also looked at that and was concerned. They confronted the Princess with this information and she complained of a headache, and then all of a sudden the shadows shifted, and the Princess then did not recognize the Mushu or Valenae.

They both lied and told her that they were her advisors and that they wanted to join her meditation. Just as Princess BB got into position, Mushu grabbed her as Valenae opened the door, and Mushu flung her into the hallway. Instantly the room turned red and both Valenae and Mushu felt a pressure in their heads as the mass of eyes seemed to descend and look at them. Mushu was unable to fight off this feeling, and blacked out as Valenae saw the world melt and spin around her.

Mushu woke up to find himself in his father’s workshop/ Little luck was running around and was oddly taller than Mushu. Unable to remember his recent memories Mushu went and chased after his big brother.

Valenae woke up to see the Princess’ bedroom back to how it used to be but instead now the Princess was lying in bed complaining of a headache. Valenae then cast Sleep upon her. In doing so the room went dark as Princess BB just floated gently where her bed was. Valenae then turned into a giant eagle, using Polymorph, and flew up toward the mass of gold eyes. She then attacked one of the giant eyes with her talons and beak. When it turned red and seemed to want to return an attack, Valenae fled toward a different light source.

There she found the little girl inside a little adobe home. Still curious about what was happening, Valenae then flew back up and looked toward something, anything that might show her where Mushu was. She found a workshop and saw a glint of the white hero she was used to but on closer inspection saw a toddler version of Mushu.

Harbeck, being fed up with Cassim not remembering the exchange, tried to get him to go outside of the smoke hut. Nothing seemed to work, although Harbeck mainly just threw bones and gold coins, as if trying to play fetch with Cassim, which backfired as they landed on his head and in his eye. Harbeck then wacked him in the head, and time seemed to go back again as Cassim accused him yet again of being a thief. At this point Harbeck grabbed Cassim and threw him out the door, turning the place red and a new pain entered his head he could not fight and woke up in a tent.

Kathra Frostshield entered the tent and congratulated Harbeck on winning the battle Mzar-Duhl with no soldier lost.

Yyargita was pissed at being thrown into a pillar and then shot an arrow, striking the Glamorous Bandit. It hit him but he did not seem too phased by it. He uttered the word arise, and a werewolf appeared ready to attack them Yyargita, Colin, Kon, and Bobby.

DnD House of Reeds 2 (2/11/2022)

After the events of the week before, Valenae was still in her giant eagle form, gliding just outside Mushu’s father’s workshop. She landed on a corner of Mushu’s house and looked into the workshop hoping to see her friend. Valenae saw Arges the Cyclops hammering away at whatever new metal project he was working on, but it glowed most interestingly as Valenae could tell when magical objects were being constructed. Valenae also noticed a child version of Lucky Cricket running around being slowly chased by a toddler version of Mushu.

Valenae decided that she should test this fake world so Valenae grabbed a stick stuck in the rain gutter and threw it through one of the workshop windows, right at Lucky. It hit him hard and Mushu’s father, Arges, stopped what he was doing and ran over to Lucky.

Seeing an opportunity, Valenae turned back into her elf form and tried to coax Mushu out of the workshop. He seemed compelled to stay, but was so entranced by Valenae and her magic he left the workshop. The instant that Mushu crossed the threshold the entire scene turned red. Valenae remembered the same experience that she had with Princess BB, but was still scared of the mass of eyes that descended upon Mushu’s childhood home. The eyes flashed which caused harm to both Valenae and Mushu.

Harbeck found himself in a tent, without any memory of the dreamworld, the Seven Shenanigans, or much of the more recent events of his life. As he pondered his own lightheadedness, something he was about to dismiss as a hangover, Kathra Frostsheild came into his tent and congratulated him on his overwhelming victory, with no casualties. Just as Harbeck was about to say something, everyone Harbeck knew from Company 42 then joined him in his tent bringing in casks of ale and drinking games. Harbeck was elated and joined in.

The rest of the Shenanigans had their own problems. The werewolf that the Glamorous Bandit started swiping at Bobby, even using lair actions to try and bite and turn him. Then Colin used Moonbeam which transformed the werewolf and revealed them to be a bandit. While turned into a bandit the Shenanigans made quick work of him but not before Colin moved the Moonbeam to hit the Glamorous bandit who was not paying attention to them at the time. He uttered the word, “Pain,” which struck a psychic blow to everyone within his eyesight as he gave them an evil eye.

As the bandit laid dead, the one turned back into his true form from that of a werewolf, skeletal hands ripped through the bandit’s chest as three skeletons got up out of the bandit and began attacking the group. Horrified, the group continued striking the foes, at one point Yyargita even picked up a femur and struck the Glamorous Bandit, causing him to say, “Pain,” yet again, hurting the group.. The Shenanigan then completely destroyed the skeletons. As their bones laid cracked and bare the marrow began to move and escape their calcium prisons. The marrow then scurried across the floor toward a singular point. This is when the group freaked out by what they were witnessing, they knew they were in a rough situation and could not fight for much longer. Bobby nearly died and they had used quite a lot of their own power and resources.

They then quickly ran toward the healing jacuzzi bath, and barricaded themselves inside the room, as Kon prepared his Tiny Hut spell. They then heard an otherworldly screech and then chanting from the dining room, so Colin moved his nearly depleted moonbeam over in that direction as he heard a loud hiss but without knowing what was in the room they could not do much more.

Kon had just completed 18 seconds worth of the ritual casting of Tiny Hut, but Colin had a sinking feeling that something was coming. Tune in next week to learn more.

Adam Yasukawa

A bit wacky, mischievous, and random. A baking enthusiast, with a mind for fantasy, science fiction, and looking for that tiny glimmer of a perfect world.